Weight Training. Salsa Dancing. Reading. Football, Basketball.
Out going, Ethical, laid back, goal oriented, passionate People, who exercise, eat right & are trusting loyal friends.
Salsa, Merengue, Hip Hop, Jazz, Blues, Trip Hop, Deep House, R&B, Reggaeton, Dance Hall Raggae. Some Classical.
Sounder, Color Purple, Scarface, Airplane, Deliverance, Heat, Star Wars, Dune. Do the Right thing.
Family Guy, The Shield, Nip Tuck, Sopranos, Curb your enthusiasm, 24, The L Word.
The Color Purple, Dune, The Devinci Code. Born Identity
In order of importance. JESUS, Dr. Martin Luther King, Ghandi, My Mom, Alexis. Vince Lombardy