I don't do popularity contests.
Unless I know you personally,
or am a huge fan of your work,
I'm not going to add you to my friends list.
Can't cope with that fact?
(Back on MySpaceIM)
- Why you don't want to be a pagan!The books cost an arm and a leg, you don't pick them up in hotel rooms or hospital lockers.When you screw up, you pay big time. No easy out like please forgive me, I made a mistake. We don't have the luxury of blaming our mistakes on others.We have more bad things lurking in the dark. The other guys only have one.There is no road map to life, you have to figure it out yourself. You have to think, and learn, continuously, like forever!We do not get miracles, we have to roll up our sleeves to make things happen. That means hard work!All our worship is self-generated. It is not done by a designated official and fed to us.It's hard work, all the time. Not just one hour a week, on Sundays, while we review the fashions. It is a lifestyle, not a club.There is no social status in being ostracized, ridiculed, hated or harmed.Our healthy approach to sex, and our respect for women may be hazardous to your mental health.Consensus is that we are all going to Hell.
HellKatt --
Pretentiously academian
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
You have Raven
Positive Traits: Intellectual,
Wise, Experienced, Honest,
Negative Traits: Pompous,
Condescending, Withdrawn, Pessimistic,
Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have?
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What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)
Fire Dragon
Rage, passion, you burn with the essence of a powerful flame. You are powerful and majestic and dont let anyone stand in your way without a fight.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Baby, what's your sign? (Celtic Zodiac)
You were born in the month of the ivy. The power of the Ivy lies in its ability to cling and bind, making it a potent symbol of determination and strength. In general, Ivy individuals have great personal stamina and a wealth of talents that can bring personal honors and public recognition. Such people are generally colorful characters with a unique style which is all their own. Restless by inclination, Ivy people are nonetheless sociable and good-natured. Cheeful, expansive and magnetic, they easily win friends and dislike offending others. They also possess a sharp intellect which is matched only by their sense of humor...however, their personal doubts and fears can manifest into strange dreams and personal encounters. Blessed with profound artistic flair, Ivy people tend to be greatly valued as friends. Extremely loyal, they are capable of accepting responsibility for their own actions. They tend to attract people who have little or no morals and should keep that in mind when making new friends. As far as learning goes, hands-on experience goes a lot farther than merely reading it from a book. They also have a propensity to not be very lucky people. Romantically, the Ivy person is very sensitive but seems to fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat. It is important that Ivy individuals not get too caught up in the problems of others or they are prone to suffer disappointment and betrayal.
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A note from me, sent to a new acquaintance:
I was raised in the military, constantly moving, constantly leaving a friend behind (until I was 12) and by the time my father retired I wasn't making a bunch of friends because I didn't want to be hurt when I or they had to move yet again. I didn't really start making friends again until I was 15, and each friend that I call so is cherished. I've told others, but as you are new to my acquaintance I'll fill you in. I have fought for my friends' honor, even their lives. I willingly risk much each time a friend needs help - driving out of my way to pick up friends who've suddenly lost the roof over their heads - given them a new roof until they can get their feet under them - against the wishes of my husband. I would give lottery winnings to a friend did they need it and I had it. My friends are my world, and I want them happy at all costs. And occasionally (more often now than it used to be) I find them willing to do the same for me.
One friend or a million, does not make a person fake - it makes them rich beyond counting - and the more people they can call friend, the richer.