Friday Fun 5-16-08 |
What's good? (This is where most people in Northern California say "Maannnn, It's hotter than Satan's breath after eating BBQ Pork skins").
Please note this blog isn't gossiping because like I said,&... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Fri, 16 May 2008 06:49:00 PST |
Friday Fun (Update) |
This Alicia Keys picture has been floating.......
around and replies like
"I better not see her naked on payday"
"God is Good!"
"The Lord is my Sheppard and he knows what I want... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Fri, 09 May 2008 09:13:00 PST |
Nevada Reading Week-I love the kids pt 532,921 |
I'm a big kid at heart...
and kids love me .
If I have the time and the vacation days I will go to your school and talk to your kids. Doesn't matter what city, state, and ... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:06:00 PST |
Sitting in the Denver Airport @ 6:48 am |
I'm looking out the window at a beautiful sunrise on a Sunday morning listening to this cat name Black Spade. He's like a Black Thought/Mos Def Bilal all in one. He's ill
Denver treated me like a Roc... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:32:00 PST |
Day 2 in Denver |
In my last blog I said that Elevated was my new favorite spot and apologized to Denver...well...I found a new spot in Denver that I love.
9:52 am- So I fly into Vegas feeling like a "R... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:34:00 PST |
4:48 Am Thursday Morning |
Good Morning,
It's 4:49 am and I'm sitting in the Oakland Airport on my way to Denver. I have a few shows over the next couple of days for Cafe Nuba "It's Hot & It's Black" Pan A... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:19:00 PST |
Race |
A few weeks ago I was leaving work and stopped by my favorite bookstore right by the B.A.R.T. station to see if my book came in.
While standing at the register I skimmed through the 'mag' sect... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:23:00 PST |
Show Your Age. |
20 Years ago???
Damn! 20 Years ago????!!!
I can hear some of you saying it now "These albums came out in 88???"
Yes. And I can tell you my entire life story right here.
I purchased my first Af... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 08:47:00 PST |
A Mic & Dim Lights Re-Cap 2-28-08 |
Southwest flight 1058 to Ontario was very interesting.
It started off with me sitting next to an older woman that beemed beauty. To quote Mos Def "She was that ill word to movfa'
Silver/gray ha... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:57:00 PST |
Quotes: |
Today I was on a website that was talking about the gov. apologizing for slavery.
Here are some of the comments: "I Love America"
"Murfdog85 wrote: 13m agohacaka2 said: Very well said. The on... Posted by nerCity- James Byrd Tribute June 7th TBA on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:26:00 PST |