Hey did you know that my book "Prose of a Madwoman" is still available!!!
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On the Spiritual side of things...
I won't go into depth on my philosophies but I will say I am a child of nature and live my life by my own standards. I have several passions of which include writing, being outdoors and kickin' it by my pool.
Friends are all I'm looking for here. I have met all sorts of people and what a blessed life I have had.
I enjoy people and really dig on those who are real, not superficial. I find plastic people boring.
.. MySpace Comments ..
If I have to choose a genre or era I would be torn to choose between 80s glam rock and 70's rock.
Mmmovies, movies, movies! I love all kinds of movies, whether they be romance, action, comedy and thrillers. Scary movies are cool and I especially like European Indie flicks.
Bones, House, Entourage, Rome... all shows with one word titles? True Blood and all of the movies channels.
Prose of a Mad Woman: A Book of Love
Confessions of a Pagan Nun by Kate Horsley
My heroes are my daughters and my granddaughters because they remind me every day how beautiful life can be.