Ludo profile picture


Light Designer

About Me

En premier lieu, il y a la musique. Ensuite viennent la couleur et l’intensité. Le rythme prend alors son pouls. Et la lumière devient musique.Cette musique naît de leurs instruments. La scène baignée par un subtil mélange de couleur. Un battement récurant anime le cœur de l’ampoule. Et ma console, sur laquelle je fais danser mes doigts, se transforme alors en instrument de musique. I'm a light designer since 1997. My beginning was with "Fred and the healers" in 1997. I have to work for some lighting company until 2001. Now I'm working for a lot of music band like : "Girls in hawaii", "Venus", "Saule et les Pleureurs", "Montevideo", "Soldout", "Joshua" and many more. So this year, I've 10 years of light behind me and I always like this job even if my english is still so bad !
I created my own myspace layout using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests


Member Since: 10/29/2006
Sounds Like: To see some videos of my work, use the links below : Montevideo : ize=m Sharko : ize=m Video recorded at the AB, thanks to the AB for their video system.
Type of Label: None