Bob and the Salvas's is a tribute band to Bob Salvas. Now some of you may ask yourself, wait who's Bob Salvas? Well, for your information Bob Salvas is one of the greatest men to ever walk planet earth... Story Time!!
Robert Bob Salvas was born of the Virgin Mary on the 25th day of April in the year 1953. Now, growing up, Bob was not an ordinary boy. His parents discovered his ability of super-strength when he was at the age of just 11 years old. Throughout his teen years he struggled through high school. He did not stuggle because he was having a hard time with the work, but he had a hard time because he was already at the college graduate level. Bob did not fit in with any particular group of people at all. He was very similar to the present day Tyler Clites. He tried out for many different sports, but didn't make the team because he was just too good for high school level competetion. In between classes, Bob would help out the custodian at his school, Ramundio. Ramundio taught Bob a few tricks of the trade and was hired to be a custodian.
The summer after Bob's senior year, he was relaxing at his home after a long day of work, flipping through the radio channels when his mother had told him startling news. Bob had been drafted for Vietnam!
Of course, Bob excelled through boot camp and was sent off to Dong Hoi, Vietnam. Bob made good friends with his comander, (nobody knew how he did it) and was asked to drive the water truck from the Main Camp to the platoon's base camp close to Dong Ha. Bob had figured out the entire U.S. Military system. He would drive the truck to Main Camp, take a nice long warm shower, fill up the truck, and bring it back to the Base Camp. This took hours out of Bob's day and this eventually became his full-time job in the war. Bob did this hours on end, day after day. Now since showering everyday is bad for your scalp, Bob started to loose his hair. Bob now looked 40, although he was a mere 26. He was discharged to go home on April 20th, 1975, 10 days before the war ended.
When Bob had returned home, he was welcomed with a heroes welcome. Everyone had known how hard Bob's job was, driving the water truck. Some say that Bob Salvas single handedly held the fate of the Vietnam Conflict on his shoulder.
Years passed and Bob was not called forth to continue any duties in the Army. Since his wife had a very good paying job, Bob only had little jobs, here and there. He did odd jobs, like operate fork lifts, polish bowling alley floors, and things like that. Bob was also an original member of The Beatles. Many do not know this, he did not want any publicity when he dropped out of one of the most successful bands in history. Bob Salvas had musical capabilities that were unheard of at the time.
Currently, Bob is employed at Maple Avenue Elementary School. Some say he is a teacher, some call him Big Daddy, and some know him as Mr. Salvas. He is most commonly known as the janitor. If you have a mess, Bob Salvas can clean it up. He is Mr. Clean. Bob is that fastest person the ever wax a floor in the history of Maple Avenue School. He swept, waxed, and had the floor dry and in glamouring condition in just 45 minutes. He has the abilities to pick an entire room up on his shoulder.
This is only a small piece of Bob Salvas's great story, but these a few reason why Bob Salvas needed a tribute band. But the biggest reason, is to spread the almighty greatness of the one and only, BOB SALVAS.