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About Me

'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.comI SUPPORT I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

Penis Name Generator

Just don't tell anyone you named it.

Penis Name Generator

Just don't tell anyone you named it.

Jimmy? Mr. Happy? Eva's Lovelog?

My Interests

Being pissed on by asparagus eating pregnant American Idol Fans who are in the country illegally...I mean I like playing Scrabulous on FaceBook!Fucking Reporters, Fucking Teens, Who do they think they are? Don't they know Israel has a right to exist?Photo by photo journalist Paolo Pellegrin, Lebanese village of Qana, 2006, during Israeli invasion. While driving with another journalist, Pellegrin's car was fired on by an American made, Israeli piloted unmanned drone. High-Tech Terrorism!! Good Coffee.Politics. Music. Gardening.Really Good,Really Strong Coffee. Internet Corn. Modern Literature.Good Red Wine. Squishing Your Head.Whiskey in general, Scotch in particular. Volkswagens. Oh, and the Yankees. Actually, I hate the Yankees, but who has time to follow baseball? So if you think or pretend to like baseball, but don't have the attention span or math skills required, just become a Yankees fan, 'cause theyre just like 'Merica and Jesus, #1!!!!! And everybody loves us,, right?

I'd like to meet:

Under The Milky Way

Anne's Cordial


XM Radio Presets; Air America/Mike Malloy!, POTUS, Lucy/Ethel,Real Jazz,Air America/XM NPR,Classics/VOX!, XMU/FUNGUS, XM Cafe/Bluegrass, Bob Dylan's "Old Time" Radio Hour Show thingy. CD Changer: CAKE;Rareties and B-Sides, TAHA; 1,2,3, Solieil, FEIST, The Remeinder; COLTRANE A Love Supreme;MASTERS OF REALITY, Live At The Viper Room; My cell ringtone is Coltrane's "A Love Supreme". What more do you want to know? ..
Add to My Profile | More VideosA WBC protest get their ass kicked out of delaware
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Currently renting/watched: "The Lives of Others", Marx Bros., YouTube clips of Wing, Shakes The Clown, Suspiria. A rapidly shrinking bottle of 2006 Charles Shaw Nouveau Valdiguie (2Buck Chuck, en Francaise). Old skin flicks. Corporate training films (Shoes For Industry!).


The Weather Channel in HD ;The Weather, in High Definition: FUCK YEAH!!! OCCLUDED FRONT MY ASS! Olberman. Colbert. "The Boondocks", "Family Guy" (or as we call it here in VhodEyeland, "National Geographic").Squid Billies.The Show Bizz Show with David Spade. ATHF. National Geographic. Carlos Mencia.MST3K. "Caught in Providence". The Weather Channel.South Park. C-SPAN 1&2(Don't get3). Charlie Rose/Jim Lereher(one of them wears glasses, right?). Public Access Religious/Pornagraphic programming.National Geographic. Nixon playing piano clips on YouTube. Did I say National Geographic? I think I meant "Animal Planet"; whichever has all the cute puppies! And Peter Griffin. And sharks. Or is that C-Span? I'm not sure; I don't have a T.V..Is Andy Kaufman still on?


Short Attention Span Collection-Currently reading: "Frost"- Thomas Bernhard,"I Am America;nd So Can You!"-Stephen Colbert, "Hey, Rube!", Hunter S. Thompson;"Understanding Power;The Indispensable Chomsky" Ed.Peter R. Mitchell and John Schoeffel; "Cien sonetos de amor", Pablo Neruda; "Interviews with Edward Said", Ed. Amrijit Singh, Bruce Johnson;"Book of Longing",Leonard Cohen; "Sol y Viento" Spanish Language Textbook.


Heroes? Really? Alright: Miriam Pualau Conley (My mother). Eva Kendrick. Sitting Bull & Crazy Horse. Wong Kim Ark. Malcom X. Robert William Kalanihiapo Wilcox. Larry Flynnt,That Guy in Tiananmon Square (Not the one who stood in front of the Red Army tank; the other guy, selling hot dogs and elotes).
You Are a Ham Sandwich
You are quiet, understated, and a great comfort to all of your friends.
Over time, you have proven yourself as loyal and steadfast.
And you are by no means boring. You do well in any situation - from fancy to laid back.

Your best friend: The Turkey Sandwich

Your mortal enemy: The Grilled Cheese Sandwich What Kind of Sandwich Are You?

My Blog

You and the Media

Lately, I've read and heard some growing sentiment that I believe is slightly misguided; DON'T BUY GAS! KILL YOUR T.V.! Sounds too good to be true, No?With Scott McClennan's new book, and Dan Rather'...
Posted by Christopher on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 03:33:00 PST

Crazy From The Heat

I am a Capricorn. I'm an Earth sign; conceived in Spring, born in Winter. I dwell best in tropical or mildly temperate weather. This Hot-N-Sticky stuff is wreaking havoc on my chi, or something.- I wo...
Posted by Christopher on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 01:48:00 PST


After spending $420 MILLION, and years of careful planning, the politically challenged National Aeronautic And Space Administration ("What Global Warming?), finally has a feather in it's cap (the kind...
Posted by Christopher on Wed, 28 May 2008 04:29:00 PST

Piggy Wrote A Book!

Aldous Huxley For Idiots!Scotty "Piggy" McClelan wrote himself a book, the hard kind, without pictures! Like several of the defiantly mediocre turds ejaculated from the W regime, Piggy has scored hims...
Posted by Christopher on Wed, 28 May 2008 03:37:00 PST


Wow. I just watched Hillary's RFK assassination comment. Again. Maybe I'm not drunk enough for her shit to make sense. One of my earliest memories was of my father hustling me and my brother to bed th...
Posted by Christopher on Sun, 25 May 2008 01:07:00 PST


In the ongoing election rhetoric and analysis of race, gender, and blurring of bi-partisan politics, Hillary Clinton spouted Monday "Just today, I found some curious support for that position when one...
Posted by Christopher on Wed, 21 May 2008 07:55:00 PST

Definitions are Important.

Last night's election had me sort of sort of confused, so I thought maybe Merriam-Webster's dictionary might help clear things up:Democrat (noun)1): an adherent of democracy b: one who practices socia...
Posted by Christopher on Wed, 14 May 2008 12:59:00 PST

What kind of Guy...

I was wondering, what kind of guy marries a girl like Jenna Bush? Well, I saw his picture, and it became clear: a closeted, gay Republican guy, that's who. Unless you are desperate for a green card, o...
Posted by Christopher on Tue, 13 May 2008 08:43:00 PST

Random Thoughts...

Happy Cinco e Mayo! Are the United States the only country that hasn't kicked France's ass? Gracias, Mexico. Viva la Revolucion!W was at an all white high school in Greensburg, Kansas today, handing ...
Posted by Christopher on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:59:00 PST

Dead Pope Humor!

Hast la Vista, Rat Zingah; Your next! (Reprinted without consent-Bite Me) THE 52 FUNNIEST THINGS ABOUT THE UPCOMING DEATH OF THE POPEBy Matt Taibbi52.Pope pisses himself just before the end; gets all ...
Posted by Christopher on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 06:23:00 PST