astrobarry profile picture


You have to believe we are magic. Don't let your aim ever stray.

About Me

I’m not very good at hiding my moods.

Maybe that’s why I like writing, photography, all types of artistic expression so much. I get to do my part to try and manipulate the perceptions. Still, I strive for honesty, couched in a self-serving concern for the sanctity of my public image. After all, who doesn’t want people to think highly of them and what they do in the world?

I’m all reflective lately because I’m learning, step by grueling step, just how little control I truly have. I’ve always thought that if I let up on that unwavering need to control for just a moment too long... when everything finally does appear to go wrong, not succeed or fall short of expectation, it’ll be my fault for not doing enough. Sometimes, hard work just doesn’t pay off. And horrible things happen to beautiful people.

My dog JoJo is amazing, even though he’s being a brat lately. He’s hit adolescence (9 months), and it’s cost me two pairs of my favorite shoes so far. I guess you could say it was my fault for leaving my shoes on the floor.

Check out what I do: Visit and, if you’re in Australia or New Zealand, buy FAMOUS Magazine.

My Interests

my boys (Ricky and JoJo), my friends, my writing, my work, my stomach, my couch, my TV, my computer, my iPod, my endless stream of digital cameras that break within a year, my life path, my need to achieve, my struggle to be at peace just being me whether or not I ‘achieve’ anything, my experiences

I'd like to meet:

I can’t help the fact that I want to help the Britney Spearses and the Paris Hiltons of the world. Does that make me some kind of starf**ker? No! I don’t think they are better or worse than any other person in the world, but I’m endlessly fascinated by the strange spiritual dimensions of fame... why some individuals just seem to resonate in our pop-cultural imagination so powerfully, for whatever mystical reasons that don’t neatly match up with their actual conscious contributions to society... and what a strange sensation it must be to be one of these people.

Actually, I’m fascinated by all kinds of people. That’s probably why I enjoy being an astrologer so much. I get to meet all kinds of people, and to interact with them on the level of what makes ‘em tick.


slickly produced pop music of various time periods and sub-genres


latest watches include... Intervention, The Sarah Silverman Program, Top Chef, O’Reilly Factor, Dr. Phil’s ‘House of Hatred’, I Eat 33,000 Calories a Day, The Soup, Big Love, Degrassi, 90210


latest reads include... The Moment of Astrology by Geoffrey Cornelius, The Twenty-Seventh City by Jonathan Franzen, The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin, Underworld by Don DeLillo, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon, Bait & Switch by Barbara Ehrenreich, The Dog Lover’s Companion to the Bay Area by Maria Goodavage


maybe one day

My Blog

My old profile (as of 6.3.07) and my 'hiding from the world' look.

I am a one-man horoscope-writing machine.  You can find 'em in FAMOUS mag in Australia, and on my website:  I also offer personal astrology consultations.  (From wha...
Posted by astrobarry on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 06:44:00 PST