Poppy Rivers ♥ profile picture

Poppy Rivers ♥

About Me

Hey Everyone!! :o)
Okay, so, I realise I said I wern't going to tell you all about myself, because I didn't think anybody cared. Lets face it, most people do actually only look at my pictures. I've had quite a few E-mails from people, wanting to know more about me....
....So here we go
-My name really is Poppy Rivers.
-I was born and bred in Birmingham, but we all have faults.
-I'm a complete and utter geek.
-I'm not completely braindead. I'm actually quite clever, not obviously clever, but clever.
-'internet lingo' annoys me. Most of it isn't even abbreviation.
-I'm terrified of death. Nothing in the world scares me more. I find it pretty difficult to understand.
-I'm an Atheist. Seeing is believing. I can't believe/be a part of something that I've never experienced.
-I'd like to think we don't just die.
-I worry too much.
-I'm obsessive.
-I will never do nude modelling. No matter how much the money. Nobody can put a price on me.
-Indian food is my favourite.
-I have a good sense of humour.
-I love Pic N Mix, especially the fizzy ones and apple pencils.
-I despise pretentious people.
-I don't like smokers, not as people, just smokers. I can't wait for the ban to be put in place.
-I don't want to get married. Divorce is expensive. My opinion might change, but this won't happen soon.
-I don't want children.
-I love the smell of petrol.
-I don't think I'm the dogs knackers.
-I'm stubborn.
-I'm unbelievably competitive.
-I can be quite argumentative.
-I'm a bit of a hypochondriac.
-I'd love to see Lee Evans and UB40 live. Not at the same time.
-Some of my favourite words are: Flip flop, Fudge, Cabbage, Squash, Flannel, Sponge, Mush and Flange.
-I'd love to visit Italy.
-I can only tell the time on a digital clock.
-I want a black Range Rover.
-I'm more than likely not how you expect me to be.
-I don't like animals, unles they're kept at a distance. A very far distance.
-If I wasn't so passionate about modelling, I'd have wanted to be a forensic detective.
-I can be quite dippy. I'm not proud of it.
-I love learning about history.
-Schindlers list is one of my favourite films. The war interests me.
-I hate having my knees touched. It makes me cringe.
-I'm easily pleased.
-My hair colour/style doesn't usually stay the same for more than a year, if that. I get bored of it easily.
-I love thunder storms, providing I'm not outside.
-I have a hate talking over the phone, unless it's with Family, or I absolutely have to.
-I don't pronounce million, trillion, billion(I'm sure you get the pattern) the way most other people do. It's more like "Miwwyon". I'm not trying to set a trend or anyhing, it's just the way I pronounce it.
-I quite like the smell of Coffee!
-I smile too much.
-I'm really quite goofy. I'm Proud of that. :]
-I hate people that drop rubbish on the floor, or throw it out of their car window.
-I can't stand noisey eaters. They make me angry.
-I'm quite opinionated. It's not always a good thing.
-I'd love to learn to speak Chinese. It'd be impressive, but I don't have the patience.
-I have a sister, Terri. Terri's the dogs dangelies :] I also have a brother, David and another sister Carolyn. I rarely see them.
-I like the sound car pedals make, when you have wet shoes on. Squeeky Squeek. :]
I do reply to messages, unless I overlook them, which is usually very rare. It does take a while to reply to everyone, so be patient. :]You may not always get a reply to comments, because of the ammount I get. I try my best to keep in touch, with everyone who keep in touch with me. Thanks for the support! :]

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

Failure, It's Simply Not An Option! :]

I'd like to meet:

-People who share the same interests.
-Friendly people.
-Interesting people.
-Dame Edna.


-UK Garage/Grime.
-Speed Garage.
-Slow Jams.
-Christina Aguilera. I'm not entirely sure of her category. I think it's pop, but as she's the only 'Pop act' I like, I'll just use her name.




-Game On.
-Two pints of larger and a packet of crisps.
-Bad girls.
-Top gear.
-Footballers wives.

My Blog

Tune In! ;)

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Posted by Poppy Rivers on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 06:38:00 PST