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I'd like to meet:
Every kind of animal.
and this guy:
Kosmische Musik , J.S. Bach , Devendra Banhart , Broadcast , Wendy Carlos , Missy Elliot , Einstürzende Neubauten , Brian Eno , The Melvins , OOIOO , Ozzy + Sabbath , Space Ballerinas , Suburban Lawns , Mark Sultan , Sun Ra , Sean Tillmann , Jack White , Wilco , and countless many others...
The 400 Blows , Aguirre The Wrath of God , Alphaville , Hour of the Wolf , Mirror (Tarkovsky) , Nacho Libre , The Nutty Professor (1963) , Princess Mononoke , Santa Sangre , Spirit of the Beehive , Stroszek , Valerie & Her Week of Wonders , and the list goes on...
Nature + Wildlife Documentary , Freaks and Geeks , The Three Stooges , etc.
Abé , Borges , Camus , Cortázar ; The Ancestor's Tale (Dawkins) , The Art of Quitting (Harris) , Riddley Walker (Hoban) , The Thief's Journal (Genet) , etc.
click here to see what i'm reading right now
Joseph Beuys , Sir David Attenborough , Harry Whittier Frees , et al.
Desi's Details
Status: In a Relationship
Here for: Maintaining contact
Sun / Moon: Leo / Aries
Ascendant: Virgo
MBTI Type: INTJ / INFJ cusp
Education: 16 years + lifelong autodidact
Body Type: 5' 6" (167 cm) + Curvaceous
Smoke / Drink: No / Yes
Children: Can you say "overpopulation" ?
Religion: Pantheist
Orientation: Slut!
Shoe Size: 7.5 / 38 (24 cm)
Occupation: Preoccupied