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About Me

I'll Try Anything Once

143 | Mildly Autistic Know It All Robot | Compiler of Lists ( Especially Alphabetical Ones ) | Sewer Rat Lifeguard | Roadkill Custodian | Proponent of the Benevolent Svastika | Practitioner of No-Fail Oatmeal Methodology | Head of Committee to Name the Eraserhead Baby | Aspiring Vulcan | Keen Eye for: Cute Spiders + Laughing Wolves + Jam-Eating Geckos + Hot Meerkat on Meerkat Action + Talking Tapirs + Penguins in Sweaters | Future Bride of Schrödinger's Cat | Defender of Slugs (and other molluscs) | Keeping Tabs on Bunnies | Animal Attack Sympathizer | Curious and Sensitive Child-Scientist | Admirer of Eruptions, Implosions, and Explosions | Fetus Storage Unit Architect | Guilty of Negligent Arachnicide | Tickled by Ring-Tailed Lemurs | Sweet Bean Paste Connoisseur | Occasional Boozehound | Oblique Strategist | Pinata Head Rescuer | Duckling Stalker | Yellowjacket Whisperer

My Interests

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    * * * Sleep * * *Abandoned PlacesThe AbsurdAirborne CatsAlpine MountainsAnimal CognitionAnimal CommunicationAnimals in Space :(Anthropomorphic TaxidermyAntlers + Horns + HoovesAprons ( Vintage + Repro )Art (see examples here )David AttenboroughBambooBavaroisBerriesJoseph BeuysBonnets + SnoodsBookbindingBowerbirds + LyrebirdsButohCascading Style SheetsCat TailorsCavesCephalopodsCetaceansChance OperationsChinese CharactersChiropteransChopsticksCicadasCitrusColorConsumer BoycottsCookingCordials + LiqueursCorvidae Family (birds)CrêpesCrustaceansDeerDogboyEl DuendeDutch Gardening ClogsCharles + Ray EamesEatingEdible Wild PlantsEncaustic PaintingEndangered SpeciesEnvironmental ScienceThe EnvironmentEthical ConsumerismEthologyExistentialismFabergé EggsFake FurFeral ChildrenFermentationFlamencoForeign Languages
    (esp: Japanese + Italian)FoodHarry Whittier FreesGardeningGelatoAndy GoldsworthyGreat Ape PersonhoodGreen TeaHailstormsHanabiHeuristicsHerr Cuckoo ClocksHymenopteransIndustrial DesignIndustrial PhotographyInternational System of UnitsInterspecies BondingIntroversionIntuition + Intuitive LeapsItaly + JapanKaraoke BoxesKemonomimiKinetic SculptureKlompsLateral ThinkingLibrarian ChicLibraries, PublicLightningLindy Hop + JitterbugLive Piip ShowLogicThe Lunar CalendarMarzipanMatryoshka DollsMental HealthMicrocarsThe MicroscopicModel HorsesThe MoonShawna MouserThe MundaneMusicMutual IntelligibilityNatural DisastersNebulaeNerikiri/KonashiNeuropsychologyNeuroplastici tyNew Year CelebrationsNinjasNohNoh MasksNomadismNuts + SeedsOrganic AgricultureOrigamiPanna CottaPapel PicadoPapermakingPareidoliaParticle Accelerator ImagesPelorian CatsPenguins In SweatersPharmacologyPhytomedicinesPhytoremediationPiñ atasRöstiQuittingReference BooksRespect For LifeRoe + CaviarFred RogersRhizomes + Roots
    Bulbs + TubersSacred GeometrySchrödinger's CatSea VegetablesThe SkySmall ObjectsStinky CheeseSustainable EnergySvastikaSynergyTechnologyThe TelescopicTherianthropyThe Three Stooges
    (esp. Curly Howard )ThunderstormsToy CamerasToysTrees + ForestsTropical CyclonesUSGS Satellite ImagesIl Vino RossoVolcanoesWabi SabiWagashiWashiWetlandsWilderness SurvivalWolvesWunderkammerYuugenZoopharmacognosyZoosemiotics +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+Friendster PageLiveJournal PageFavorite Flickr PhotosFavorite YouTube VideosAmazon Wish List

I'd like to meet:

Every kind of animal.

and this guy:


Kosmische Musik , J.S. Bach , Devendra Banhart , Broadcast , Wendy Carlos , Missy Elliot , Einstürzende Neubauten , Brian Eno , The Melvins , OOIOO , Ozzy + Sabbath , Space Ballerinas , Suburban Lawns , Mark Sultan , Sun Ra , Sean Tillmann , Jack White , Wilco , and countless many others...


The 400 Blows , Aguirre The Wrath of God , Alphaville , Hour of the Wolf , Mirror (Tarkovsky) , Nacho Libre , The Nutty Professor (1963) , Princess Mononoke , Santa Sangre , Spirit of the Beehive , Stroszek , Valerie & Her Week of Wonders , and the list goes on...


Nature + Wildlife Documentary , Freaks and Geeks , The Three Stooges , etc.


Abé , Borges , Camus , Cortázar ; The Ancestor's Tale (Dawkins) , The Art of Quitting (Harris) , Riddley Walker (Hoban) , The Thief's Journal (Genet) , etc.

click here to see what i'm reading right now


Joseph Beuys , Sir David Attenborough , Harry Whittier Frees , et al.

Desi's Details

Status: In a Relationship
Here for: Maintaining contact
Sun / Moon: Leo / Aries
Ascendant: Virgo
MBTI Type: INTJ / INFJ cusp
Education: 16 years + lifelong autodidact
Body Type: 5' 6" (167 cm) + Curvaceous
Smoke / Drink: No / Yes
Children: Can you say "overpopulation" ?
Religion: Pantheist
Orientation: Slut!
Shoe Size: 7.5 / 38 (24 cm)
Occupation: Preoccupied

My Blog


arrived at Chop Suey just in perfect time to wait through Crystal Castles' set-up. found a spot in the back where i spent 15 minutes trying in vain to fix camera settings in hopes of getting at least ...
Posted by Desi on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 10:35:00 PST

No Hanson This Time

this is a bulletin meme that Bradley posted the other day. i am way too medicated to do up the fancy-pants enhanced-readability html list for this right now, but here's what i got... i'm curious to se...
Posted by Desi on Thu, 29 May 2008 11:55:00 PST

A Secret No One Knows

none of this is what you probably thought it was. (i hereby dare you to watch the video.) ...
Posted by Desi on Sun, 25 May 2008 04:48:00 PST

Before + After

famous Zen koan:Before enlightenment, Chop wood, carry waterAfter enlightenment, Chop wood, carry wateryou could replace the word enlightenment with just about any of those "big" things that so many h...
Posted by Desi on Mon, 12 May 2008 01:43:00 PST

You Know Serendipity?

Lou had this "Madonna" image as his default picture several weeks ago, and i recognized it as the work of Trevor Brown, so i started a conversation about it, and found out how he'd become acquainted w...
Posted by Desi on Sun, 11 May 2008 11:19:00 PST

They Are Watching You Too

Birds Can Tell If You Are Watching Them -- Because They Are Watching You...
Posted by Desi on Wed, 07 May 2008 08:04:00 PST

Beyond Infuriating

update: according to the latest news (source: the fatal U.S. bat epidemic is spreading even faster than expected. we've known about it since 2006, and we still have no clue what's...
Posted by Desi on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 12:49:00 PST

Everyone Is Gay

Current mood: gaythe two previous blog entries consisted of gay confessions; this will be the third installment, and it's you-all's turn to talk about whom you are gay for! don't be shy, now!April 11...
Posted by Desi on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 02:24:00 PST

Hey, Yeah

i am a boring person. but as far as boring people go, i am one of the more interesting ones. and i myself am actually never bored, so being boring is ok with me. (to those who need to be entertained: ...
Posted by Desi on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 10:28:00 PST

N is for Narwhals, Neptune, and Nothingness

Melanie (also known as Sweet Nothing, Dandelion, Ms. Firecracker, and my birthday almost-twin) compiled a list reminding herself of things that make her happy, and i realized it's been too long since ...
Posted by Desi on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 10:55:00 PST