Im Not High Maintenance...
Im High END...
WHAT about me?.... The Question you should be asking yourself is are you prepared to read the legitimate truth... I am a Deeply Superficial person...everyone has some type of artificial exterior to what extent? That I do not know... people will presume you if you dont let them know the real you.. Saying that you are Different from others and that you are Unique simply just states you aren't becuase the fact that a countless number of people SAY that, automatically puts you in a category... I do not have any trustworthy friends or that "someone" that I confide to with all my malicious talk... Although I have and endless list of aquaintences that know who i am on the surface...It's amusing to me that when i dont talk to someone anymore for whatever the circumstance , someone just appears out of nowhere and takes their place. Sarcasm...Oh how I love thee gladdens my day... Despite all that, for a being to constantly be on a sarcastic spaz evidently is in need of psychiatric assistance.... I confess... I immense amount and like to delude people into thinking other things...but i'm certain what I say will benefit me in the future.... furthermore...when people fabricate everything about themselves as well as on to others.. you start to presume that you are really "that way" when you're actually the other.... People can change...but their thoughts still remain the same..