Hurricane Anne Lee profile picture

Hurricane Anne Lee

Driving under the ANNEFLUENCE. And apparantly I like Pirates. And Magic. And kites!

About Me

Party Captain. Dance Commander. Party Captain. Dance Commander. Party Captain. Dance Commander. Party Captain. Dance Commander.
follow annelee at
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I like to smile. i like to make out. i like to dance. i love my friends.
i'm a pretty serious partier. but i still manage to get all my shit done.
i love to love. hate takes too much energy.

My Interests

Making parties happen. Making Dancing happen. Pirates. Magic. Magicians. Wizards. Irony. Juxtapositions. Witticism. Pointless humorus banter. Foolery. Shenanigans. PrinceHouse Records. Karaoki Parties. Fun. Dancing/Rocking out. Laughing. Photography. Traveling the world. Theater. Music. Promotion of such music. My friends who make good music. My good friends. And so many other things it makes my head swirl.

I'd like to meet:

People who are radical. and badical.
. fuckin party people who have a life outside of the clubs that is more exciting. some maturity would be nice, and i'm not talking age, just maturity. cuz i do like cute boys!

And perhaps my soul mate, if that really exsists... I mean i do love to love... But who's really counting petals these days?


Please join the Blow Up LA / PrinceHouse Records email list!!! You will get all the hot updates from Blow Up LA/ Awesometown/ PrinceHouse about Releases, Parties, Tours, etc right in your Inbox.
[email protected]


I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !



My Blog

Shadowscene Your Update!

From the Dirty South, to the midwest to the Plains... I've been bumping around with Shadowscene.Wanna know what i've been up to?Here are some... Highlights?AhahaATL was an adventure, where I found a v...
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 07:41:00 PST

My last 24 hours in Europe...

I literally have 24 hours left in Europe.My flight leaves at 12:15 pm tomorrow, and that is pretty much what time it is right now.I feel like i have be...
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 03:07:00 PST


Hahahaha!I was just looing through my old blogs, and i realise that all of the ones that show up on the front page (i.e. the "recent" ones) are from like, 2 fucking years ago.Hahaha.So yeah, read away...
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 02:21:00 PST

MY Open

Dude! ok, So, i am now writing for this amazing website. You for reals have to check it out, vuz it fucking tells you where to go get fre booze every week! Yep. It is a promtional...
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 12:35:00 PST

i want to say i hate you

but the fact is that i love you. and that's what makes this so difficult.
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

procrastination street

 this is a post just to procrastinate on packing my room up into's amazing all the things there are to do when you dont want to do what you are supposed to be doing.......
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Me in a survey nutshell.

FIRSTS 1. First best friend: Wendy Meredith, age 4 2. First love: Derrek (age 5, i think) he was my back door neigbor. 3. First real kiss: some 18 year old guy who's name i cant remember when i was...
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

moving to LA

I was kind of trying to keep it a secret, but its too late for that, especially considering that people knew before i had even decided to do it. weird. anyway, i will be down there no later than Oc...
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I just quit my jobby job!!!!!!!

Wow, how good do i feel now!!!! I have been wanting out for so long.... In less than 2 weeks, i am SO out of here!!!! I have loved Levi's (at least in the beginning when my job was the BEST) b...
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

4:00 AM: It's London all over again....

When i used to live in London, one of the most memorable moments of each evening/morning was the 4 AM hour... it was the hour that the sun would begin to break. You would get out of whatever debauche...
Posted by Hurricane Anne Lee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST