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dj pattrik

Emtiness is reality

About Me

What is me? What is I? What is self? Where do these objects exist? Are these things really what we are or are they just mental imputations that we have grasped at. You can't find these things anywhere even when you look in the mirror. What is mind? Where is it located? We all have one, that's for sure, and we can all agree that we use this mind to understand the world we live in. But do we understand how the mind works? or where it is located? Then how can we really understand our world, if we don't even understand the mind we use to understand our world? What is the function of mind? and how is it related to the body? What separates us from others? What makes us more, or less important then other beings when fundamantaly all beings share the same wish to find happiness, and avoid suffering. As long as we don't understand our minds, then no matter what we have, money, fame, material posessions, ect.. we will continue to be unhappy, and suffer. Our minds hold the key and power to make us happy, or to make us suffer. So wouldn't you think that we would want to know and understand this mind of ours? I would love to hear others points of view on these questions, hit me up if they interest you at all.

My Interests

Quantum Machanics, Metaphysics, Botany, Philosophy, Hallucinogens, religion, M-theory, or string theory, Raising the Kundalini, Meditation, the Mind, and the soothing sounds of music.

I'd like to meet:

There is no one to meet except yourself


Hard House, Nu-NRG, Hard style, Techno, DNB, Jungle, Funky House, Breaks, Big Beat, trip hop, Acid House, Psytrance Underground hip hop, Future Primative, Z-trip, Qbert, Cut Chemist, Silver Surfer, scratch pickels, Mass Influence, Rob Swift, ect.... Anything thats weird, not normal, trippy, or makes you wanna dance, then I'm probably going to like it.


Waking life, The elegant universe, Baraka, Songs of the river, Kundun, Kumbh mela


I don't have time to watch that shit


Secret teachings of plants, The Hiram Key, Power of Now, Understanding the Mind, Serpents of wisdom, Teachings of Don Juan, Autobiography of a Yogi, The disapearing Universe, Breaking open the head, DMT the spirit molecule, The Tibeten Book of the Dead, Journey to Ixlan, Food of the Gods, The Tao of Physics, The art of Dreaming, Eye to Eye, The Bhagavad Gita, Archaic Revival, True Hallucinations, Hallucinogens, Alpha&Omega, Invisible landscape, Vedanta, Inteligence in nature, The life of Milarepa, The Mayan calender, The Field, The Miracle of mindfulnes, Old path white clouds, and Heart of wisdom just to name a few


in loving memory of Edward Draucker

My Blog


When we are dealing with children we often tell them this "you can't always have everything you want"  Some times we even tell our pets this too.  It's important for us to teach our children...
Posted by dj pattrik on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:35:00 PST

The Chariot

THE CHARIOTAnd King Milinda asked him: "How is Your Reverence known, and what is your name, sir?""As Nagasena I am known, O Great King, and as Nagasena do my fellow religious habitually address me. Bu...
Posted by dj pattrik on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 12:53:00 PST


So many people I know and see always seem to be unhappy.  No matter what they have, money, the nice house, the career, the car, clothes, kids, wife, own buisness, or past accomplishments ect... i...
Posted by dj pattrik on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 05:08:00 PST

Self Cherishing

I want, I need, I like, I hate, my happiness, my pain, my sorrow, my stuff.  These are all self cherishing I's, and it's destroying our world.  Everybody wants something right now, everyone ...
Posted by dj pattrik on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 12:53:00 PST