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About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 Super Hero Productions ~ Musicians Booking Musicians ~ Artist Management / Talent Buyer / Booking Agent ~ Contact: Nicholas Hensley at ~ ~ Web: ~ Web 2: ~ Web 3: ~ Web 4:

My Interests


Member Since: 10/30/2006
Band Website: click friends tiffs, ogara's, eagle st. and lsfam
Band Members:Roster:............................................. .............The Tiffany Lounge, O'Gara's Garage, Love Songs For Angry Men, The Eagle Street Grille, The Careys, Joe Carey, Jim Carey, The MN Songwriter's Showcase, Mary Elias, Jeff Ray and Nick Salisbury, The District, Violets Undercover....
Influences: Helping Local Musicians find a place to ROCK since 1998.
Sounds Like: Super Hero Productions has worked with some of the Midwest's premier music venues, festivals, benefits and artists: ARTISTS: The Gear Daddies, The Why Store, The Samples, The Nadas, The District, Love Songs For Angry Men, Chris Shaffer, Hookers and Blow, Carbon Carousel Featuring Eye Dea, Orange Whip, The Power of Ten, The Careys, Martin Zellar and the Hardways, Il Chemistry featuring Carnage and Desdamona, Abzorber, The Limns, Nice Peter, Eddie Mac, Born Under Punches, Mark Stary and The Whiskey Roses, Mickey Robbins, Tales of a Porcelan Cat, Jeff Ray, Nathan Miller, city on the make, Billy Johnson's Roadshow, The Alarmists, Big Ditch Road, Little Man, Dance Band and many more VENUES: (in MN) The Tiffany Lounge, O'Gara's Garage, Plum's Tavern, The Fine Line Music Cafe, The Red Carpet, Bogart's, The Washington Square, The NE Palace, Babe's, Scooter's, Vic's, Axel's Bonfire, The Narrrows North and Original, The Tap Room, DB Searle's, Lord Fletcher's, The Eagle Street, Torgies, Rookies, The Canadian Honker, McDivot's, Sal's, Fatboy's, Billy's, Sally's, Stub and Herb's, Floyd's, The Halftime Rec (in KS) The Jazz Haus, The Hurrican, The Emporium (in NE) The Ranch Bowl, The Music Box, O'Conner's (in WI) The Bodega, The Alpine Inn (IA) House of Rock, Mickey's, Connie's (IL) Joe's Garage, Shubas, Lake View Links, Kenny's Tavern, The Cubby Bear
Record Label: SHP Records
Type of Label: Indie