Charity work,Hurricane katrina 2005 I ran a shealter in Live Oak,Fl. For the Red Cross Medical Diaster Realief Team for famlies who lost everything, Which I am a part of. I love Emergency medicine and ER work. Nursing, Modeling, Pro Basketball and foot ball. Traveling,shopping but most of all helping those in need. Fixing old things furniture,houses,gardens,antiques.
Taye Diggs I would love to meet Ladies I am sure you know why! I would also like to meet Sylvia Brown - I have a few questions for her!! LOL!
Music can touch you in so many ways, it can make you sad or happy. Bring back a memorie from the past. I really like all kinds. Music is such a big part of my life. Latin,Jazz,Reggaton,Regga,Gospel,Hip Hop,Rap,Blues,Soul,Classic,ETC,
Action,comedies,chick Flics Etc.
CSI,Foersic Files,MTV CRIBS,Family Fued, Americas Funniest Home Viedos, Desperate House Wifes, Sell This House, Espn.,Moment of truth,American Idol only when its good!!
Bible,Joyce Myers,Joel olesteen,Bishop TD Jakes any thing inspiational!!!!!!
GOD! All my Gaurdian angels!! anyone who reaches out to others and sacrfices their own selfish gain.