elyse profile picture


I don't believe in tiny, Jewish Santa anymore!

About Me

I'm an operatic soprano/musician/songwriter, although not terribly prolific. I have such tremendously lofty expectations of what life and art should be, that I have difficulty getting started on anything. I'm workin' on that. I believe my greatest gift is the extraordinary love I have for music, art, literature, and film. My favorite pasttime is sharing everything that excites me with my friends and loved ones. I have the enthusiasm of a 5-year-old for these things, and more often than not, people genuinely appreciate what I share. I think this trait made me a good DJ. I'm desperately insecure and neurotic about nearly everything *except* my fine taste. I adore the idea of artistic expression in everyday life. My spirituality lies in the arts and deep connections and love of others. This is my life force -- what keeps me alive.I should mention I'm terrible about corresponding here. If I don't respond to a message, I really don't mean to be rude. I just need to regulate my net time.

My Interests

Music, goth, singing, absurdity, adoration, anachronistic fashion, antiquated language, art film, bellydance, bisexuality, clubbing, calligraphy, cats, compassion, dance, double bass, photography, life as art, silent film, surrealism, sealing wax, sewing, stylophile, philosophy.

I'd like to meet:

Those who are creative, inspiring, fascinated by darkness and decadence, yet extremely kind. I feel a bit strange when I get friends requests from people I have nothing (or next to nothing) in common with. Please don't be offended if I don't add you. I'm sure you're wonderful, but it seems awfully arbitrary to just toss everyone on the list if I can't even imagine us having a decent conversation IRL. And at the risk of sounding entirely unfriendly, I'm disinclined to add anyone who has nothing but 100 or more hot babes on their list. I'm flattered, but not impressed. P.S. I hate metal of every kind. Sorry.


Adam and the Ants, Azam Ali, Bartok, Bauhaus, Beirut, Bloody Dead and Sexy, Caterwaul, Cocteau Twins, Collection d'Arnell Andrea, Dead Can Dance, Death in June, Low Life, Lycia, Maude Maggart, Miranda Sex Garden, Mors Syphilitica, New Model Army, Nicki Jaine, Niyaz, Kirsten Strom, Philip Glass, Prokofiev, Rachels, She Wants Revenge, Solace, Swans, The Toids, The Wake, Vas, Virgin Prunes, Wolfgang Press


La Belle et la Bete, Dead Poet's Society, Wings of Desire, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead, A Room with a View, Orlando, The Royal Tenenbaums, Serenity, Waking Life, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Dream for An Insomniac, Bros. Quay, anything Eddie Izzard, A Princess Bride, Willard, Inland Empire, silents, dance, and surrealist film!


Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Desperate Housewives, Northern Exposure, Firefly, Kids in the Hall, Project Runway, Twin Peaks.


Romantic poets, Eastern thought, philosophy, Wheel of Time series (Robt. Jordan), Care of the Soul, Gloom Cookie, Meat Cake (Dame Darcy), American Gods, Sandman (Gaiman), all Christopher Moore, Thursday Next novels (Jasper Fforde).


My fairy gothmother and sister, Patrice.
My Mom.
Elizabeth Fraser
Elizabeth Cass
Azam Ali
Lisa Gerrard
Kirsten Strom
Sharon Bischofshausen My friends Amanda, Erin, Emily, kat, Michelle, Mohammed, Kambriel, Kara, Kat, Renee (etc.)
Definitely my love, Vlad
Professor Henry Jenkins
Anyone who can be greatly compassionate, loving, fun and yet creative and/or fabulously stylish all at once. ;)

My Blog

What's been happening

First: I've realized more and more that my introversion makes it incredibly hard for me to keep up with email, livejournal, message boards, etc. Many friend requests go ignored, not because I wish t...
Posted by elyse on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST