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Alan Shore

I’m the ultimate mercenary. I put myself on the line for 500 dollars an hour. It’s that simple.

About Me

I'm an attorney at a well known Boston law firm, Crane, Poole, and Schmidt. I seem to never be politically correct and am never sure when I've crossed the line until I've done so. I've built up quite a reputation in the legal community and am quite happy to say that my name never seems to be mentioned without a torent of obsenities following it. I am single at the moment but am most certainly up for online relationships. Even if the women I date aren't easy, I am. Just thought you'd like to know. I must warn you that it wouldn't be wise to know me too well; you wouldn't like the mess inside my head. However, I am happy to befreind anyone who deem a friend request appropriate. The only request I have is to not disturb me when I'm on a date or enjoying the quiet joy of a friendship with Denny on the balcony...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Mr. Alan Shore
Birthday:: 2/7/60
Birthplace:: Boston, MA.
Eye Color:: bluish-greenish, I suppose
Hair Color:: brown
Height:: 5-10
Weight:: I lift weights and do some calisthenics
Right handed or Left handed?: right handed
Your Heritage:: American
My Worst Habit:: Ethical behavior always escaping me
Zodiac Sign:: I have no idea!
Shoe Size:: Whatever's comfortable
Pants Size:: I do love being measured for pants
Innie or Outie?: That's private
Parents Still Together?: I'm afraid they've passed away quite some time ago
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Loafers
Your Weakness:: Sex and attractive women
Your Fears:: Clowns and being alone
Your Perfect Pizza:: On top of a woman
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Sleep with Shirley
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: Intercourse
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Tara
Your Best Physical Feature:: I keep an extremely clean penis
Your Bedtime:: Whenever Denny leaves the balcony
Your Most Missed Memory:: My mother fitting me for pants
Favorite color?: Red
Food?: Steak with Denny as company at a fancy restaurant
Sport?: football, but I rarely have time to watch sports
Animal?: Trout
Ice Cream?: Chocolate
Candy?: Payday
Store?: Joseph A. Banks
Salad Dressing?: Something not too strong, but not too weak.
Actor?: James Spader
Song?: Sexyback, by Justin Timberlake
Letter?: What is the point of this question exactly?
Number?: I don't know. What's yours?
Gum?: I don't chew gum
Holiday?: Halloween when Denny and me dress up as flamingoes
Season?: Winter I suppose
Toothpaste Flavor?: Anything minty
Radio Station?: Anything that plays soothing classical music late at night
Perfume?: Spirit: by Antonio Banderas
Scent besides perfume?: The natural scent of Tara upon first waking up
Body part on the opposite sex?: Sex isn't all body parts for me... it's mental.
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Well, I'm an attorney at the moment.
How Do You Want To Die?: Old, smoking a cigar and enjoying a brandy with Denny
Turn ons:: Sex, attractive women, tara, unethical behavior
Turn offs:: Jeffrey Coho, Bradley Chase, Paul Lewiston, people who hate the poor
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Denny
Who's The Loudest?: That would be Sally
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Denny
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Tara, but it really slips my mind at the moment
Who's The Shyist?: Jerry Espensen
When Have You Cried The Most?: When Tara left me
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: I've been told it's sex. Am I correct on this?
Worst Feeling?: Being alone
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: On Nimmo Bay
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: My unethical behavior hurting those who I love and cherish
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: I have no idea. I've always believed that homicide is what God has planned for me.
Let's walk on the: balcony overlooking Nimmo Bay
Let's look at the: fish swimming about in Nimmo Bay
What a nice: tight ass you have!
Where did all the: salmon in Nimm Bay get to?
Why can't we: have intercourse right here on my desk
Silly, little: Sally
Isn't it weird that: Denny can get away with anything and everything?
Never under any circumstance: trust Bernard Ferian
I wish: Tara would come back
Everyone has a: irrational fear
I am: Alan Shore
Been In Love?: I have actually
Been To Juvie?: Not that I can recall
Mooned Someone?: Yes, once in lawschool. He had it coming to him
Been Rejected?: Oh, many times. But it never gets me down
Ran Away From Home?: A couple times
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: I picture nearly every woman I meet naked. I like to fantasize.
Skipped School?: Usually not
Thought About Suicide?: Doesn't everyone?
Slept Outside?: I sleep in a hotel room so that I can check out on a whim
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: I chuckle, smirk, and snicker, but never quite that hard
Cried In School?: I'm unemotional when I'm studying
Thrown Up In School?: Yes, once when I was nervous about a mock-trial
Wanted To Be a Model?: I happen to know that I could be if I wanted, but I chose to do more good as an attorney
Cheated On Someone?: Ah, those were the days
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: I never laugh at my mistakes
Seen A Dead Body?: Yes. I'd prefer not to talk about it
Been Bitched Out?: I don't believe so, no
Drank Alcohol?: I drink scotch and brandy with Denny all the time
Smoked?: I smoke cigars with Denny all the time
Been On Drugs?: Some judges have accused me of this habbit
Eaten Sushi?: I have and it's not all that appetizing
Been On Stage?: I can't recall. I don't believe so
Gone Skinny Dipping?: You should really try it sometime. It's very unethical
Shoplifted?: Never. There's little need, seeing as how I'm rich
Been Drunk?: Not often
Been Called A Tease?: I'm always called this
Been Beaten Up?: Yes many times actually. Jeffrey would love nothing more, I have a feeling
Swear?: Rarely
Sing Well?: I've never tried
Shower Daily?: Of course
Want To Go To College?: Have already gone
Want To Get Married?: Someday, maybe. I don't like to be tied down though, figuratively speaking that is
Believe In Yourself?: Not really
Get Motion Sickness?: Never
Think You Are Attractive?: I like to think I make the ladies swoon
Get Along With Your Parents?: Not totally, no
Like Thunderstorms?: No. I like to sit on the balcony with Denny
Play An Instrument?: I took lessons back in the day, but seem to have forgotten all my talent
Own An IPOD?: Not as such, no
Pray?: I've never really known who or what I'm praying to
Go To Church?: Only when Denny drags me to it
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: I sleep with women, but that's hardly counts
Keep A Journal/Diary?: I do actually. I rarely add to it though
Dance In The Rain?: Maybe in a future episode when Tara returns
Sing In The Shower?: Some of my favorite tunes, yes
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King?: Some place much more classy than those
Single or Group Dates?: Single dates
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: stawberries with whipcream...
Meat or Veggies?: Denny is watching so I'd better say meat
TV or Movie?: Movie
Guitar or Drums?: guitar
Adidas or Nike?: I don't wear sneakers
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Corn Flakes
Cake or Pie?: Pie with whipcream...
MTV or VH1?: I don't watch music videos. Denny sometimes does...
Blind or Deaf?: Preferably neither
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers. They're much more roomy ans spacious
Do The Splits?: I haven't been able to do that in years. Can you?
Write With Both Hands?: Terribly, yes
Whistle?: Barely
Blow A Bubble?: I don't chew gum
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Ask Tara
Cross Your Eyes?: No
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: I've never tried
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: Ask Tara
Dance?: Yes. Or so I've been told
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: I eat whatever is presented to me... I've very polite
You Touched:: Shirley
You Talked To On The Phone:: Tara
You Instant Messaged:: Denny. He's learning the computer now
You Hugged:: Jerry Espensen
You Yelled At:: A client I believe
You Played A Sport With:: Denny
Time You Laughed?: With Denny on the balcony
Time You Cried?: When I got off the phone with Tara
Movie You Watched?: The Secretary
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: I don't chew gum. How many times do I have to repeat myself to you?
Joke You Told?: Something about a client to Denny
Song You've Sung?: The Boston Legal Theme Music
Where Are You?: at my desk at Crane, Poole, and Schmidt
What Can You See Out Your Window?: The city, automobiles, attractive women with plunging necklines
Are You Listening To Music?: Not at the moment. I'm supposed to be working
What Are You Wearing?: A suit and tie as always. Tonight it's quite a different matter...
What's On Your Mousepad?: A picture of Denny. It was a gift...
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: I suppose. I haven't invested much though into it though
Do you believe in miracles?: Sometimes
Magic?: What kind?
Love at first sight?: Sex at first sight, yes. I'm not entirely convinced about love
God?: I'm not sure
Satan?: Certainly not
Ghosts?: Do they want to kill me too?
Santa?: I've grown rather attached to Santa
Evolution?: Only religious nuts and Denny don't believe in it
Fav Eye Color:: I'm rather fond of women and am not as fruity as I may appear. I like brown eyes
Fav Hair Color:: brunette
Short or Long Hair:: long, flowing hair that drapes across their breasts
Height:: I can work with women 3 feet and up
Weight:: Denny likes chubby sex. I prefer slender sex
Best Clothing Style:: Professional
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: France
Number Of CD's I Own:: I have no idea
Your Good Luck Charm:: Denny Crane!
How many pillows do you sleep with?: Quite a few actually
Do you drink milk?: Who doesn't? But most often a brandy
Person You Hate Most:: Paul Lewiston
Most Outdated Phrase:: Paul Lewiston stating "Crane, Poole, and Schmidt"
Do you think God has a gender?: I highly doubt it, but then again, I'm the last person you should ask about God
Where do you think we go when we die?: Hopefully and all girl cabaret in New Orleans
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 4 or 5
What is something scientists need to invent?: A cure for Alzheimer’s
Are you a health freak?: Certainly not. Though I am feeling my age at times
Are you a virgin?: When was I a virgin? I doubt I was ever one
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: To the Crane, Poole, and Schmidt offices on Mars.
What is the worst weather?: Rainy weather. It keeps Denny and me inside the office
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: I had a lot of fun undressing them, didn't you?
How many grades have you failed?: I was quite brilliant as a child, even if I was lonely
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My Interests

Sex, sex, sex, law, fighting for the little guy, having cigars and brandy with Denny on the balcony, and making Paul Lewiston's life a living hell.

I'd like to meet:

The most beautiful and seductive woman that god can create.


Classical. I also have a taste for any kind of music that suggests lude acts and elicit behavior... width="425" height="350" ..Boston

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Anything James Spader. That guy is such a good actor, wouldn't you agree?Stand up for your civil rights

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The news, Comedy Central after a difficult case, My Name Is Earl on NBC (Good message), Frasier repeats, and of course what I consider to be the best show on televison, the scripted Drama by David E. Kelly, Boston Legal on ABC. That show is some of the best entertainment ever to go through the air waves... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..


Anything law related


Denny CraneI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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Alan's promise

This is not actually the real Alan Shore. I am mearly a big fan of his and am trying my hand at portraying him on MySpace. I hope my indentifying with his character on the show will help me be the bes...
Posted by Alan Shore on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 09:33:00 PST