Charge up your batteries, polish your lens, do some deep knee bends and wash out your paint brushes cuz it's time for Zannel Fest! It's the contest that challenges you to create pieces of media that you think will amuse and inspire people so much that they'll feel like snatching a Russian satellite and broadcasting it to the world. If you're up to the viral challenge, you might just win some fantastic prizes.
Our esteemed judges will evaluate your work in the two following categories....
The Viral Video Contest - This is the ultimate contest for extremely contagious videos. The only requirement is that your video is so incredible that we can't resist passing it on to all our friends.
The Viral Image Contest- On the same note, create an image so compelling that we can't help but pass it along. Use your artistic powers to draw, paint, photograph or concoct something ingenious. Here are a few examples…
You can submit as many videos or images as you like. If you're truly inspired, you can win in multiple categories. Each image and video is judged on its own merits.