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Hi, I'm Kris. I live in Ghent together with my girlfriend in a very cosy cité. We like living here a lot, but we hope to move one day to the countryside to get some more space and quietness. I teach in primary school to six-year olds. Learning them how to read, write, maths...teach them everything actually ;-) It's a nice job, but sometimes it can take a lot of energy. Spare time ? Well, I'm secretary of musicclub N9 in Eeklo for quite some years (11) now. I started as a volunteer bartender like everyone in our club ;-). It's really cool, as you get the opportunity to meet a lot of artists and other people. N9 is a great place with an excellent programmation ! You should visit us one day ! Music is the biggest hobby of my life. I see lots of concerts during the year and I collect lots of music. I like to organise small concerts (in our livingroom or somewhere else) and festivals as well. Other hobbies ? I do some mountainbike from time to time and some badminton. I used to play badminton in competition but unfortunately there's no time for that anymore...Other interests ? Travelling, good food (I love italian and japanese ! ), my Landrover Defender, wine, old stuff, vintage, 70'ies, to get to know new people,...What else would you like to know about me ? Just ask, I won't bite ;-) Myspace is great ! Bye !
Go to ImageShack to Create your own SlideshowSoirée Cité was a piece of theater that was played at our cité in Ghent in september 2006. It was played by Collectief Fictief from Eeklo. Subject was the marriage between Katja en Benny and how their neighbours responded to that. The stage was our house and the 11 others from our neighbours. They used the livingroom, the kitchen, first floor, they even acted in our bed ;-)...It was a unique piece that was played 4 times for a sold out crowd. For myself it was my debut as an actor. Unforgetable !
Baby Dee was our guest for 2 days in september 2007. She played in Eeklo a great concert with piano and harp. You can see soms pics from the concert above. Afterwards Dee stayed 2 days at our house in Ghent where she played an unforgetable houseconcert for 30 people. You can see some pics from that concert underneath. It was our second houseconcert that we organised. Dee is a great person and a superb artist. You should check her out, she's amazing ! On sunday Dee and I went to the city centre to meet up with some old friends at Pink Flamingo's. Dee, thanks so much for comming to our place !
Whip (aka Jason Merritt from Timesbold) came to play at our house here in Ghent for my 30th birthday on february 7th 2008. As a longtime fan I couldn't have imagined a better birthday present. It was an unforgetable gig with some Whip/Timesbold classics and some new songs ! Our cat was the support act ;-) Jay, thanks a lot man ! We enjoyed it very much !This is a new song from Whip from the houseconcert on february 7th 2008. It was the very first time Whip played this one, there's no title yet...But one of my favourites of the evening.On february 6th 2008 I celebrated my 30th birthday. I asked Silver Junkie, a great band from Brussels, to play at our house. A few months before I was stunned by their EP "Midtown Walk" so it was an honour to have them for my birthday. We got to know Tino and Lydia by coincidence at mutual friends. They are people who I admire because of their belief in their project, and also because they choose the difficult way to make their dream come true. You guys rock !! ;-) Silver Junkie played here as a trio with Tino Biddeloo (voice, piano, guitar), Nik Phelps (saxophone, trumpet) and Paul Pollmann (guitar, diatonic accordeon, piano, silver flute and bandoneon). It was a great concert ! I think some new friendships were made that evening. Tino, Lydia, Paul, Nik, Kathleen...a big thanks to you to make this evening possible !! These pics were made by Kathleen Steegmans.On saturday march 29th our friend Bherman played a wonderful concert in our livingroom togheter with Geert Simoen on percussion. I hope it won't be the last time they were here ;-) Respect to you guys !! Later on the evening Charles Frail played his first concert ever in Belgium. After his performance we all thought that he is a great talent and that it won't be his last gig here. The next day he played Paradiso Main Room...Charles Frail...remember his name. Underneath are some pics.

My Interests

Concerts, music, travelling, people, history, sports, art, old stuff, 70'ies, vintage interior design, Art Deco, Art Nouveau,...

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet my grandfather who died when I was 2 as I have no memories of him, musicians like Robert Wyatt, Nick Drake (a bit hard as he is dead, maybe in heaven), Jeff Buckley (to play soccer in heaven, I know you liked that Jeff ;-) ), Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Che Guevara,...and you ;-)
These are pictures from my travel to London, Cambridge and Tanworth-in-Arden in april 2003. This was my personal search for the person and music behind Nick Drake, who I admire a lot. This was the most emotional travel of my life, on my own with backpack. Afterwards in july 26st and 27th 2003 I organised with some american friends the first official Nick Drake Tribute in his hometown of Tanworth-in-Arden. It was great ! These are memories I will remember for life. About 30 people showed up from the USA, UK, Belgium, Italy, Scotland,...Gabrielle Drake (Nick's sister) and Robert Kirby (Nick's arranger) came to visit us. We ended with a very intimate service for Nick at St-Mary Magdalene. In 2004 I worked togheter with Cucamonga on belgian Radio 1 to make a documentary on Nick Drake. You can still listen to it on their website. In my opinion, it's the best radiodocumentary about Nick ever made. All the important people in Nick Drakes life were interviewed. I've been in Tanworth 4 times now. There is still a tribute every year. For me, it's not necessary anymore. Everything that had to be told about Nick is told, so... But still, Tanworth-in-Arden is a great place to visit one day ! And if you have never heard of Nick, take a listen to his work, you'll be stunned, like me...


In no particular order : Baby Dee, Nick Drake, 16 Horsepower, Jeff Buckley, Joanna Newsom, Devendra Banhart, Alela Diane, Murder, Charles Frail, Vetiver, Iron and Wine, José Gonzales, Lou Rhodes, Dead Can Dance, Sigur Ros, Mum, Parachutes, Riceboy Sleeps, Explosions In The Sky, Arcade Fire, Bell Orchestre, Guillemots, Radiohead, The Album Leaf, The Soul's Release, In A Minor Reflection, Max Richter, Bonnie Prince Billy aka Will Oldham, Bright Eyes, Johnny Cash, Woven Hand, Lilium, Tindersticks, Stuart A. Staples, Big Low, Parne Gadje, Timesbold, Whip, Ben Weaver, Dez Mona, South San Gabriel, Will Johnson, Centro-matic, Phosphorescent, My Morning Jacket, Marissa Nadler, Antony, The Dead Brothers, Current 93, Larsen, Sufjan Stevens, Jack Johnson, Nick Cave, Warren Ellis, Daniel Johnston, Lambchop, Vashti Bunyan, Jim White, Fink, Justin Nozuka, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Tom Waits, Air, Moby, Eels, Ben Harper, Willard Grant Conspiracy, At The Close Of Every Day, Low, Friends Of Dean Martinez, Lamb, Buena Vista Social Club, Ali Farka Touré, Erik Truffaz, Johann Johannsson, Olafur Arnalds, Olöf Arnalds, Valgeir Sigurdsson, Sam Amidon, Dawn McCarthy, Regina Spector, Bugge Wesseltoft, Nils Petter Molvaer, Herbie Hancock, Jimmy Smith, Les McCann, Donny Hathaway, Curtis Mayfield, Isaac Hayes, Donald Byrd, Lou Donaldson, Miles Davis, Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Billy Holliday, Nina Simone, Kraftwerk, The Velvet Underground, The Doors, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, John Lennon, Brian Wilson, The Beach Boys, The Soft Machine, Robert Wyatt, Neil Young, JJ Cale, Lou Reed, John Cale, Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, The Mothers of Invention, Robert Johnson, John Lee Hooker, John McLaughlin, Brad Mehldau, Jaco Pastorius, Aka Moon, M. Ward, De Kift, De Cauter familie (Koen,Myrddin,Dajo,Waso), Django Reinhard, Tcha Limberger, De Piotto's, Fapy Lafertin, Bherman, Charles Frail, Emiliana Torrini, John Parish, PJ Harvey, Jack Johnson, Damien Rice, Ryan Adams, Beck, Sean Lennon, Yann Tiersen, Goldmund, Helios, De Portables, Rivulets, Delaney Davidson, Message To Bears,...


The Motorcycle Diaries, Hable Con Ella, De Zaak Alzheimer,Dancer In The Dark,Walk The Line...Almoldovar ; Von Trier movies... /


In De Gloria, Het Eiland, Merlina, The A-Team, MacGyver


Nick Drake - The Biography (Patrick Humphries) Darker Than The Deepest See - The search for Nick Drake (Trevor Dann)


Mijn ouders, MacGyver, Superman, John Massis, Sinterklaas

My Blog

Charles Frail / Bherman huisconcert zaterdag 29 maart 2008

Zaterdag 29 maart 2008 om 20u30     "Toen de lucht zijn longen had verwrongen bekroop hem een koud gevoel van schaamte. Alsof de woorden die hij sprak enkel echo's waren van een lang vervl...
Posted by Kris on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 05:25:00 PST

My Top concerts for 2007 and some thank you’s

Here is my top 30 list of past gigs I enjoyed in 2007. As in my cd list of 2007, it was also very hard to give them a place in this list. Gigs that are stick in my mind : Dez Mona in an old small roma...
Posted by Kris on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 10:18:00 PST

My top Cd’s of 2007

These are my top 25 cd's released in 2007. It was very hard to give them a place in this list as they are all so great. Most of them are known artists and albums, but please check out Silver Junkie, a...
Posted by Kris on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 09:24:00 PST

James Yorkston concertverslag Music In Mind 2007

James Yorkston Gezien op zaterdag 17 februari 2007 op Music in Mind festival in Brugge.   In het programmaboekje lazen we dat James Yorkston zijn songs ging brengen op een tapijt dat strijkers...
Posted by Kris on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 02:43:00 PST

Guillemots concertverslag Music In Mind 2007

GuillemotsGezien op zondag 18 februari 2007 op Music in Mind in MaZ BruggeEr zijn zo van die optredens waar je achteraf maar wat trots over bent dat je erbij was die bewuste zondagavond in de Magdalen...
Posted by Kris on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 02:38:00 PST