nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA profile picture

nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA

Use your condoms & take sips of the brew when TROY

About Me

NerCity (Pronounced “Inner City”), Poet, Host, Community Activist and student of the art of spoken word poetry has been gracing the mic for over 10 years.
His brash and gritty “In Your Face” style is not only a reflection of his life growing up in the streets of the Bay Area, but his “NerCity Poetry” reflects on the many lessons he’s learned from elders that are/were in his life.
His Slam Resume reads as follows; 2002 Oakland Representative for the NYC Hottest Poet Competition, 2003 Oakland Slam Team member that placed 4th in the Nation in Chicago, 2003 Team Oakland member that Placed 1st in The New Word Series in San Francisco, 2004 Nuyorican Grand Slam Finalist, 2005 Berkeley Slam Semi Finalist 2007, Winner of the Show Stoppa Slam in Sacramento, Ca. & recently crowned 2007 Oakland Grand Slam Champion.
NerCity has toured and featured at some of the hottest venues across the country such as The Fly Poet Showcase (Los Angeles), The Nuyorican Poetry Café, Café Nuba (Denver) Untamed Tongues (Las Vegas), Spoken Funk (Hollywood) and many others.
Nercity has also performed at the 2000 NBA All Star Game in Oakland, The Apollo Theater in New York City and was invited to be on B.E.T.’s Lyric Cafe' in the Bahamas & The Essence Festival in New Orleans.
Shared the stage with KRS-1, Tony, Toni, Tone, Goapele, Ledisi, The Last Poets, Talib Kweli, Jaguar Wright, and many others.
When time allows nerCity works with several named and unnamed community based and after school programs such as “The Love Life Foundation”, Will Work/Write for Food & Silence The Violence, while also going to numerous Jr. High & High Schools all across the country.
This year Nercity has been working with the "Writing for Life" program which help spoken word artist hold writing workshops in the state prisons.
After 1 book “Born in the Womb of Words” and 1 Full length album “Product of the Product” which both sold well, nerCity started getting tired of the "Same ole same" that goes with spoken words. Instead of going through he motions nerCity decided to figure out his next move, so while living in NYC he noticed the mixtape circuit. MC's were making a name for themselves by hooking up with Mixtape DJ's and rapping over other MC's hot beats.
nerCity took that idea back to the Bay Area, but instead of rapping he 'spit' his words over hot hip hop samples giving birth to the “Urban Writer Mixtape” series. After two strong CD's poets all over the Bay started coming out with mixtapes, some tried to copy his formula; but nerCity takes it as a challenge to raise the creativity bar higher. "When one style is done to death, real artist know how to create a new one while the fake ones just wait for ideas to fall in their laps".
December 6th, 2007 nerCity released his latest album "Caution". nerCity feels once again the creativity bar will be raised even higher. "The Production, musical selection and content for the album Caution is like no other album I guarantee it. This is album shouldn't even be labled a spoken word album but more like good music."
Be on the look out for "Caution 2.0", Bleek Gillium" (The Mixtape) and "nerCity's Latest & Greatest Hits" all scheduled to be released in 2008.
With a full tour schedule in 2008, a trip to Cuba and numerous projects ("Guerilla Poetry the DVD") nerCity will be leaving a mark in the art of spoken word poetry. “My mission has never been to be a famous spoken word artist. I’ve always shied away from fame while giving props to my peers, even if they didn't deserve it. All I ever wanted to accomplish was to make my family proud, and at least touch one person with each performance."

My Interests


Member Since: 10/22/2006
Band Website: None.
Band Members: East & West Oakland, Richmond, East "Pally" Palo Alto, Hunters Point, Sunnydale, Kelly Hill, Palma Ceia, South Central, Watts, Compton, San Diego, Harlem, Ohio, Brooklyn, The BX, Flint Mich., All the Wards in the 'N.O.', The A-T-L, Cleveland, Toledo, Las Vegas, Jasper TX, Houston (North & Southside), Chicago, Peoria, East St. Louis, Milwaukee, Detroit, Fresno, Englewood NJ, Inglewood Ca, Pittsburg Ca, Pittsburgh Pa, Philadelphia (North & Southside), Gunthry Ok, Texarkana Tx, Kansas City, Little Rock Ar, Jena Tx, Biloxi Ms, Dade County FL, Brick City NJ, South Africa, Toronto, Kingston Jamaica, Havana Cuba, Brazil, any place where police f**k with you for no reason. Anywhere there's an "Inner City" kid who feels he/she doesn't have a voice and needs somebody to tell their story. THEY ROLL WITH ME!
Influences: Life and everyone that lives their life to the fullest.
Sounds Like: Malcolm X doing a remix of "Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos" with B.I.G. ghost writing, Marvin Gaye DJ'ing all while sampling James Byrd's screams for the hookMe.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Friday Fun 5-16-08

What's good? (This is where most people in Northern California say "Maannnn, It's hotter than Satan's breath after eating BBQ Pork skins"). Please note this blog isn't gossiping because like I said,&...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Fri, 16 May 2008 06:49:00 PST

Friday Fun (Update)

  This Alicia Keys picture has been floating.......    around and replies like "I better not see her naked on payday" "God is Good!" "The Lord is my Sheppard and he knows what I want...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Fri, 09 May 2008 09:13:00 PST

Nevada Reading Week-I love the kids pt 532,921

I'm a big kid at heart...   and kids love me .   If I have the time and the vacation days I will go to your school and talk to your kids. Doesn't matter what city, state, and ...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:06:00 PST

Sitting in the Denver Airport @ 6:48 am

I'm looking out the window at a beautiful sunrise on a Sunday morning listening to this cat name Black Spade. He's like a Black Thought/Mos Def Bilal all in one. He's ill Denver treated me like a Roc...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:32:00 PST

Day 2 in Denver

In my last blog I said that Elevated was my new favorite spot and apologized to Denver...well...I found a new spot in Denver that I love. 9:52 am- So I fly into Vegas feeling like a "R...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:34:00 PST

4:48 Am Thursday Morning

Good Morning,  It's 4:49 am and I'm sitting in the Oakland Airport on my way to Denver. I have a few shows over the next couple of days for Cafe Nuba "It's Hot & It's Black"  Pan A...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:19:00 PST


  A few weeks ago I was leaving work and stopped by my favorite bookstore right by the B.A.R.T. station to see if my book came in. While standing at the register I skimmed through the 'mag' sect...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:23:00 PST

Show Your Age.

 20 Years ago??? Damn! 20 Years ago????!!! I can hear some of you saying it now "These albums came out in 88???" Yes. And I can tell you my entire life story right here. I purchased my first Af...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 08:47:00 PST

A Mic & Dim Lights Re-Cap 2-28-08

Southwest flight 1058 to Ontario was very interesting. It started off with me sitting next to an older woman that beemed beauty. To quote Mos Def "She was that ill word to movfa' Silver/gray ha...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:57:00 PST


Today I was on a website that was talking about the gov. apologizing for slavery. Here are some of the comments: "I Love America"   "Murfdog85 wrote: 13m agohacaka2 said: Very well said. The on...
Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:26:00 PST