ClicheVisuals has always been fascinated by colours and shapes since his early years as a kid. Playing with his Atari 2600 he used to stare for hours at the screen. He carried on messing around with graphics and sound on his Commodore Amiga, using Scala, especially with patterns and repetitions, fuelled of course by vast amounts of cannabis ;)
For many years he has also been producing music and DJing. He started producing noise and music with his old friend, Sergi C (
He was a producer and presenter in a radio show at his local radio station and DJ'ed in different venues in Spain and the UK. For a year he was a very active member of, a London based DJ collective.
Since last year he has started VJing for and with different music collectives and bands. Under ClicheVisuals he has performed in the Ramada Festival (Poland), The WhereHouse (London, UK), The Good Ship (London, UK) and in different squat parties.
One of his last performances took place in Spain, in the Juvecant festival, toghether with Chus Gancedo (, one of the best drummers in Spain.
He also performs with the eclectic band Fear For Fever (
Clichevisuals has a BA in Digital Media and works as a freelance Web/Graphic Designer.
Check our his portfolio at .
You can also have a look at my new ClicheVisuals video page.