Mrs Nibbles profile picture

Mrs Nibbles

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

real editor best profile tools I'm quite a puzzle...
still trying to put the pieces together myself (i'm sure there are a couple missing anyway) A wandering & wondering soul, bOuNcInG hearT, restless mind... but confident and eager to find my own way in life. As far as you know, I might speak and live in contradictions. I prefer high highs and low lows over a mediocre life - enjoying the ride so far :)End while I'm puzzling, I try to keep Rilke's wisdom in mind:I beg you… to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without ever noticing it, live your way into the answer…


My Interests

Every expression of art that moves me, broadens my mind, makes me think & feel ... mainly music, but also contemporary dance, photography... I love seeing the sincerity of the artist/maker and cherish those moments where art has the power to overtake everything and blows you off your socks. I like to take time off every now and then to travel for a month. I love to discover new places & meet new people. I'm impulsive, I love change in general and trust life. I love small concerts in small venues, chocolate, spending hours in book- and record-stores, enjoying the first sun, thinking my time away, dinners with friends, small independent movie theatres, coffee & croissants on a sunday morning, reading, travelling, candle light, Art Nouveau, bathing, being on my own, Rilke, the way the sun sets so slowly during Finnish winter, Helmut Newton, my freedom and independence, writing, notebooks, fairytales, love, sleeping, watching people go by, long walks in the forest, dancing, old people for their wisdom, old buildings for their soul, people in general and their -sometimes strange- behaviour.Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui & Akram Khan dancing Zero Degrees. As close as you get to the essence.

I'd like to meet:

Passionate personalities, creative minds, music lovers, likeminded souls, people who broaden my mind or way of thinking, warm-hearted, non-judgemental, openminded and free spirited earthlings (and/or aliens) ...


Leonard Cohen * Nick Cave * Tom Waits * Johnny Parry Trio * Tom McRae * Mark Lanegan * Tindersticks * Woven Hand * Dez Mona * Lambchop * The Low Lows * Black Heart Procession * The National * Elbow * Stuart A. Staples * Jeff Buckley * Ryan Adams * Pixies * Sophia * PJ Harvey * Sigur Ros * Antony and the Johnsons * Patrick Watson * Heavy Trash * Scott Walker * Steve Earle * Cave Singers * Silverjunkie * Murder * Devastations * Godspeed You! Black Emperor * Mazzy Star * Joseph Arthur * William E. Whitmore * Kate Bush * Calexico * M. Ward * An Pierle * Arno * Jacques Brel * Portishead * Spain * Low * Interpol * Howe Gelb * Bright Eyes * 16 Horsepower * Keith Caputo * David Gray * Husky Rescue * Ella Fitzgerald * Serge Gainsbourg * Joan as Policewoman * Ane Brun * iLiKETRAiNS * Gravenhurst * Ef * Pajo * Louis Armstrong * Nina Simone * Black Rebel Motorcycle Club * Grandaddy * Grant Lee Buffalo * The Sheila Divine * The Twilight Singers * Radiohead * Stina Nordenstam * Lisa Ekdahl * Under Byen * Hawksley Workman * Great Lake Swimmers * Velvet Underground * Afghan Wighs * Mercury Rev * Kent * The Denver Gentlemen * Tarantella * Otis Redding * Gutter Twins * Madrugada * The Smiths * Anne Clark * Bob Dylan * Mogwai * Massive Attack * Craig Armstrong * Max Richter * The Stranglers * Front 242 * Manu Chao * Luka Bloom * The Album Leaf * Arvo Pärt ... the Ever Expanding Musical Universe...I'm a Lyrics Girl and a musical Coctail Girl really...from New Wave to Klezmer and everything in between. As long as it moves me. I love to discover (and often re-discover) music for every mood(swing)...

Dez Mona



Peep Show


Irving * Nabokov * Palmen * Cave * Dostojevsky * Hesse * Rilke * Bukowski * de Botton * Houellebecq * Salinger * Hamsun


Praying Arm Lane Lyrics ..

My Blog

Concert Review / Johnny Parry Trio / Dez Mona / 10 Feb. 08 @ MaZ / Brugge

Danse Macabre   De Ma/Z werd afgelopen zondag onder de noemer 'My Voice / A Song' het schouwtoneel voor opvallende vocale extremen. De diepe fluisterdalen waarin Johnny Parry rondspookt, w...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 10:57:00 PST

Interview / Wim Vandekeybus 21 November 2007

Wim Vandekeybus als link tussen striptease en boks       (interview nav. Carte Blanche) Na de eerste editie van Carte Blanche, in 2004, mag Mauro Pawlowski dit weekend de fakkel doorgeven aan een van ...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 02:25:00 PST

CD review / Devastations / Yes, U

Beggars Banquet label, bewijst dat het trio ontegensprekelijk blijft groeien en zichzelf met elke plaat naar een hoger niveau tilt. Twee songschrijvers én twee zangers in de gelederen van je gro...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 02:30:00 PST

Interview Tom McRae / July 2007

Ik wil niet enkel voor het koor preken! Dit weekend zwaaide het Brugse Minnewaterpark zijn poorten open. Het Cactusfestival heerste er drie dagen over de bloemperken en het muzika...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 10:50:00 PST

Concert Review / Woven Hand / 24 Mei 07 / Handelsbeurs, Gent

De Duivels Uitgedreven   Het moet al meer dan tien jaar geleden zijn; de dag dat Sixteen Horsepower ons met 'Sackloth 'n' Ashes'  en de daarbij horende dosis verstomming- voor de eerste kee...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Mon, 28 May 2007 10:23:00 PST

Concert Review / Keith Caputo & The Sad Eyed Ladies / 13 Mei 07 / 013 / Tilburg

Magisch Realisme     Voor een fijn mens en muzikant als Keith Caputo bollen we graag twee uur het land onzer Noorderburen binnen. Meer nog, we maken er met plezier een weekendtrip van. ...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:48:00 PST

Concert review / Tom McRae / 9th of May 07 / Koninklijk Circus, Brussel

De Wonderjaren voorbij?   Het gebeurt wel meer dat we -al ploegend door de platenbakken- opeens de drang voelen om het lot even beslissingsbevoegdheid te geven. Dat we daardoor wel eens opgeschee...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Thu, 17 May 2007 01:25:00 PST

Concert review / Howe Gelb & The Voices Of Praise / 29 April 07 / MaZ, Brugge

Vuur aan de lont   Wat kon een woestijnvos uit Arizona nog meer wensen dan zon en cactussen om zich thuis te voelen in Brugge? Weinig zo bleek, want terwijl het zoveelste hitterecord genade...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Sat, 05 May 2007 08:09:00 PST

Interview iLiKETRAiNS / Feb. 07

..> Tragische helden herleven Als er moet gekozen worden tussen een doorsnee geschiedenisles of de muziek van iLiKETRAiNS, dan wint de Engelse band met ruime voorsprong op de schaal van onderh...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 11:13:00 PST

Music In Mind / The Low Lows, Gravenhurst, Max Richter, iLiKETRAiNS / 23 Febr 07

Last But Not Least   De laatste concertavond van Music in Mind, werd er één waarbij we van de ene aangename verrassing in de andere struikelden.  Een topavond met nogal wat spek voor&nb...
Posted by Mrs Nibbles on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 09:41:00 PST