About Me
My name is Paul and I'm trying to do something very difficult. I'm trying to start a quality glossy magazine of great photography from my little bedroom. No big budget, no big office - just me and the help of some great people from around the world. I'm doing the publishing and editing part and others are contributing pictures and words. I started it because I wanted to share with others the great photography that I found in books and on the web. We're not talking anything adult here, but images that in general create a positive reaction in the viewer. So, something to make you smile, a beautiful landscape to imagine yourself in, a stunning shot that makes you wonder.
Publisher & Editor Paul Dunn with copies of Issue 2.
Picture: Mark Somerville www.silvermole.com
I choose all the images that go in. That's how the name came about. I chose Vista first but there's loads of other mags called that and anyway, there's Microsoft Vista now so I needed to find another name. But I liked Vista so I looked for something to add and thought of Ma which is My. So MaVista is My View of a great picture. What I'm hoping is that others think the same way I do and buy a copy.
Page examples from Issue 2 : Sir Anthony Hopkins & Glastonbury Tor
I don't have a backround in publishing, in fact for 20 years I was a computer programmer, mostly Cobol on Vax and Alpha computers. But I decided I wanted to do something else and after this idea occurred to me I just had to give it a go. There's been a lot of learning to do but I'm getting there.
Issue 2 is available now. Lots of lovely images taken by photographers around the world. Actually, if it wasn't for the internet and current digital technology I couldn't have done this. I've spent a long time scanning through portfolio websites and selecting images I'd like to use. This would have been an impossible task if I had to locate these people some other way. And then once contact is made they are able to send me a version good enough to print.
This is a small scale operation trying to create the sort of publication you'd only expect a large scale publishing company was capable of producing. MaVista is A4, 100 page full colour with a 240gsm glossy cover and 130gsm paper. Basically, publishing this sort of magazine is an expensive business and I need to sell them. So, every little piece of help I can get is greatly appreciated.
MaVista has been created because I love great photography and I want to share it with others. I hope you like it too.
Paul Dunn, Publisher & Editor, MaVista Magazine
December 06
ps, you can help me a lot by putting MaVista in your Top Friends, by mentioning me to your photo loving friends and adding a link to www.mavista.co.uk on your website - thanks!!
Page examples from Issue 2 : Faith & Ged Murray - Freelance Photographer
It's absolutely beautiful. I'm still taking it in...
So happy to see Portuguese photography in it!
Keep up the great work
Monica, Nottingham
MaVista arrived yesterday and I'm delighted with it. Great quality printing and excellent content. Great job!
John, Sandbach
Received magazine today, and what a brilliant treat it was to read. It lifted my aching, flu ridden body and reminded me what I love about the world! Thanks so much and keep up the good work. Will definitely be subscribing!
Heidi, Newquay
I received the first two issues this morning. Excellent stuff.
Martin, London
First impressions (straight from the envelope!) are: smell - gorgeous smell of the paper; lack of adverts - a real pleasure to read a magazine that is pure photography - don't know how you do it, for the price!
Fred, Harwich
Comments In Brief:
o 'Beautiful quality...'
o 'Nice to see photographs without loads of writing over them'
o 'It's a lovely coffee table magazine'
Magazine Contributors:
We received MaVista today. It is better than we could possibly have hoped!
Superbly laid out, fabulous reproduction - you've done a brilliant job.
Thank you so much.
Ian Flindt
Thank you so much for sending me Issue #2 of Mavista Magazine!!
I really enjoyed viewing of all images and loved your magazine.
I am very proud now and will try harder to improve my photography skills.
Gajumaru Isobe
I received the Mavista magazines you sent today and the cover shot looks
great. I am so proud, it is a beautiful magazine! I am flying today and will
be bringing the magazine with me to look through and show some friends.Thanks for putting my photo on the cover. Let me know if you ever need any pics again.
David Hemmings
The magazine is VERY nice and VERY well done and I was extra happy to see my sweet cheeks on the back cover :)
Cheryl Brown
Excellent quality, superb photographs.
David Pike, Pulsar Poetry Magazine
I would like to say how impressed I am with your Magazine, it's very
impressive and I hope you manage to continue with this project and
proves successful.
Sheila Haycox
...it looks great
Georgina Lester
WOW I think your magazine is fantastic. Starting with the cover, what a shot you couldn't get a more eye catching image to grace the front of your magazine (I wish it was one of mine). Its nice to see a photography magazine with more pictures than adverts and
the quality of the printing is excellent. It will stay on my coffee table
for a long time.
Chris Robbins
Got the magazines on Saturday! They are absolutely stunning!
Mel Vondrau
It looks great, congratulations.
Kobi Israel
The magazine looks terrific and I'm really looking
forward to being able to have a proper look at it ...
Elizabeth of Mar, For Merrell Publishers
Page examples from Issue 2 : Mel Vondrau & Horses
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Thanks for your support - it's greatly appreciated! PD