Get a LED scroller or myspace layouts at ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------Hello, My work is to lighting shows, but i do music since 18 years now. First, i played guitar, after Bass and Double Bass(I learned with the academy) with severals Bands. 10 years with « RECTUS » (go to see their page), and 1 year in « Les Madeleines », some others too. But, cause of my job, i became timeless. So i stop bands, and starting work alone with my computer and instruments. I meet people who do shorts films, i do music for it. I hope to do the same thing with others short, or more long movies. I like fantastic , thrillers, and horror better. For the moment, i create for imaginary movies... I think especially that the music and art in general are the only ways for liberate us from this society which maltreats and subject us with his morbid morals money's king and where the human being is not worth anything any more... ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------Profile created with
Ceci est une association avec laquelle je travaille:::
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