If you would really like to get to know me and read more interesting blogs as well as see many more pictures, go to my other myspace page.
Simply click here and it will take to you my page. Then friend request me.
Not alot of updates or current work as well as no personal blogging or anything.
But I figured this page should give you a taste of what is available on my other page. Although it's really a major teaser as this truly is nothing.
Dear Friends (compliments of my friend Jamie Wood)
As Earth Day approaches I want to offer you a list of suggestions that will help you live green. Each little bit counts. And just one person CAN make a difference. Love your Mother Earth – She’s the only Home we have.Bring your own bags to the grocery store
Buy locally
Take the bus, train, or walk or ride your bath
Buy bamboo or sustainable wood products
Turn off the lights when you leave the room
Eat more veggies
Trader, barter or buy used/vintage goods (try ebay.com, craigslist.org, freecycle.org)
Leave only footprints when you travel
Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth, wash your hands or wash the dishes
Unplug electronics when you’re not using them
Use green cleaners
Line dry clothes
Vote for change
Join a food co-op
Bring your own bottle of water
Buy recycled toilet paper
Print on both sides of the paper
Don’t use pesticides
Eat what’s in season
Unload your trunk, the lighter the load, the less gas your car consumes
Bring your mug to your favorite coffee house
Pay bills online
Fix leaky faucets
Upgrade your toilet to a low-flush model
Plant a garden
Buy or borrow pre-used moving boxes
Buy recycled materials
Buy low-VOC paint and donate the leftovers (www.earth911.org)
Buy fair trade
Use natural fragrances
Drive a hybrid
Buy organic food and beauty products
Use cloth napkins
Replace lightbulbs with halogen bulbs (recycle halogen bulbs)
Stop idling your car
Use rechargeable batteries
Use reusable containers for lunch and reuse your Ziploc bags
Take your exercise outdoor
Buy things that will last
Give your car a tune up – it will drive more efficiently
Other artists, fairy fans, light healers, loving sorts. Wholesalers, retailers, publishers, manufacturers and the likes. Anyone interested in licensing out my faeries.
Oh, and woodland elves, pixies, sprites, brownies and any other lovely magical folk who would like to wander in.
For more inspiring art and writing please visit my friend Kimberly Dawn's website at the link below. It's beautiful and enchanting!
If you would like to put a link to my site on your page feel free to use the code and banner above.
Cool place for clothes beneath! Click for the site!
The faeries have a message they would like me to spread around. Hope you enjoy.
Love all that there is with all that you are.
Bring froth from within you, that passion to create good things for all creatures. Wrap your arms and mind around the earth and cradle all who live with her in your protective and nurturing embrace. Give thanks for the abundant harvst brought forth by the mother earth and honor the womb from which all is born.
Lisa Steinke~2008
Dresdin dolls, Enya, Delerium, Fleetwood Mac, Radiohead, Sade. Sinatra, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers. Elton John, Grease soundtrack (whoyeah). Pink, Prince, Lenny Kravitz. I like it all, except country.
Fairies by Brian Froud, Tom Cross, James Christensen, Oh, these are artists aren't they. Well, I like their books and many more like them!
My husband