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Karen Gabel

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am an experienced Counselor, professional Life Coach and the Founder and Director of Reach For Your Star . I received my coach training from The Institute for Life Coach Training which "trains great helping professionals to be masterful life coaches."™
I am a parenting coach specializing in coaching parents of special needs children.
My life experience includes parenting my son Nicholas who had Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I am a graduate of Temple University's disability advocacy program. I accepted a seat on Congressman Phil English's Disability Advisory Board and I am actively involved with Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy and the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
I speak and conduct workshops on numerous topics including life balance for families, life transitions, and the benefits of humor.
I am a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and an active participant in several ICF special interest groups including Family Coaching, Physical Disability and Chronic Illness, Life Transitions, and Retreat Coaches. I am also a member of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor.
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How I'll Change The World
You'll change the world as an Activist ! Your philosophy? Make it happen! With your big heart and willingness to take initiative, it should be no surprise that you’ll change the world through your direct actions. While others might be more content working behind the scenes, a direct go-getter like you is more fulfilled by working on the front lines.
Willing to roll up your sleeves and get the job done, you know the world won’t wait for others. Whether you’re volunteering at a soup kitchen in your own backyard, or joining the Peace Corps to learn from and help others in developing countries, chances are, you know every individual can help make big change.
Find out how you will change the world.
Save The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!
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How I'll Find Fame and Fortune
Karen, you're likely to find fame and fortune in the Creative World . Talk about ideas! You're the type of person who's always coming up with a new way to look at things — wherever you are. And more than most, you're probably able to better express them in a multitude of ways — through writing, acting, sketching, jamming, painting, dancing, sculpting, filming, arranging...you get the picture.
Because you've got so much going on upstairs, your brain is never really turned in the "off" position. Heck, your dreams are probably even more creative than others. Here's the thing: You're the type who rises to the challenge of making something out of nothing — it's a skill not everyone has. So how about it? What's your next creative contribution to the world?
Maybe you'll pen the first rap opera. Maybe you'll join a rock-climbing, performance dance troop. Or maybe you'll discover a link between Balinese Batik painters and Picasso. However you find fame and fortune, we sense you'll be getting there by tapping into that uniquely-psychedelic-inventive-original-interpretive-express ive mass of creative gray matter.
What's Your Fame and Fortune? Brought to you by Tickle
My Chemistry.com Personality Profile
You are a NEGOTIATOR/explorer .
You are a big thinker. You easily take the large, long view of almost any topic. You are comfortable juggling myriad facts. You tend to synthesize material easily and to think in webs of factors, not straight lines. You are imaginative and enjoy theorizing.
You are also socially savvy. You are good at both talking and listening. And you generally read people's faces, body postures and tone of voice accurately, so you tend to intuitively understand what people want and need.
You are also highly compassionate. You care deeply about others. So you sometimes make personal sacrifices to be a supportive friend or colleague. And you like to work to improve the world.
You enjoy new ideas and novel experiences. You are flexible, affable and open to adventure. And you admire impulsive, spontaneous people, despite your tendency to plan ahead.
You dislike conflict. You seek "win-win" solutions. And with your skill as a negotiator, you adeptly bring peace to the chaotic world around you.
You are a warm, insightful and often exciting companion.
Jana - The Enlightened Time
Bergevin Brother’s Music – Fired Up, Ready to Go

~ ♥ For Nick ♥ ~

Rest In Peace
Goku Super Saiyan 3 - Dragonball Z

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone whose life has been enriched by a child with special needs.

Other bereaved moms and dads.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama ; Barack Obama ; Professor Stephen Hawking ; Dr. Hunter 'Patch' Adams ; Jackie Chan ; Graham Greene ; Carrie-Anne Moss ; Katee Sackhoff ; Suzette Amaya ; Francis Soto ; and especially YOU!


Open my playlist in a new window here .


My son Nick, who passed away from complications of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in 2005. He was smart, wise, mature, even-tempered, tolerant, optimistic, creative, and funny. He never let his disability hold him back. He was giving in the community and helpful to his peers. He planned big for his future and had confidence in his ability to make things happen.
A shadow of joy flickered; it is me.
I told you I wouldn't leave.
My spirit is with you.
My memories, my thoughts are
imbedded deep in your heart.
I still love you.
Do not for one moment think
that you have been abandoned.
I am in the Light.
In the corner, in the hall, the car, the yard --
these are the places I stay with you.
My spirit rises every time you pray for me,
but my energy comes closer to you.
Love does not diminish, it grows stronger.
I am the feather that finds you in the yard,
the dimmed light that grows brighter in your mind,
I place our memories for you to see.
We lived in our special way,
a way that now has its focus changed.
I still crave your understanding and
long for the many words of prayer
and good fortune for my soul.
I am in the Light.
As you struggle to adjust without me,
I watch silently.
Sometimes I summon up all the strength of my new world
to make you notice me.
Impressed by your grief,
I try to impress my love
deeper into your consciousness.
As you should,
call out to the Heavens for help.
My soul is now healthy.
Your love sends me new found energy.
I am adjusting to this new world.
I am with you and I am in the Light.
Please don't feel bad that you can't see me.
I am with you wherever you go.
I protect you,
just as you protected me so many times.
Talk to me and somehow I wil find a way
to answer you.
I see you with my new eyes.
I am learning to help wherever you are,
where ever I am needed.
This can be done because I am in the Light.
When you feel despair, reach out to me.
I will come.
My love for you truly does
transcend from Heaven to Earth.
Finish your life with the enthusiasm and zest
that you had when we were together in the physical sense.
You owe this to me, but more importantly,
you owe it to yourself.
Life continues for both of us.
I am with you because I love you
and I am in the Light...
~ Author unknown
Thank you Nick, for everything.

To learn more about Duchenne muscular dystrophy visit Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy .
"Embrace diversity. Educate your community. Empower each other. Love life."
~ Annie Hopkins

My Blog

What is a Parenting Coach?

Parenting Coaches are Life Coaches who teach people how to use coaching skills  positive and empowering ways to bring out the best in someone  in their day-to-day lives as parents. They teach parent...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 03:32:00 PST

Shopping List of a Confused Single Woman

Large size Tidy Cats Scoop &for multiple cats. MP3 player Scunchi no-slip head bands &in case she decides to go to the gym. Vegetables &in case she decides to eat like a person who goes to the gym...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 02:22:00 PST

One Voice, One Dream

By Diana Sterling for choice: the magazine of professional coaching Imagine a world where your coaching voice assists in growing one family, one young person, or one parent in finding their authentic ...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Mon, 12 May 2008 09:09:00 PST

Try This for 30 Days and Youll be More Welcome Everywhere You Go

By John Wood, AWAI Staff Writer No matter what country you're from or what language you speak, everyone in the world understands what a smile means. According to Dale Carnegie, famous self-improvemen...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:23:00 PST

My Shiny New Website!!!

I have great news!   Last year several participants of the Association of Coaching and Consulting Professionals on the Web (ACCPOW) Coaching Telesummit came together to create the ultimate "how-t...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 08:25:00 PST

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week Feb 11th - 17th 2007

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week is spearheaded by Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD), a national nonprofit organization that is a key resource for those affected by Duchenne muscular ...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:01:00 PST

Decide What You Want for 2008

Decide What You Wantby Jack Canfield In order to get what you want, you must first decide what you want. Most people really foul up at this crucial first step because they simply can't see how it's po...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 05:23:00 PST


From my friends at Seraphim Children ProjectsThis is reprinted from the December 2007 issue of Exceptional Parent MagaineIncreasing Our Acceptance As Special Needs ParentsBy David Loewenstein PhDI had...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 09:54:00 PST


TOKYO - Warren Nobuaki Iwatake's family has seen more than its share of calamity. When he was still a child his father was lost at sea off Hawaii. With no breadwinner, his family was forced to move to...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 06:54:00 PST


From my friend ADHD Awareness and Support. Her blog is a super resource for parents. Check it out here http://www.myspace.com/adhdsupport.   During the holidays it is extremely hard to maintain ...
Posted by Karen Gabel on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 12:59:00 PST