Chavs, vodka (NOT Smirnoff), books, coffee, sweets, shopping, Primp, Juicy, Dior, muesli, libraries, handbags, pink champange
David and Victoria Beckham, Mark Walhberg, the green thing that lives in a bin in Sesame Street, Martin Scorsese, Ryan Phillipe, unique people, really fake looking girls
House: Defected, Kandi, Sushi etc Corey, Funk Junkies, Rob Tissera
Goodfellas, Casino, The Departed, The Pianist, Il Postino, Shooter
Deal or no Deal, Millionaire, Big Brother. Anything quiz or reality like. They balance each other out.
If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things, 1984, Agatha Christie, Brave New World, Zamyatin's My, Restless, The Interpretation of Murder, Wild Love, Winter in Madrid, Gogol's Shinel' and Nos, Crime and Punishment, Doctor Zhivago, Spies, The Darkroom, Cancer Ward, That Extra Half an Inch by VB, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time, The Day of the Triffids, Arthur & George
David Beckham always and forever