Rebecca profile picture


P. A. T. T. Buried at

About Me

I am a 23 year old full time student at N Va. Community College as well as a pet sitter for Northern VA (yeah, I'm busy). I was working as a contractor for a private firm called Acquisition Solutions, Inc. that provides procurement services/support for the Government. I quit work after 3 1/2 years there to attend college fulltime at NVCC. I'm really getting into playing golf. What once I told my self I'd rather watch grass grow then play - lol. I like to relax by sitting on the potomac river, walking around or just listening to music. It's theraputic ya' know! I love to just chiiilllll with my cat, Mecca. She's a sweetheart! I'm big time into working out. When I'm hanging out with my friends it's usualy at resturants, sports bars, or pool halls. Any place there's action and/or music really. I'm trustworthy and down to earth. Keeping loved ones and close friends for life is a big thing with me. If you find someone you can be your self with, keep them for as long as you can!

My Interests

MySpace Layouts

I like to get outside and travel. I love animals! I like to cook anything and everything, just getting some poor soul to eat it is the challenge(ha). I love to watch design shows and remodeling shows....I think I'm a wanna be interior designer(ha). When I can, I love to get out in the evenings and listen to live music at clubs, bars, music venues or wherever and even more being able to get up and DANCE. I have to make time to watch college sports (football first) and most of all family and friends.
...Oh yeah, and I like tattoos. Not too many though! Makein' them more under-stated then over-stated is the way to go. I have three on my lower back.

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Electronica!! Trance/Techno/Ambient/BreakBeats/House/Progressive/Jungle/D& amp;B.... are just some of the selection I'm always always listening too. Thank god for XM-BPM & The System! Soft Rock (Phil Collins, Barry White, James Taylor...) Alt.(Pearl Jam, U2, Billy Joel, MatchBox 20, Billy Idol, BNL...) Hard Rock (Metallica, Korn, Stained, Stabbing Westward....), Oldies (CCR, BTO, Lynard Skynard, Hall & Oates, Fleetwood Mac...)some Rap (90's and early 2000 Rap...DMX, Run D.M.C, Tu Pac....)some R&B (Keith Sweat...) and most Brit rock from the 80's and 90's (THE CURE, Depeche Mode, The Smiths, Whitesnake, Tears for Fears, INXS, Duran Duran...) Really anything that I can move to and feel.
MySpace Comments


There are too many to name


Really any show on TBS, TNT and Spike TV. And definitly college football.


Any book by Ann Rule (Ture Crime Author)


Any person that can go through life during the toughest of times and still have confidence and faith in themsleves. That's something to be proud of in the end. AND of course the parents. ;-)

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Which celebrity beauty are you? (Pix)

Cameron Diaz
You are the fun beauty! You are or were a class clown. Your look really reflects your attitude. You keep things simple but really fun.
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My Blog

The Cure lyrics

THE CURE...."Disintegration" oh i miss the kiss of treachery the shamelesskiss of vanity the soft and the black and thevelvety up tight against the side of me andmouth and eyes and heart all bleed and...
Posted by Becca on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 06:50:00 PST

Another great poem

A Friendship that Wasn't meant to be One day we met Then a friendship grew from it No matter what would bring us down Our smile would never turn to a frown It seemed like our friendship would always b...
Posted by Becca on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:53:00 PST

POEM by: ChemicalMeltDown(

Author:  CHEMICALMELTDOWN - Overcoming obstacles in our way Body: Every day obstacles are in our way No matter what that obstacle may be for you There i...
Posted by Becca on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 11:57:00 PST

Check out this video: Nobles Live

Posted By:Got House?Get this video and more at
Posted by Becca on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:20:00 PST