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I´ve got soul but I´m not a soldier...

About Me

I am doing international marketing and exploitation in the music business for 20 years. Working for several independent and major companies.My company kinnetic provides international exploitation and marketing services, artist management and music publishing.If you are fed up with record company policies and industries promises, instead you want to build a team of experts for each country, give me a shout. MySpace Layouts MySpace Generators a

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



Depeche Mode, Air, Japan, Nightmares on Wax, The Jam, Portishead, PJ Harvey, Underworld, Sibelius, Nine Inch Nails, The Orb, Any Remixes by Danny Tenaglia, Dead Can Dance, Kasabian, Trentemoller, Scott Walker, Björk, All Saints, Delibes, Orbital, The Style Council, Radiohead, Morissey, The Dandy Warhols, Editors, Renegade Soundwave, Massive Attack, Scala & The Kolocny Brothers, Heaven 17, Yonderboi, The Veils, Sparks, Chris and Cosey, Book of Love, William Orbit, Smashing Pumpkins, Pankow (from Italy), Kd Lang, Siouxie and the Banshees, Beth Orton, Justin Timberlake, The Verve, Alexandra, Nitzer Ebb, The Timewriter, Joy Division, Beastie Boys, Two for the road, Claude Debussy, Everlast, Peter Gabriel (soundtracks only), David Sylvian, Underworld, Erik Satie, Kraftwerk, The Rapture, Annie Lennox, Aphex Twin (the ambient workx), The Cure, The Future Sound of London, She Wants Revenge, Sigur Ross, Moloko, A-ha, The Killers, Cocteau Twins, Perry Blake, The Beloved, Les Rita Mitsouko, Primal Scream, Placebo, The Velvet Underground, Carmel, The Stereo MC..s, Zero 7, - the list is endless...


Lord of the Rings, Fightclub, Igby, Bladerunner, Birdy, Particles of Truth, Into the wild, Akira, High Society, Serenity, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Taxandria, 300, Rhinoceros Eyes, Reality Bites, Dogma, Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella, Gattaca, Wristcutters, The notebook, Blood Diamond, Es muss nicht immer Kavier sein, The usual suspects, Lawrence of Arabia, Smoke, The sweet hereafter, One two three, Crash, The Hours, Hero, Garden State, Das Boot, Butterfield 8, From Dusk Till Dawn, Indiana Jones triology, Secretary, Hamlet(with Ethan Hawke), Tron, Cat on the Hot Tin Roof, Fur, all Steve McQueen movies, Star Wars (the orginal 3 movies only!) Oceans 11


Queer as Folk, The Avengers, Die Hesselbachs, Black Books, Firefly, Salto Mortale, Afterlife, Pushing Daisies, Dexter, Raumpatrouille Orion, Wickie, How I met your mother, Moonlighting, Californication, House, Invisible Man, Extras, X Files, Catweazle, Six Feet Under, Weeds, Heroes, Pan Tau, 24, Ally Mc Beal, Prison Break, Stromberg (the german version of "The Office"), Absolutely Fabulous, Captain Future, Lost, Boston Legal, Friday Night Lights, Magnum Herr Rossi sucht das Glück


The Fountainhead & Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand, Thoughts are things - Prentice Mulford, The Midnight Examiner - William Kotzwinkle, Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien, Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson, Silver Surfer comics, Any comic books by Francois Schuiten, The Age Of Reason - Jean Paul Sartre, The Idiot - Fjodor M. Dostojewski, The Sheep look up - John Brunner, The master and Margarita - Michael Bulgakov, Birdy - William Wharton, Dune - Frank Herbert, The Flowers Of Evil - Charles Baudelaire, Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann, Neuromancer - William Gibson, Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling, Anything written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Secret History - Donna Tart, The Collected Dorothy Parker, The Memory, Sorrow And Thorn Saga and Shadowmarch - Tad Williams, The Cocka Hola Company by Matias Faldbakken, Mosquito Coast - Paul Theroux, Poems by Robert Frost, Poems by Viggo Mortensen, Sewer, Gas and Electric by Matt Ruff, anything written by Hermann Hesse, Die Biene Maja & Himmelsvolk by Waldemar Bonsels, anything written by Richard Brautigan, Valley of the dolls - Jacqueline Susann, Sentimental Education - Gustave Flaubert, Pan Aroma Jitterbug Perfume - Tom Robbins, Science Fiction in general - - I could go on forever...


Jürgen Klinsmann & Joachim Löw for turning our mediocre national football team into winners during World Cup 2006 and those special 4 weeks into one of the finest and most emotional summers of my life !Ciao Italia, watch out for 2008 and 2010, better be prepared, ..cause we are... and this time - real games - no fuck ups ! - Are you in ...?

My Blog


I have to admit the headline is not my copyright, but I think its brillant.I took it from the US TV series "DIRT", which by the way, is unbelievably dark for an US TV series whose content is about a y...
Posted by kinnetic on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:47:00 PST


First of all, I haven´t read the book, so I don´t know anything about the whole story. I just wanted to share my feelings about the movie. It left me speechless, scared, touched and vulnerable all at ...
Posted by kinnetic on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 05:39:00 PST


Living in a city like Berlin, proves my theory that people ARE strange. I still don´t know if they only aim to be unique or just a bunch of crazy bastards.A perfect example is my neighbor. In Berlin h...
Posted by kinnetic on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 04:58:00 PST

how to survive some slight... tubulences without... exploding

On my last trip to N.Y. I learned a lot about my self monitoring abilities as I experienced all worst case szenarios nicely concentrated in just one flight:2 people actually doing IT in the bathroom, ...
Posted by kinnetic on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 06:59:00 PST

Coward TV or German TV sucks

In the beginning it was anoying, than it became painful, now its just sad.It started out with Big Brother some years ago, now our tv programm is flooded with shows about C & D "celebs", nannies, cooki...
Posted by kinnetic on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:55:00 PST


I know, I know, Im late, but what can you do, when you call TV wasteland Germany your home and one of the greatest tv series of all time never saw the light of day over there???Stumbled over it on the...
Posted by kinnetic on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:48:00 PST


Guys,following up on my earlier mental outpourings on how so NOT funny german TV is, here is an example, how tv can be done instead, as THIS is funny as hell.Just found this UK TV series on the net: E...
Posted by kinnetic on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:36:00 PST

Too many cigarettes...

Just about when the whole world finally decided to quit smoking and governments set up "danger zones" where smoking is allowed, I started smoking...I didn´t smoke for 39 (!) years and started a year a...
Posted by kinnetic on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:01:00 PST

Pushing Daisies

Hello everyone,I have recently discovered this adorable new tv series called "Pushing Daisies".Pushing Daisies is a "forensic fairy tale" that focuses on Ned, a piemaker with a mysterious ability to m...
Posted by kinnetic on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 06:28:00 PST

Thoughts are things by Prentice Mulford

The term "ought" has no application to the nature of love. Love goes where it will, and to whom it will, and where it is attracted. You cannot force yourself to love anything or anybody...A gift onl...
Posted by kinnetic on Thu, 03 May 2007 02:37:00 PST