4 College Dropouts from Queens with a Horn Section"Between the end of the late-80’s Hollywood hair band scene and the rise of what became called "Grunge," a lot of bands with a lot of talent slipped in the mass-marketing cracks. One of those bands was NYC’s WHITE TRASH. After a hot Buzz-Bin video on MTV (APPLE PIE,) suddenly WHITE TRASH found themselves unfairly lumped in with the hair bands, and soon, the only airplay they got on MTV was "The Crawl" being used as the theme to Jon Stewart’s old show (not that anyone really knew who did it anyway.)Considering it’s 10 years old, it’s amazing how fresh it sounds, and it’s entirely possible that if this band had come out of Southern Cali in 1997 rather than out of NY in 1990, their outlook might have been a little brighter. The original lineup of WHITE TRASH (and their accompaniment, THE BADASS BRASS,) brought out what I would best describe as the stepchildren of THE BLUES BROTHERS and AC/DC. Great mix of brass and rock and roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!Apple Pie
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