MR & MRS."DAWG" KALMAN profile picture



About Me

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I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!I originally had alot of shit written but seriously who reads this stuff or really gives a fuck. I am a father, husband, DJ, pro-wrestler and back to also being a pro mma fighter. Fought pro-NHB from 1995-1999. Two time UFC veteran (7&10), two time vale-tudo vet and few other groups. Only martial arts training was with Dan Severn for 3 months before having first fight, which was a UFC. Never claim to be smart but have a big set of balls. Trained for pro-wrestling by late Prof.Boris Malenko and his son Dean down in Tampa,Fl. from Oct93 to Apr94. Seen the USA from top to bottom and east to west. Quit fighting in 1999, walked away from wrestling in 2002. WHY??? Diagnosed Type1 diabetic (insulin dependant) in 2001. That sucked ass and blew large. Took till Jan2006 to get back in control. Started pro-wrestling again as much as possible and thanks to a few friends and suffer systems, started pro-mma fighting again in Oct2006. THAT FUCKIN' ROCKS!!!!!! So I will probally never make my riches wrestling or fighting but the fact i was told by doctors to stop, and several years later I'm back that's the most important thing to me. MAY ALL THE DOUBTERS AND HATERS FUCKIN" ROT IN HELL!!!!! hallowe'en 2006

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My Interests

crackin' skulls and bustin' chops

I'd like to meet:

The first person I'd like to meet is a musical artist, though i was never a fan of his music i gained a whole bunch of respect for him after touring "GRACELAND". That man is Elvis Presley, his hallway of solid gold, diamond, platinum records and other accomplishments absolutely blew me away. Best part of the tour was a line i kept hearing decribing what Elvis did for that entire industry. It said "BEFORE THEM THEIR WAS ELVIS".........more to come


whatever crap is on the radio, besides country


most fav. movies in no paticular order -the crow -animal house -unforgiven -dumb&dumber


first off "THE SIMPSONS" have to be the best! HOMER RULES!


anything pro-wrestling related or star wars associated

My Blog

let's get at'er!

the date is may 15 2007. tomorrow i go and see the same surgeon i saw back in febuary. this visit will be totally different from the last one i had. tomorrow i'm expecting to be given a green light to...
Posted by MR & MRS."DAWG" KALMAN on Tue, 15 May 2007 07:04:00 PST

time off update

todays date is march 19. one month ago i had an appointment with a surgeon to discuss my feet and the diabetic complications with them. how did the meeting go? i'm currently starting my fourth week of...
Posted by MR & MRS."DAWG" KALMAN on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 08:00:00 PST

wtf? what happened?

not quite sure why the tide of a great new year turned on me but when it did, it decided to shit large. i sit here with doctor's orders to cease physical activities, wrestling, mma and so forth. ...
Posted by MR & MRS."DAWG" KALMAN on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 01:12:00 PST

start of a new year

well it's the start of a new year again. HOORAY! for 2007. what should i try to do this year? lose weight, get in shape, try to be a better person,....blah,blah,blah. same old shit every year. make pr...
Posted by MR & MRS."DAWG" KALMAN on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 11:48:00 PST