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Picture Perfect
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I feel for a unsigned artist to write in the 3rd person is real fake, so I'm not going to do that. I was born December 25th, 1987 in Clara Maass Hospital in Belleville, New Jersey. I spent the first 11 years of my life in Newark, New Jersey. Growing up, I seen a little of what a bad area has to offer. My house was robbed 5 time's, the cop's raided our house while I was there with my mother and thought we were drug dealer's, and the final straw, two people were shot in front of my house in a drive-by shooting. For a little kid, you don't really see much or notice much, but looking back, this is probably what has made me so mad.
I began writing down lyric's at age 8. At 1st, I would create song's in my notebook using the biggest rapper's out, and writing their lyrics for them. I continued to this for a year or so until my father brought me to the latin radio station he worked for. There, I recorded my 1st ever freestyle at age 10, which was about 2 minute's long. From that moment on, I never stopped rapping or writing. I decided to make myself a rapper, instead of writing lyric's down for other people.
At age 11, I moved with my family back to the place of my birth. Seeing both side's of the fence really helped with my growing, but also exposed me to something I have never seen before, racism. I was never a good student in school, but added on with the name calling and racial profiling of my teacher's, my attitude became worst. From 6th grade to 11th grade, I never did homework, took a test, or even took school seriousy again. I know what it is to be in a school system designed for the student to fail, because looking back, over 80 % of my friend's dropped out, along with myself. I dropped out in 11th grade, because I only had 6 credit's, and the requirement was 125 to graduate by senior year.
After school, I began meeting people I never would have, because I had all the time in the world to do so. I found myself traveling to New York city, the state, and part's of New Jersey I have never seen to meet up with people I meant via online. This opened me up to some issue's in life I never knew exsisted, because I experiance them through the people I met. A year went by, I got my GED without studying, and obtain my 1st job. Needless to say I quit, and began to see the stuggle of the everyday person forced to live this life of financial slavery.
Up to this point in my life, I had recorded over 7 cd's worth of material in my basement. Sad to say, I was still finding myself, and was not good at all. This is were my life changed forever. My mom planned a trip for us to go to Ecuador, her home country for 2 weeks during August 2005. We had left, and when we landed in Quito, Ecuador, I thought I was in another world. Everyone from the airport to my aunt's house had a smile on their face, and looked like they were actually happy. See in this country, people walked with their heads down, demoralize, buying materialistic thing's to feel good.
I began my day's in Quito chilling with my cousin's, going out, the usual. My attitude was still the same of being mad, until one of my older cousin's, a ex gang leader, changed my thinking. He took me to the poorest neighrborhood he can find and let me watch what I have never seen before. People walking around barefoot, living in actual cardboard boxes, it was life changing. From then on, my other cousin, started showing me video tapes, books and all teaching me that everything I have come to known has been a lie. At 1st, I had felt bad for these people, but then I realize that they are more free then we are. I stood for two months, traveling and meeting people on my own, taking in knowledge, coming up with my own conclusion's.
The day I was suppose to leave, I contemplated on to stay or go. I decided to go, a choice I still do not know if it was right or wrong. Coming back, something in my head just clicked, and I began to make music like never before. I now knew that hip hop had a audience beyond america's hood's and burb's, and I can reach the world with my music. My style had become more melody driven, which made me master the art of making the most important element to a song, the chorus. My verse's are now designed to reach people on a level in which they talk in. Since then, I have recorded over 125 song's, over 9 album's worth of material. My goal is to open people's eye's, and show them a world they never seen. My story or objective is not complete yet, and most likely will be written by someone else, because I will not be here to see it.
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