Member Since: 3/29/2005
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"I strive for music to be a journey. To take a diverse trip. Traveling through space and shape, hard driving moments and those laid open, through light and dark. Everything in between. Guttural, worldly, spiritual, timeless. The ultimate goal is to write and perform in a way that is true to the goodness and love of the universe. To fight for it. To raise a sword in the name of it. The 'whateveryoucallit' is not cold or dark. It is warm, benevolent and full of hope. It is larger than anyone of us. One just need be open to it." -Will
"sounds like" myself, but you could easily say my influences have made me sound similar. I certainly try to have my own voice, soul, whatever. Some bands, though, for those searching for similar: Pink Floyd , Radiohead , Jethro Tull , Led Zeppelin , Tool , King Crimson , Jimi Hendrix , Sonic Youth , Sun Ra , Jeff Buckley , Sun Ra , Frank ZappaI would not say I am "as good" as any of these bands, but I feel my approach has similar aspects in that world music-psychedelic rock and roll kind of way. doe ray mi.