Quantum Machanics, Metaphysics, Botany, Philosophy, Hallucinogens, religion, M-theory, or string theory, Raising the Kundalini, Meditation, the Mind, and the soothing sounds of music.
There is no one to meet except yourself
Hard House, Nu-NRG, Hard style, Techno, DNB, Jungle, Funky House, Breaks, Big Beat, trip hop, Acid House, Psytrance Underground hip hop, Future Primative, Z-trip, Qbert, Cut Chemist, Silver Surfer, scratch pickels, Mass Influence, Rob Swift, ect.... Anything thats weird, not normal, trippy, or makes you wanna dance, then I'm probably going to like it.
Waking life, The elegant universe, Baraka, Songs of the river, Kundun, Kumbh mela
I don't have time to watch that shit
Secret teachings of plants, The Hiram Key, Power of Now, Understanding the Mind, Serpents of wisdom, Teachings of Don Juan, Autobiography of a Yogi, The disapearing Universe, Breaking open the head, DMT the spirit molecule, The Tibeten Book of the Dead, Journey to Ixlan, Food of the Gods, The Tao of Physics, The art of Dreaming, Eye to Eye, The Bhagavad Gita, Archaic Revival, True Hallucinations, Hallucinogens, Alpha&Omega, Invisible landscape, Vedanta, Inteligence in nature, The life of Milarepa, The Mayan calender, The Field, The Miracle of mindfulnes, Old path white clouds, and Heart of wisdom just to name a few
in loving memory of Edward Draucker