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The Official 1340mag.com MySpace

About Me

1340magbooks.com is a free online magazine for people love to read and watch movies. We are an offshoot of www.1340mag.com but focus primarily on Book and DVD reviews. We are constantly adding new reviews weekly so come on over and check us out at www.1340magbooks.com.Please leave a comment or send a friend request, we'll be happy to add you to our list of friends. Please no Faux porno site friend requests as we will not accept anything remotely objectionable. (In other words if you're half naked you ain't going to be a friend... so put some clothes on!)

My Interests

Reading, Music, Web Design, Hanging with my family,

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, The Apostle Paul, The prophet Micaiah, Geddy Lee, Steve Harris


The Devin Townsend Band, 3, Neal Morse, King's X, Rush, Blind Guardian, Dream Theater, Gran Bel Fisher, Clutch, Cheap Trick, Genesis, ANGIESCREAMS!, Iron Maiden, Type O Negative, Henry Rollins, Last Tuesday, Family Force 5


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy This is Spinal Tap The Wedding Singer Wayne's World 1 & 2 Star Wars Nacho Liebre


The 4400, 24, Lost, The Office, Seinfeld, My Name Is Earl
Get this video and more at MySpace.com


Skin, Brother Odd, Boomsday, House, The Husband, Showdown, The Circle Trilogy (Both Ted DeKker books), The Lord of the Rings, The Dark Tower Series, Odd Thomas, Harry Potter, Next Generation Leader, The Seven Principles of Effective Ministry, Pour Your Heart Into It, Surprised by the Power of the Spirit


Batman (Who else?)

My Blog

Free Books

I also wanted you all to know that you can sign up to win free books by going to www.1340magbooks.com/contest.html .  This month we will be giving away Frank Bellador's new novel SEEING REDD.&nbs...
Posted by 1340mag.com on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 06:08:00 PST

1340magbooks is Moving From PA

Hello gang, I thought I would write a short post to let you all know (or care) that we are moving from PA to WI on August 13th.  I will contact any who care with our new address and you can star...
Posted by 1340mag.com on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 06:01:00 PST

1340mag changes hands

Hey everyone! It is official... I am no longer the editor of 1340mag.com, I have handed over the challenging task to the more than capable Jim McDonald.  This means 1340mag.com has a new MySpace ...
Posted by 1340mag.com on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:56:00 PST

1340mag News

SO I am sitting here updating 1340mag.com and I am watching one of THE WORST movies ever made.  It's on the Sci-Fi Channel and it's called Jolly Roger:  Massacre at Cutters Cove.  It's ...
Posted by 1340mag.com on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:48:00 PST

Mid Month Update

Greetings Revolutionaries, This is just a short note to inform you that the September mid-month update of 1340mag.com has been uploaded. We have added a bunch of new CD, DVD and Book reviews. Please s...
Posted by 1340mag.com on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 09:26:00 PST

Friday Night

Well, many of you know that I live in Northwestern, PA and I am originally from Western NYand tonight has been quite a night for those of us in this area as they caught good ole Bucky Phillips.&n...
Posted by 1340mag.com on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 07:42:00 PST

T-Shirts Wanted

Hey all! This is a shameless request, but I have always been one to believe that "you have not because you ask not."  My wardrobe is getting stale.  I work a 9 - 5 job (actually a lot more t...
Posted by 1340mag.com on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 08:11:00 PST


Hopefully the Subject piqued your interest.  1340mag.com is continually growing and I mean we are growing like weeds.  It sometimes feels like we are weeds because everytime I think I have e...
Posted by 1340mag.com on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 12:07:00 PST

I'm Back

So, it has been like 10 million years since I have updated the 1340mag blog and now I am back.  What have I been up to?  You ask?  This summer I went to Chicago for a few days and...
Posted by 1340mag.com on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 01:39:00 PST