Revamped The Movie profile picture

Revamped The Movie

Coming Early 2007!

About Me

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My Interests

Jeff Rector
Christa Campbell
Martin Cove
Billy Drago
Fred Williamson
Alana Curry
Tane McLure
Carel Struycken
Mickey Jones
Victor Lundin
Anne Lockhart
Sam Jones
Dennis Haskins


Meet the Cast-
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When successful businessman Richard Clarke is bitten by a beautiful Vampire, he is transformed into a creature of the night and plunges into the dark world of the supernatural.
Richard very quickly realizes that immortality isn..t all that it..s cracked up to be and must fight for survival when a militaristic Team of Vampire Hunters, The S.T.A.K.E. Team, discover his existence. Richard is separated from Lilith, the beautiful vampire that originally ..turned him... Searching for his eternal Soulmate, Richard winds up in Club Synister where a Goth promises to lead him to her. He takes him downstairs to a private party, which turns out to be the set for a snuff film.
When a female Vampire-Dominatrix viciously kills her leading man, it becomes obvious that Richard is about to become the next star of the film. When the Dominatrix realizes that Richard is also a Vampire, she and the crew soon become the unwitting talent for their own production.
After viewing the carnage in Club Synisters basement, two L.A. Detectives develop the film and discover Richard..s existence along with his face on celluloid. Through a bizarre course of events, Richard is finally reunited with Lilith, but their bliss is cut short, when they are ambushed by the S.T.A.K.E. Team.
Barely surviving, Richard..s presence is brought to the attention of The BLEEDERS, a savage underground gang of Vampires bent on survival at all costs.
The BLEEDERS capture Richard and are attacked by the S.T.A.K.E. Team. All Hell breaks loose and it turns into a war for survival and no one is taking any prisoner..s. Let the Bloodbath begin!
