I critique life! this record is my trip through the universe.
the past two years have been weird. I never would have thought that I would get involved with our courts. but I have! and I am pissed! now I am a man who intends to communicate.
Nightmare starts by thinking the best of people, greeting them with a smile instead of suspicion; a conversation respectful of what others say, expecting a search for truth in an honest dialogue.
Then you realize you are facing a mindset which is inconsistent with reason or common sense. An obstacle; a twilight zone between fantasy and reality, a court of anguish between fact and fiction where up is down, where a search for truth is not the prosecutng objective.
In 1789, Washington appointed John Jay as Chief Justice to the Supreme Court under the new federal constitution.
John Jay
first chief justice of the US.
Jezebel has stamped her name on history as the representative of all that is designing, crafty, malicious, revengeful, and cruel. She is the first great instigator of persecution against the saints of God.
Regardless of what is righteous and mitigating, such as pre-trial proof that an accuser is a liar,
the government moves for trial,
amplifies the lies of the malicious accuser, disregards the virtuous defendant's description of events, in fact hides exculpatory evidence.
it's not fair. the cards should all be turned face up.
Fox Wilshire
1933 Hudson Sedan
1933 Nash Ambassador
1940 Hudson 8 Sedan
1940 Hudson
1946 Hudson Commodore Six Sedan
1949 Nash 600 Airflyte
1949 Hudson 4
1954 saw the merger of two great and foundering companies as American Motors was formed.
The names Hudson and Nash finally disappeared in 1957. All descendants were called Rambler from then on.
'58 Rambler Ambassador
McDonnell F-4 Phantom was equipped to carry a bewildering variety of offensive weapons and defensive electronic gear, including several different types of air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, and as many as twenty-two 500-pound conventional bombs, as well as nuclear bombs. For defense against ground and air attack, the Phantom could be equipped with highly sophisticated electronic devices that can jam a potential enemy's radar aiming equipment.The Phantom completed its maiden flight in 1958 and was still in service, flying combat missions during the late 70's.
Paperless Design of the 777
The Boeing 777 is the first jetliner to be 100 percent "pre-assembled" on computer.
Landing in strong cross wind
777 & 747
The millions of parts that make up the 777 were designed and then fitted to one another on computer by using three-dimensional solids technology.
this how they make them
No full-scale mock-up of the 777 was required. Moreover, the 777 program exceeded its goal of reducing change, error and rework by 50 percent.
Test wing flex
Test the GE engine on a 747
Test Max braking. Destroys all 12 wheels.
Here comes 787...
marvin drysdale
The 787 will be the first large commercial jetliner with a mostly composite airframe, these large, carbon-fiber fuselage barrels. Unlike a labor-intensive aluminum fuselage section of an airplane, which requires several large pieces held together by thousands of rivets, a composite fuselage barrel can be made as one big piece that does not need rivets. A computer-controlled robot applies layers of carbon fiber on a huge mold, which is then baked in an enormous oven, or autoclave, until cured.Sea power Francais!
Liar and psychological defense mechanisms
Even a pathological liar carries deep in his heart a desire for goodness and honesty and yet, because of painful emotional wounds, tries to hide that
hurt from himself, he makes a deliberate, conscious effort to deceive someone. The only solution to all
these lies is to face up to the bitter pain of feeling misunderstood. Track that pain back to its
origins. Understand just how you were ignored or neglected. Understand how much you feared—and still
fear—being abandoned. Understand the anger simmering in your unconscious. The truth is bitter, and it
can be terrifying, but when you encounter it honestly you will discover courage.
You cannot have meaningful and honest interactions with
others if you persist in clinging, deep in your heart, to psychological defense mechanisms that shield you from that very pain. How can you be genuine with another person if you’re always protecting yourself with your own wits? blame, resentment, and anger may have served to ensure your survival by masking your hurt and vulnerability, but these things are totally opposed to integrity and true love.
you can challenge others when they are being dishonest, and you won’t have to feel that you are a “bad†person
for seeing what no one else will admit.
Chester William Nimitz was born on 24 February 1885, attended US Naval Academy in excellent student, in 1907 ordered to duty under instruction in submarines, the branch of the service in which he spent a large part of his sea duty. in 1926 he became the first Professor of Naval Science and Tactics for the Unit at the University of California at Berkley. In December 1941, he was designated as Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet.
In 1946, at the conclusion of World War II, Congress established the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to succeed the wartime Manhattan Project. Hyman G. Rickover recognized the military implications of successfully harnessing atomic power for submarine propulsion. He studied at AEC laboratory at Oak Ridge, TN for one year to learn the fundamentals of nuclear reactor technology.
After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1922, Rickover went to sea for several years before earning a 1929 master's degree in electrical engineering from Columbia University. During World War II, he served effectively as head of the Bureau of Ships electrical section. Rickover became the driving force in the U.S. Navy's nuclear propulsion program
Between 1945 and 1955, the submarine was transformed from a fast surface ship that could hide briefly underwater into a true underwater boat, able to move and fight for weeks on end without ever surfacing. The process began with German U-boats captured by the Allies at the end of World War II. Displaying a number of advanced features that greatly enhanced underwater speed and endurance, such as highly streamlined hulls and snorkels, these boats inspired new thinking in every major navy.In the United States, the first step was upgrading existing submarines in a program called Guppy (greater underwater propulsive power). New hull designs followed, emphasizing better underwater performance. Nuclear propulsion was the final stage in creating the true submarine. The world's first nuclear-powered submarine, USS Nautilus (SSN-571), went to sea in January 1955.
Asian elephant has passed the mirror self-recognition test. Awareness can be tested by studying whether the animal recognizes itself in a mirror. Many animals fail this exercise miserably, paying scant attention to the reflected image. Only humans, apes and, more recently, dolphins, have been shown to recognize that the image in the mirror is of themselves.The elephants exhibited behavior typical of other self-aware animals.They checked out the mirror, in some cases using their trunks to explore what was behind it, and used it to examine parts of their bodies.Of the three, Happy then passed the critical test, in which a visible mark was painted on one side of her face. She could only tell the mark was there by looking in the mirror, and she used the mirror to touch the mark with her trunk. a “beautiful case of cognitive convergence†with other self-aware animals. “We knew elephants were intelligent, but now we can talk about their intelligence in a more specific way.â€
Guns 'N Roses
Researchers at the Harvard Medical School and the National Institute on Aging report that a natural substance found in red wine, known as resveratrol, offsets the bad effects of a high-calorie diet in mice and significantly extends their lifespan.The report, published in Nature, implies that very large daily doses of resveratrol could offset the unhealthy, high-calorie diet thought to underlie the rising toll of obesity in the United States and elsewhere, if people respond to the drug as mice do.
Resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes and in red wine and is conjectured to be a partial explanation for the French paradox, the puzzling fact that people in France enjoy a high-fat diet yet suffer less heart disease than Americans.Scientists have long known that a moderate intake of alcohol, and red wine in particular, is associated with a lowered risk of heart disease and other benefits. More recently, scientists began to suspect resveratrol had particularly powerful effects and began investigating its role in lifespan.
Ever see a tiger kill a crocodile?!
the opportunity for a lion and tiger to meet in the wild is practically non-existent.
About nine million years ago - two million years after the cat family first appeared in Asia - these successful predators invaded North America by crossing the Beringian land bridge connecting Siberia and Alaska, a team of geneticists writes in the journal Science today.
Later, several American cat lineages returned to Asia. With each migration, evolutionary forces morphed the pantherlike patriarch of all cats into a rainbow of species, from ocelots and lynxes to leopards, lions and the lineage that led to the most successful cat of all, even though it has mostly forsaken its predatory heritage: the cat that has induced people to pay for its board and lodging in return for frugal displays of affection.This new history of the family, known as Felidae, is based on DNA analyses of the 37 living species performed by Warren E. Johnson and Stephen J. O'Brien of the National Cancer Institute and colleagues elsewhere.there is virtually only one mainstay of the cat's diet…and that is meat.
Fresh meat killed by their mother or themselves is the only item on the feline diet, and that means survival for them is no easy matter. Their food is not found on trees, waiting to be eaten. Nature has supplied the cat with the intelligence, courage, and speed to become and to stay the fabulous hunter that it needs to be to survive. Hunting preoccupies a cat almost from birth. Meat-eating has also caused the cat to have a short intestinal tract, since meat is easy to digest and doesn't require a long, heavy gut (which would only weigh the cat down, slowing his ability to pounce and preventing him from hunting as effectively). Meat-eating also explains the short digestive period, the rapid passage of food through the cat, and the nutritional residue in a cat's feces. This is a main reason why cats are so concerned with burying their feces, and they never mark with feces at home, only with sprays of urine.
When one observes young kittens playing, they are play-acting hunting. The process of hunting means more than the food victory of the hunt, because a cat can hunt without eating, but cannot eat without hunting.
Airbus Beluga Freighter
Boeing has rolled the first 747-400 Large Cargo Freighter (LCF) out of the hangar at Taipei’s Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport. The enormous airplane is the first of three specially modified jets that will be used to transport major assemblies for the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
Arrogance of Power
Richard Nixon feared political conspiracies were against him. His friend Jack Dreyfus, who had formed the Dreyfus investment company, was a strong advocate of a medication called Dilantin for alleviating depression. Nixon consumed Dilantin with alcohol daily.
In 1972 a bizarre burglary took place at Democratic Natl Committee headquarters. Washington Post Metro section reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were following the story. At that time Mark Felt was a dashing gray-haired figure, and his experience as an anti-Nazi spy hunter early in his career at the FBI had endowed him with a whole bag of counterintelligence tricks. Felt dreamed up the signal by which Woodward would summon him to a meeting (a flowerpot innocuously displayed on the reporter's balcony) and also hatched the countersign by which Felt could contact Woodward (a clock face inked on Page 20 of Woodward's daily New York Times).
Mark Felt (Deep Throat)
largely confirmed information already gotten from other sources. Felt established extremely strict initial ground rules: He could never be quoted -- even as an anonymous source -- and he would not provide information. He would "confirm information that had been obtained elsewhere and . . . add some perspective,"At first, the two men spoke by telephone. But Watergate was, after all, a case that began with a telephone wiretap. Felt had been summoned at least once to the White House, before Watergate, to discuss the use of telephone surveillance against administration leakers. He soon concluded that his own phones -- and the reporters' -- might be tapped. That's when he developed the system of coded signals and parking-garage encounters. "Only the president and US Atty Genl John Mitchell know" everything, he hinted.That meeting gave senior Post editors the confidence they needed to stick with the story through withering fire from the administration and its defenders.
Scarlett Johansson has been in many movies. I had never heard of her until a few weeks ago when I saw her on Jay Leno.
Watched Jessica Simpson on Kimmel. Nothing between her ears. Next woman celebrity avail to be critiqued please be a fucking rocket scientist.
February 8, 2007 (UPI)
The bizarre episode of a female astronaut driving 900 miles to confront a rival in a love triangle has raised the question: just how well grounded are astronauts?Lisa Nowak, a 43-year-old married mother of three, was charged on Tuesday with attempted murder and attempted kidnapping after allegedly assaulting Colleen Shipman, a US Air Force engineer and student pilot based at Patrick Air Force Base, near Orlando, Florida.Nowak, a navy engineer, flew on the space shuttle Discovery in June as a mission specialist and earned the nickname "Robochick" as the operator of the shuttle's robotic arm.
She probably would not have looked twice at me in college.
where are the
Jodie Fosters of this generation?
Fredo Corleone
Nirvana (Pennyroyal Tea)
David Bowie (The Man who Sold the World)
Before DNA, taxonomists had considerable difficulty in classifying the cat family. The fossil record was sparse and many of the skulls lacked distinctiveness. One scheme divided the family into Big Cats and Little Cats. Then, in 1997, Dr. Johnson and Dr. O'Brien said they thought most living cats fell into one of eight lineages, based on the genetic element known as mitochondrial DNA.Having made further DNA analyses, the researchers have drawn a full family tree that assigns every cat species to one of the lineages. They have also integrated their tree, which is based solely ..s in DNA, with the fossil record. The fossils, which are securely dated, allow dates to be assigned to each fork in the genetic family tree.
Knowing when each species came into existence, the Johnson-O'Brien team has been able to reconstruct a series of at least 10 intercontinental migrations by which cats colonized the world. The cheetah, for instance, now found in Africa, belongs to a lineage that originated in North America and some three million years ago migrated back across the Bering land bridge to Asia and then Africa.Dr. O'Brien said the cats were very successful predators, second only to humans, and quickly explored new territories as opportunity arose.
Sea levels were low from 11 million to 6 million years ago, enabling the first modern cats, in paleontologists' perspective (saber-tooth tigers are ancient cats), to spread from Asia west into Africa, creating the caracal lineage, and east into North America, generating the ocelot, lynx and puma lineages.The leopard lineage appeared around 6.5 million years ago in Asia. The youngest of the eight lineages, which led eventually to the domestic cat, emerged some 6.2 million years ago in Asia and Africa, either from ancestors that had never left Asia or more probably from North American cats that had trekked back across the Bering land bridge.
Sea levels then rose, confining each cat species to its own continent, but sank again some three million years ago, allowing a second round of cat migrations. It was at this time that the ancestors of the cheetah and the Eurasian lynxes colonized the Old World from the New.Fewer than 15,000 tigers, cheetahs and snow leopards remain in the wild, they estimate, and pumas and jaguar populations have been reduced to about 50,000 each.
Ham, a chimpanzee, was shot into space by NASA, paving the way for astronauts. Billy Joe, whose favorite meal is spaghetti, was in show business.
experts talk about the animals’ intelligence, emotions, psychological needs and tendencies to live in families and other social groups. Then one chimpanzee delicately wipes his mouth with paper napkins as he eats an ice cream cone, making all the explanations unnecessary.
These chimpanzees cannot be returned to the wild because they don’t have the necessary survival skills.
Jillian Barberie-- Good Day LA ratings magnet.
Little T&A
She's my little rock 'n' roll
The heat's raiding, the tracks 're fading
Joint's rocking could be anywhere at all
But the bitch keeps bitching
Snitcher keeps snitching
Dropping names and telephone numbers, and all
She's my little rock 'n' roll
BoyDog says "I want to show Teddy our condo. why are you people waiting to introduce us?"
Apollo 11 mission officials relax in the Launch Control Center following the successful Apollo 11 liftoff on July 16, 1969. From left to right are: Charles W. Mathews, Deputy Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight; Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center; George Mueller, Associate Administrator for the Office of Manned Space Flight; Lt. Gen. Samuel C. Phillips, Director of the Apollo Program
some helpers in Nam
US soldiers in Nam
Vietnam proved to be a major testing ground for the helicopter and a new form of warfare known as air mobility. Troops could be lifted deep into enemy territory, striking suddenly and powerfully.
Bell Iroquos was designated the HU-1 (Helicopter Utility) Nicknamed Huey, this was the first mass-produced helicopter powered by a jet turbine. The first Hueys to operate in Vietnam were medevac HU-1As that arrived in April 1962, before the United States became officially involved in the conflict. These Hueys supported the South Vietnamese Army, but American crews flew them. In October, the first armed Hueys, equipped with 2.75-inch rockets and .30 caliber machine guns, began flying in Vietnam.
The main role of these Huey 'gunships' was to escort Army and Marine transport helicopters. In a typical air assault mission, Huey helicopters inserted infantry deep in enemy territory while Huey gunships, equipped with machine guns, rockets, and grenade launchers, often escorted the transports. The Hueys carrying troops were nicknamed "slicks" because they were not cluttered with rockets or guns mounted externally. As the slicks approached the landing zone, or LZ, the gunships swooped down and sprayed rockets and machine gun fire into areas that might conceal enemy forces. As the Hueys laden with troops touched down, door gunners aboard the slicks fired machine guns to help cover the soldiers as they jumped to the ground. In seconds, the troops cleared the aircraft and the pilots accelerated up and away as quickly as possible to clear the LZ to make room for other slick approaching the LZ.Within minutes, helicopters could insert entire battalions into the heart of enemy territory - this was airmobility.
Their impact was profound, not only in the new tactics and strategies of airmobile operations, but on the survival rate of battlefield casualties.
The addition of weaponry on the UH-1 created an increase in both weight and drag; therefore, the escort aircraft had less speed and maneuverability than the troop and cargo aircraft it was to support.
AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter (1966)had a narrow fuselage. The gunner sat in front, the pilot behind and higher. The Cobra traces its lineage from the UH-1 Huey; the original Cobra retained the Huey's engine, transmission, and other major parts, but replaced the Huey's bulky fuselage with a thin profile fuselage with tandem seating.
The Marine Corps later adopted a twin engine variant of the airframe
The Huey became a symbol of U.S. combat forces in Vietnam and at its peak in March 1970, the U.S. military operated more than 3,900 helicopters in the war in Vietnam and two thirds of them were Hueys.
1972 US Army Advanced Attack Helicopter selected was Hughes Model 77
designated the AH-64 Apache.
After the AFFSS competition cancelation, the US Army launch a new program for an AAH or advanced attack helicopter . In 1973, the Hughes Model 77 was selected as the winner against the Bell 409 ( YAH-63 )
The prototype made its first flight in 1975 as the YAH-64 , and in 1976 the company received a full-scale development contract.
In 1982 the Army gave the program, now known as AH-64A Apache , production go-ahead. Deliveries of production Apaches began in 1984 with the first combat unit deployed in 1986.
Johnny Fontaine, the Sinatra clone in "The Godfather," away from the adoring swoons of his female fans, whispers to Vito that his voice has gone weak and his career is faltering, thanks to a certain female actress who has made him lose his senses. Vito tells him to stop whimpering about his voice and act like a man. Vito then sends Tom Hagen to Hollywood to speak the the head of the movie studio.
Jack Woltz (Woltz Intl Pictures) and Tom Hagen below!
Lockheed L-1011 Tristar (above)is a widebody jet with two aisles.
It is not surprising that the McDonnell-Douglas DC-10 (below) and the TriStar had much in common. The most visible difference was the engine position in the tail. Douglas put this engine in a straight duct in the lower part of the tail, while Lockheed chose for an elegant S-shaped duct on the TriStar. The position chosen by Douglas offered the advantage that only few modifications were necessary to install different engine types. The TriStar was available only with the Rolls-Royce RB.211.
Both Don Douglas and Jim McDonnell were graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and both spent time as chief engineers for the Glenn L. Martin Co. aircraft manufacturer. In 1967 the two companies merged. The company’s product line was completed by the addition of Hughes Helicopters to McDonnell Douglas in 1984. In 1997 the McDonnell Douglas Corporation merged with Boeing.
Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA)
Flying with the drag of the Orbiter imposes fuel and altitude penalties - the range is reduced to just over 1000 nautical miles (1 nautical = 1.15 statute mile), compared to an unladen range of 5500 nautical miles, meaning a SCA normally has to stop several times on a transcontinental flight to refuel. Studies were made to equip the aircraft with aerial refueling equipment, a practice used for several US Air Force 747s. However, during formation flying with a tanker aircraft to test this, some minor cracking was found on the tailfin of the 747. It was felt that, while this was not likely to be due to the test flights, there was no sense pushing matters too far. Since there was no urgent requirement to provide an aerial refuelling capacity, the tests were suspended.
The SCA has an altitude ceiling of 25,000 feet and a maximum cruise speed of 0.7 mach, with or without the orbiter attached. The SCA-shuttle combination travels about 125 feet per US gallon of fuel (about half the length of the plane).
The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy was considered for the role by NASA, but rejected in favor of the 747 - in part due to the 747's low-wing design in comparison of the C-5's high-wing design, and also with the consideration that U.S. Air Force would have retained ownership of the C-5 aircraft, while NASA would have been able to outright own the 747s.
Upfront development costs make up a major portion of the cost of a new fighter, meaning if fewer are made, the per plane cost is higher. First proposed in the 1990s, the F-35, also called the Joint Strike Fighter, or JSF, was a new tack in defense contracting. It is a single plane to meet the different needs of three military branches, a rarity for big weapons deals. That meant a jet with three variations - an aircraft carrier plane for the Navy, an Air Force jet that uses a runway and a Marine Corps plane that can take off and land vertically.
The F/A-22 fighter has two Pratt & Whitney engines which have thrust vectoring (exhaust can be directed). This pic is above Ft. Monroe in Virginia. Notice the moat!
F/A-22 breaks away from F-16.
F/A-22 is stealthy, can fly at mach 1.5, yet works well at mach 0.4 (280 miles per hour).
First proposed in the 1990s,the F-35, also called the Joint Strike Fighter, or JSF, was a new tack in defense contracting. It is asingle plane to meet the different needs of three military branches, a rarity for big weapons deals.That meant a jet with three variations - an aircraft carrier plane for the Navy, an Air Force jet thatuses a runway and a Marine Corps plane that can take off and land vertically. The Pentagon plans to buythousands of the new stealthy jets, to be flown by three branches of the military and by eight foreigncountries. And despite being the most expensive Pentagon spending program ever, with a total cost ofabout $275 billion, each plane is supposed to be relatively cheap to build, a rarity in defensespending.
Upfront development costs make up a major portion of the cost of a new fighter, meaning iffewer are made, the per plane cost is higher. The F-35 cost $45 billion to develop - a figure that is up84 percent from 1990s estimates.
The Air Force variant includes an internal gun, infraredsensors, and laser designator. This is the technologically simplest version of the JSF, in that it doesnot require hover or aircraft carrier capability. Therefore it does not require the vertical thrust orthe handling qualities for catapult launches, and strengthened structure to handle arrested landings.The naval version has larger wing and tail control surfaces to enable low-speed approaches to aircraftcarriers. Leadingedge flaps and foldable wing tip sections account for this increased wing area. Thelarger wing area also provides the Navy version with an increased payload capability. To support thestresses of carrier landings and catapult launches, the internal structure of this version isstrengthened. With stealth and a host of next-generation technologies, the F-35 will be farand away the world’s most advanced multi-role fighter.
Russian tracked combined surface-to-air gun/missile system. It is
designed to provide day and night protection for infantry and tank regiments against low-flying aircraft and helicopters.
A large E-band search radar is mounted on the rear top of the turret that combined with a turret front mounted J-band tracking radar. The system is able to fire on the move using cannons, although it must be stationary to fire missiles. The system has two modes of operation, radar and optical, in radar mode the target tracking is fully automatic.
US Abrams Tank
19th Nervous Breakdown
On our first trip
I tried so hard to rearrange your mind.
But after awhile I realized you were disarranging mine.
Nixon and Elvis
Yankee Doodle
Yankee comes from an indian word of similar sound which meant english speaker. Doodle meant a country bumpkin. Macaroni comes from a custom in Naples of decorating the headgear of a horse with a long feather. During the French-Indian war in 1755, the regular English soldiers in their fine uniforms made jibes about the American volunteers who wore tattered clothing. The awkward Contientals unaware of the jesting adopted the tune and it spread quickly and soon was heard all over. The joke was that a colonial—a Yankee "dandy"—would stick a feather in his tricorner or coonskin cap and think himself as fashionable as any man de la mode in Paris or Rome. Yankee Doodle became an American rather than British song.
Bunker Buster
Cat vs. ceiling fan
US Navy war game in 1932. Battleships, carriers, airplanes.
USS Wisconsin (one of four Iowa class battleships commissioned in WW2) Her guns fire shells which are 16" in diameter, can be lobbed more than twenty miles.
How not to release a leopard
This is one dumb bunch of park rangers... Don't poke a leopard with a stick, it might just come back and bite you... even climb in the truck cab and get you...natalie
There is debate in naval warfare circles as to the viability of carrier(designated CV) battle groups in 21st century naval warfare. Proponents of the CVBG argue that it provides unmatched fire power and force projection capabilities. Opponents argue that CVBGs are increasingly vulnerable to arsenal ships and cruise missiles, especially those with supersonic flight and the ability to do radical trajectory changes to avoid anti-missile systems. It is also noted that that CVBGs were designed for Cold War scenarios, and are less useful in establishing control of areas close to shore.
Larry King
World War 2 Aircraft CarriersEssex class in all, twenty-four Essex class carriers were commissioned.The Essex class was a modified (enlarged) Yorktown (CV-5) class which provided better underwater protection. Initially scheduled for introduction in 1944, these units were rushed to the fleet after losses at Coral Sea, Midway, and the Solomons. Essex (CV-9) joined the fleet on the last day of 1942, followed by Yorktown (CV-10) in January 1943; Lexington (CV-16) - Feb 1943; Bunker Hill (CV-17) - May 1943; Intrepid (CV-11) - Sep 1943; Wasp (CV-18) and
Hornet (CV-12) in Nov 1943.
None of the Essex class was lost in action during World War II, though several were severely damaged by Kamikazes and survived despite ravaging fires and secondary explosions. Their only weakness when compared to similar ships of their era were the wooden flight deck.The numerous World War II vintage Essex-class carriers served over a span of nearly half a century in various configurations and at least half a dozen roles as the core of the US postwar fleet.
USS Kearsarge
Many of the ships were extensively modified in later years, with many boasting a reinforced angle flight deck and a mirror landing system to accomodate jet aircraft as a result of Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization (FRAM) upgrades. The conversions included a hurricane bow and the installation of an angled flight deck which permits the simultaneous launching and recovery of aircraft.A total of 32 ships of this class were planned, though only 24 of these were completed. Seventeen Essexes were commissioned, of which 15 of saw action, before the end of the Pacific war.
CV 9 Essex was the prime recovery carrier for the Apollo 7 mission. She recovered the Apollo 7 crew on October 22, 1968 after a splashdown north of Puerto Rico.
CV 10 Yorktown
served as one of the recovery ships for the Apollo 8
CV 11 Intrepid
Scott Carpenter was picked up by a helicopter following completing three orbits of the earth in his Aurora 7 capsule. His was the second orbital flight. recovered
NASA's first manned Gemini flight, Gemini 3.
CV 12 Hornet
was on recovery station for the unmanned Apollo moonship that rocketed three-quarters of the way around the globe in 93 minutes before splashdown near Wake Island. Scorched from the heat of its re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, the Apollo space capsule, designed to carry American astronauts to the moon, was brought aboard Hornet after its test. recovered both the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 astronaut crews.
CV 13 Franklin
*(Ticonderoga class "as-built" design characteristics were identical to those of the Essex class except that overall length was 888 feet.)
CV 14 Ticonderoga*
CV 15 Randolph*
recovered Capt. Virgil I. Grissom, USAF, the second American in space,
CV 16 LexingtonCV 17 Bunker Hill
CV 18 Wasp
CV 19 Hancock*
CV 20 Bennington
CV 21 Boxer*
CV 31 Bon Homme Richard
CV 32 Leyte*
CV 33 Kearsarge*
Walter M. Schirra in his Sigma 7 space capsule, was recovered after six orbits in the Pacific, 275 miles northeast of Midway. recovered Gordon Cooper, USAF, and his Faith 7 capsule.
CV 34 Oriskany
Between 1947 and 1955, fifteen Essex and Ticonderoga class aircraft carriers were thoroughly modernized. The impending arrival of high-performance jet aircraft and nuclear-armed heavy attack bombers had rendered these still rather new ships almost incapable of executing their most vital missions, while the post-World War II financial climate precluded building replacements. Accordingly, a reconstruction program began in Fiscal Year 1948, with the incomplete Oriskany as the prototype. the modernization was very extensive, requiring some two years for each carrier. To handle much heavier, faster aircraft, flight deck structure was massively reinforced. Stronger elevators, much more powerful catapults, and new arresting gear was installed. The modernized ships came in two flavors, the first nine (SCB-27A) having a pair of H 8 hydraulic catapults, the most powerful available in the late '40s. The final six received the SCB-27C update, with much more potent steam catapults, one of two early 1950s British developments that greatly improved aircraft carrier potential. These six were somewhat heavier, and wider, than their sisters. While still in the shipyards, three of the SCB-27Cs were further modified under the SCB-125 project, receiving the second British concept, the angled flight deck, plus an enclosed "hurricane bow" and other improvements. These features were so valuable that they were soon back-fitted to all but one (Lake Champlain) of the other SCB-27 ships. The fourteen fully modernized units were the "journeymen" aviation ships of the late 1950s and 1960s, providing the Navy with much of its attack aircraft carrier (CVA) force and, ultimately, all its anti-submarine warfare support aircraft carriers (CVS).
CV 35 Reprisal laid down in July 1944 at the New York Navy Yard and launched in 1945, was scrapped incomplete after test
CV 36 Antietam*
CV 37 Princeton*
CV 38 Shangri-La*
CV 39 Lake Champlain*
prime recovery ship for the first manned space flight. She sailed for the recovery area 1 May 1961, and was on station on 5 May when Cmdr. Alan Sheppard splashed down in spacecraft Freedom 7, some 300 miles down range from Cape Kennedy. Helicopters from the carrier visually followed the descent of the capsule and were over the astronaut two minutes after the impact. recovered Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad after their Gemini 5 splashed down in the Atlantic
CV 40 Tarawa*
CV 45 Valley Forge*
CV 46 Iwo Jima was laid down at Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company in January 1945 but cancelled in August 1945 and broken up on the shipways.CV 47 Philippine Sea*
three distinct types of carrier aircraft. First are the fighters—the fast single-seater
Grumman Hellcats with heavy fire power from six machine-guns, and which may also carry rockets and small bombs. total production figure being 12,272.
Next come the dive bombers—
Curtiss Helldivers. Besides the pilot, these planes carry an enlisted-man rear-seat gunner. Their job is to lay a one-ton bomb load upon the target from a very steep diving angle, and to strafe with their machine guns at the same time.sank more enemy shipping in the Pacific war than any other US or Allied aircraft. About 7,200 Helldivers were built. The third type is the
Grumman Avenger a torpedo bomber. It has two enlisted crewmen in addition to the pilot. It carries a ton of bombs, or depth charges, or aerial torpedoes, and like the Helldiver is designed for low-level attack.Almost always these three plane types work together as a closely integrated team. Strategy and tactics for carrier-based planes had to be invented for this war, because carriers had never fought before. The methods, the practice had to be devised and tested under fire, but the terrific pummeling they have given the Japs proves their present excellence.
CV3 USS Saratoga. Commissioned in November 1927, as the second of the Navy's initial pair of fully capable aircraft carriers. Too old for retention in the post-war fleet, Saratoga was then assigned to target duty for the atomic bomb tests at Bikini, in the Marshall Islands, where upon she sank.
a typical strike against a predetermined target is likely to consist of eighteen Helldivers and twelve Avengers, with perhaps sixteen Hellcat fighters to escort them.The Hellcats are first off the deck. Then the Avengers. Then the Helldivers. Normally, with no emergency such as impending attack, a strike of this size would clear the deck in less than ten minutes—all planes airborne and circling for altitude and formation.At perhaps 12,000 feet, and by this time well on the way toward a target maybe seventy to 100 miles away, the Helldivers go into tight formation of six planes to a division—each division split into two sections of three planes each flying in a V.
USS Saratoga – CV60 USS Saratoga,(second of the Forrestal class went into commission in April 1956)
Somewhat lower and behind the Helldivers, the Avengers fly in divisions of four planes each in diamond-shaped formations.High above them all the fighters fly an umbrella of protection from lurking Zeros and Tonys. Each fighter division consists of four planes flying in echelon (the French word for the steps of a staircase or ladder). But though the four planes move together in tight formation, they are really two sections of two planes each: leader and wing man.
The Navy avoids putting a single plane into a fight. A two-plane team has proved far more effective and has saved us losses beyond calculation.The fighter pilot does not limit himself by any means to protecting the bombers from enemy air attack. Once the leader of the fighters sees the air free of enemy planes, he sends his planes into a vital attack on the target itself. Heavy fire power makes the Hellcat the most useful strafing plane we have. And so the fighters go in close over the target, on swift diving runs, to strafe out, if possible, the enemy troops manning antiaircraft guns. Especially in attacks on enemy vessels, combat teams consist of a fighter and a bomber. The fighter leads the way in, all guns going, and the bomber follows close behind, ready to release his bombs when his sights give him the target.Often the bombers would be powerless to get in a hit on an enemy naval vessel without the fighters leading the way in, clearing the gun galleries of their defenders by killing them or driving them to cover.
CVN-68 USS Nimitz
Nuclear powered. No need to be refueled on its cruises.
commissioned 3 May 1975 named for Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, who commanded the Pacific fleet in World War II.
FA-18 SuperHornet
Boeing B-17
Boeing B-29
Harry Truman gives ultimatum!
Entering service in 1960, the F-4 was designed as the first modern fleet defense fighter for the U.S. Navy. By 1963, it had been adopted by the U.S. Air Force for the fighter-bomber role. When production ended in 1981, 5,195 Phantom IIs had been built. capable of flying at mach 2, engagements were subsonic. early missiles were inaccurate and unreliable. Many pilots found themselves on the tail of an enemy aircraft but too close to fire short-range Falcons or Sidewinders, so a 20-millimeter M61 Vulcan Gatling cannon was added.
B-52 Down