Irish Trash cans.
Long Islands.
oh and..
Fighting and
.Id like to meet someone nice to have quiet evenings with. Im not saying a boyfriend. Just someone who can save me the headache of having to go to bars and.. talk.. to people.or something.Lets see now.
I want to meet people who GLOW.
People who are stronger than me.. People who havent given up and become jaded. I want to find people who still have the essence and innocense of a child, no matter how much fucked up shit has threatened to kill that in you.
I want people who are happy to be alive and know why. I want people who live for the moment... and take NOTHING for granted.
I am looking for the souls who burn in their passion for life. Who swim in their own music. Who create from nothing. And most of all I want people who take the time to look into other people.
I want people who have a firm understanding of themselves.. and infinate possibility. Intensity and Purpose.
I need to find people who are fucking LIVING and owning these two things to the point its unbearable.
I want dreamers. doers. thinkers. lovers. children.
People who do shit that scares them.
people who love despite.. people who appriciate.
people who stand in the rain and hold out their hands and laugh because this is wonderful.
People who can walk on their hands.
People who can walk on their feet.
people who can carry themselves.
People who can carry other people.
People who are aware.
People who care.
People who are sincere.
People who dont waste a second.
I also want to meet lots of people with something to say.
And in the darkest hour of night
Moments before sleep comes and dreams come into sight
Just know that you are on my mind
And through the darkness my love shines
i like shit to break faces to.
i like shit to break and deface to.
i like shit to fall asleep to after all that breaking faces and defacing shit.
it would probably blow your fucking mind.
I like scary movies.
I like porno movies.
I like zombie movies.
I like funny movies.
and i reallly like Funny Zombie Pornos that scare me.
Tom Robbins. Christopher Moore. Alain De botten. kahlil gibran. shit goes on and on.
your mom