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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Ciao a tutti! Thank you very much for checking out our site! We really appreciate your passion for Italy and Italian Culture. Show off your pride for Italian Culture and help support the Modern Italian Network with this cool new VISA bank card! amp;sourceCode=71033&preparerType=customer
Modern Italian Network is a community of people passionate about Italy and Italian culture who also want to connect and contribute to Italian Culture. We have thousands of members across the United States and the world. We do not discriminate in any way.
You are welcome to join Modern Italian Network for FREE!
Our goal is to provide you and others with the means to benefit from a relationship with Italy and its culture in the same way we have been able to, ever since that first, influential visit so many years ago.
Please let us know how we can assist you increase your passion for Italy and Italian culture.

My Interests

This is our float in the Columbus Day parade in Baltimore, MD.

Here are some pictures of our recent trip to Siciy.

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HERE ARE SOME OF OUR FAVORITE PROVERBS AND SAYINGS:L'ERBA VOGLIO NON CRESCE NEPPURE NEL GIARDINO DEL RE. You cannot have everything you want.L'ERBA CATTIVA NON MUORE MAI. A bad penny is always turning up.GLI ESTREMI SI TOCCANO. Extreems meet.CIASCUNO È FABBRO DELLA SUA FORTUNA. Each man is the forger of his own destiny.FATTA ( O PASSATA ) LA FESTA GABBATO LO SANTO. Once on shore, we pray no more.FIDARSI È BENE, NON FIDARSI È MEGLIO. To trust is good, not to trust is better.NON SI MUOVE FOGLIA CHE DIO NON VOGLIA. Not a leaf stirs but God wills it.LA FORTUNA AIUTA GLI AUDACI. Fortune favors the brave.DAL FRUTTO SI CONOSCE L'ALBERO. The tree is known by it's fruit.UN BELLE GIOCO DURA POCO. Jokes should not be carried too far.IL LAVORO NOBILITA L'UOMO. Work ennobles man.FATTA LA LEGGE , TROVATO L'INGANNO. Every law has a loophole.OGNI COSA HA UN LIMITE. There's a limit to everything.CHI SI LODA S'IMBRODA. Self praise is no reccomendation.NESSUNO NASCE MAESTRO. Everyone has to learn.