Anthony profile picture


A disciple of counter hegemonic values

About Me

Satanic Angels album cover artwork, logo design and photography by myself. click on the image to see there myspace page also designed by myself
Hello, my name is Anthony Lovatt, and I am a graphic designer. I have been studying and practicing graphic design in one form or another since 1994 when I first saw the work of Dave McKean… and from then I was hooked.
Started off doing a level art, moved on to foundation, specialising in graphics, HNC Digital arts, HNC Graphic Design and finally in 2005 I gained a first class BA Hones degree in Graphic Design. During my university degree I also the course rep for the final 2 years, and was instrumental for organising and setting up the 3 internal exhibitions and 2 external art shows; that of the D&AD student awards and a privet view at the Menia Chocolate Factory.
For the last two external shows we set up a body of core students to organise the shows and promote them, of which I was tasked with being the Creative who organised people, checked things where done as well as designing and producing the Students Exhibition catalogue (with the help of Katherine Kabala who’s amazing design work adorns the front cover) and DVD show real (with the help of Adam Darby).
It was at university that I created the company and magazine portfolio Creative block. In this set of publications I show examples of work created during an academic year, processes and materials used in their creation as well as influences from artists and artwork encountered during that period. Each edition contains a reference letter and a sample of my CV as well as the work created. The magazine portfolio comes as a single package, which also contains a CD of my moving image work created whilst at university. The next stage of this magazine is the CV edition, this is currently under creation, and will be sent out to company’s like you would send a standard CV. The second page that in the previous editions would contain the reference would now contain the cover letter.
Along side the portfolio magazine I have created the personal identity/promotional material Suspect Package. This is the front of my business cards and will feature on the CV edition of Creative block.
During and after university I have been steadily building up my CV and portfolio with various freelance projects, from the badge/logo/corporate identity and promotion designs for the airsoft team Black Legion to Satanic Angels new album cover and logo design.
I have now started to work on the Underground music magazine Empty Playground in my spare time as I look for a more permanent graphic design position.
At present am interested in book design film, photography and theory looking at going in to an MA as I wish to become a university lecture? I can dream. Just I still haven’t worked out where to go, but thankfully I have decided to take a year out to work all that out.
Artists I quite like include, Kyle Cooper, for his film title sequences, Dave McKean, H.R Giger, Jonathan Barnbrook, Sal Bas, Jeff Brice, Lisa Johnson, John J Hill, Joel Peter Wickton (sp), Scott W Petty, Why Not Associates, Tomato, Imaginary Forces, Chris Bell, Jeremy Chaplin, Gerard Musy, Pierre et Gilles, Trevor Watson, and anything that it visually appealing or tactile. New artist to add to the list and I highly recommend looking up, as it’s very interesting if not risqué work. Trevor Brown.
My own style is quite varied, one of these days I will put up a web site, photography wise it’s generally gritty, layers and other dark room effects. Film: the three I have created and have gained me quite high firsts (71, 79 and an 80) are shorts, one a violent film in a similar style as Chris Cunningham's Come To Daddy video, the other a parody of a 1950 education video. I tend to use a lot of subverted iconography within the work to heighten the messages. The last film am not particularly happy with, I completed it in three days yet still got a first, not sure how though, was suppose to represent infinity and the notions of something I came up with in the second year of my degree, 1-1=1 (if you want to know more please contact me as its quite lengthy to explain.) This film is only a university project, and will not be view by anybody ever again. (To be started from scratch very shortly).
Packaging and book design? Am a perfectionist, I go for imagery and textures that will best suggest the message I want it to, whether its pure graphics, or paper stained with tea, I do what I think is going to work.
For sample of my work please click on the link below and it will take you to my deviant art account
A bit more about me as a person
All work and no play would make Anthony a very dull boy, and there is more to me than work the horror, the horror!
I am a fairly average person in height and width, possibly slightly over and under in places and depends on who you ask, with quite dark eye's apparently, but I don’t like people staring at them, its very disconcerting. I do have longhaired on top but shaved on the sides; see pictures, and generally I just where quite simple plain black clothing, I try not to be a human billboard advertising someone else’s products if I can help it.
Generally am quiet and shy person, though am sure my friends would completely disagree, and the three student films (see photos for a bad promo shot) I have featured in also would not suggest this aspect of my persona.
Apart from the initial shy part of me, which does not last, to long, unless you're really pretty then I am just quiet, no idea why it just happens. (Actually I have found am fine talking to very pretty people on line, I have yet to talk to them in the flesh, I will update when I find out what happens lol) I am a bit sarcastic, pedantic, intelligent (so some say), artistic and able to inspire ideas, a little critical though I try to be constructive... and others would say am a git. I don't pretend to be perfect.
If you cannot guess from my friends list and a list of the music listed in the box to the side of this, I do prefer Black and Death Metal among other things, but don’t worry I am not a Satanist, if your really interested I am more of a semantic, with solipsism tendencies and an interest in some of the notions of Anton Levy (I personally think his ideas of how to live, i.e. don’t bother me and I wont bother you, but cross me and you will wish you had not been born a more practical foundation of my own personal ideology and life code to that of other systems, however I don’t live by it implicitly, I have a mind of my own and have been influenced by many things that has helped formulate my conceived truth, it works for me, you have your own way which is good, just please don’t try and force me to live by your ideals. You chose to live your way, I chose to live mine, I have no problem with that, nor should you have issues with my way of life, if it harms none do what thou will. (I know the actual quote thank you, and where it comes from and that modern pagans have developed it, the development is more practical for modern ways of life IMPO).
As you can tell by now I like writing, it helps me formulate my ideas and thoughts, I am glad you have taken the time to read to this point, if you want to know more please contact me.

My Interests

Art/graphics and photography. I have included a few examples of some of the work I have created, however I have a lot more that needs to be put on line includign my self promotional magazine Creative block. I mainly work with print based graphics, but I also do a lot of film work as well as photography as can be seen from the background image of this page. It’s all my work on here.

Cooking, I am quite a good cook, I worked in the kitchen of a restaurant for two years and picked up one or two things, however I was going to actually train to be a chef however I decided to follow the path of a graphic designer.

Airsoft Sniping, is one of my more unusual interests as can be seen at

This contains images of me in my ghillie suit with and my other sniping kit. Its something I have for the past 12 years studied, practiced and participated in, yet I am still learning.

I'd like to meet:

People interested in my design work, other interesting creative people who are interested in design and film in some way to discus discourse about design and film etc. People who wish to collaborate on projects, film, graphic, or photography or anybody daft enough to actually listen to what I say whilst rambling about the many oddities I partake in. Click on the image to view my Deviant Art web gallery, which contains work I have completed.


Musical interests include: 7th Child, Aeternus, Akercocke, ? and Oceans, At The Gates, Behemoth, Burzum, Cannibal corpse, Carcass, Cradle Of Filth, Cruel Humanity, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Deicide, Dimmu Borgir, Ebony Lake, Emperor, Enthrone, Gorgorth, Hecate Enthroned, Hypocrisy, (early) Fear Factory, Immortal, In Dying Grace, the kovenant, Limbonic Arts, Lacuna Coil, Marduk, Mayhem, Moonspell, Morbid Angle, Nile, Obituary, Opera IX, Old Mans Child, Pain, Paradise Lost, Peccatum, Satanic Angel, Satyricon, Slayer, Setherial, Seputlura, Sirius, Rotting Christ, Tristarna, Velvet Acid Christ, Within Temptation.

Mainly I tend to listen to Black Metal; I do listen to a mix of other forms of metal, i.e. death metal, gothic metal, operatic black metal and a little bit of industrial, industrial metal and industrial goth, though I do also enjoy Classical music and filmmatic theme music like the Rohidien theme tune from lord of the rings two towers.

I also like going to Concerts, related to these styles of music, the concerto I attended in Prague a few years back being one of the most powerful performances I have ever see.


Being a Graphic Design Student specialising in film and packaging I do like a verity of film's and styles, things like Donnie Darko, Dancer In The Dark, Titus, Most films by David Lynch, Delicatessen, Blade Runner, Dark Rain (the original) Audition, Underworld (though I seem to be the only person that actually likes this film?) Wisdom Of The Crocodile, Seven, the longest day, A Bridge Too Far? The list goes on, mainly war films, very stylistic art films (dancer in the dark, Prospero's books, blue, etc) Gritty films that delve in to the realms of thought, the ones where the director plays around with perception, and it works, B-movies, experimental films that work, (the Phantom Museum by the Brothers Quey I highly recommend), the work of Chris Cunningham, Kyle Cooper and most things created my Imaginary Forces.
Anything gritty, scratchy, juxtaposed ideas and imagery, intellectual (depending on your definition of course) and films where you can see the directors thought about what he is doing, rather than trying to create a film for the average American? i.e. something that is spoon-fed to the audience. Oh and I like cartoons.


I do not watch or own a Television as I have no desire to be part of the social fabric that forms this mass consumer society. Soaps, reality TV (which is anything but) should be banned out right, drivel and dross should be removed, then and only then would I even consider getting one. But as mass society seems to thrive on such mind numbing viewing 'pleasure' I am part of a minority.

I don’t care what happened on corro last night, why you wish to watch Eastenders is beyond me, and someone remind me why there are such programs such as Big Brother, read the god damn book and stop wasting time with that utter drivel.

My Blog


Well here is a complete project for people to look at. At hyperama I do many things, as can be seen from this blog, from vernacular posters to exhibition graphics, so I thought I would take you to the...
Posted by Anthony on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:30:00 PST

Attic Attack

Well after a few days cleaning, I have finally arrived to the point where I am doing to show the world my new loft upgrade, alas though I forgot to take comparison photos, but trust me its not a place...
Posted by Anthony on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 06:28:00 PST

Xistanz goes live on Myspace

Well some of you whom frequent my little myspace blog will remember I designed a logo for Xistanz not to long ago.Today I was asked to develop this business and create a myspace profile, and its now u...
Posted by Anthony on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 03:00:00 PST

Tiger Tiger Exhibition graphics

Well its been a while since i posted any work on here,but thats because i have been a tad beusy doing the work.SO i thought i would put up some little snipets for you to look at and wonder.The first s...
Posted by Anthony on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 12:06:00 PST

Sennin Box Set

Well the final thing has arrived, and now it is more than an image on a page, but it is a fully functional product, not concept but actuality, the idea, through concept stages finally makes it to the ...
Posted by Anthony on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 04:06:00 PST

Sennin part 3

Well I did say the last design was the final design, apparently not, as my boss had given me the wrong box sizes... and shape, typical.This final was created from the work I sent over, they knew the s...
Posted by Anthony on Wed, 09 May 2007 12:34:00 PST

JK Foods 30th anniversary Invitation

This is the artwork files for an invitation I did for JK foods, celebrating their 30th anniversary. This is a double-sided print, using a die cut on a heavy weight card (gloss I think but I would hav...
Posted by Anthony on Sun, 06 May 2007 05:19:00 PST


Well after 2 weeks, I have been made to make some changes to the Sennin box set.As you can see, gone has the negative space, the head of the company wanted people so see what was inside it from ever a...
Posted by Anthony on Sat, 05 May 2007 02:00:00 PST


SenninImmortal, and the new logo/brand created for a new set of plates to be hitting these sores.The brief was to create a brand name, and a box design for a new set of square plates. It must be a bla...
Posted by Anthony on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 05:22:00 PST


Hello my little cherubsWell recently you have not seen much work from yours truly, well its because I have been to busy to actually put any up, and some of it had to be copy written before I showed ot...
Posted by Anthony on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:39:00 PST