Reading, running, walks, natural history, animals of all kinds. Journals i like to read Nature conservation Entomology Journal of applied ecology Evolution Biology Behavioural Ecology & socio-biology Zoology Animal sciences Primates Journal of small animal practice Animal Behaviour Mammalian Biology Animal Reproduction Science Applied Animal Behaviour Science Applied Animal Ethnology Biological Conservation Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behaviour Processes Journal for Nature Conservation The Lancet Life Sciencest
I would like to meet 1. Aristotle 2. Michael Angelo 3. David Attenborough 4. David Bellamy 5. Charles Darwin 6. Gerald Durrell 7. Albert Einstein 8. Stevie Irwin 9 Bill Oddie 10. Richard Owen 11. Plato 12. Sir Peter Scott As they had a great influence on me wanting to study natural history.
easy to listen to, Frank Sinatra. Dean Martin. Sammy Davis Jr. Etta James. Sam Cooke. Diana Ross. Marvin Gaye. Dinah Washington. Percy Sledge. Tony Bennett. Tina Turner. Ray Charles. Elvis.
Shelock Holmes films, Marx Brothers, Superman ....
Natural History Programmes, Life On Earth, Living Planet, Trails Of Life, life in the freezer, The Life Of Birds, The Private Life Of Plants, The Blue Planet, Life Of Mammals, Life In The Undergrowth, Planet Earth. The Crocodile Hunter.
Natural History books, Animal Behaviour. Life On Earth. Living Planet. Trails Of Life. Life In The Freezer. The Life Of Birds. The Private Life Of Plants. The Blue Planet. Life Of Mammals. Life In The Undergrowth. Planet Earth.
My Mother who died from heart failer, to which i miss her so much, wish i was there so that i could saver her. jennifer lyon 29/05/44- 12/07/05. Paul Harrington Amanda Ferguson Patsy Joseph Nicola Burnett