I Hate MySpace (and yours) profile picture

I Hate MySpace (and yours)

I am here for Friends

About Me

I like eating cheeseburgers with friends, i like getting drunk in the morning, drunker in the afternoon and the drunkest at night, i like people that smile and mean it, i like to kayak with bottles of wine, i like to eat deep fried anything, i like to explore, i like to drive without a destination with someone special, i like to see the sunrise and the sunset, i like to not pay attention to anything in between, i like daylight savings time, i like to tell people that they are great when they are, i like to wear only one sock, i like to wear 2 pairs of pants when its too cold for just one, i like to hear the line "good lookin' out", i like being short, i like crushes, i like the uncertainty of the future, i like being right more than i like being wrong, i like the uniqueness of everyone i care about, i like lights, especially blinking ones, i like colorful, square plate windows in factories, i like looking at bridges from afar, i like the thought of mountains, i like looking at words, i like to pretend the world is flat, i like to challenge the choppy waters to a duel, i like the sound of the ocean, i like the underdog, i like to play music with my friends, i like that pop songs that remind me of being in the principals office bums me out, i like not knowing, but i like knowing more, i like cold oranges, i like walking, i like slow dancing with girls i hardly know, i like waking up and knowing how i got there, i like to boogie, i like..

My Interests

Life imitates art when art makes you feel alive...Rubbish and Rainbows...Libraries...Not Fearing Death

I'd like to meet:

I would much rather un-meet a number of people.


Im A Sucker For A Hook


I Highly Recommend You Read Them.


Brett Wisniewski, Digger McDaniel, Nicole Mastin, Juice Franks, Matt Van, The Beers Brothers, Sam "hey robbie" Nicholl, Mike and Natalie Muoyianis, Doug Woolsey, Chris Cox, Eric Gegenheimer, Rachel Elizabeth (who currently resides in Chicago) Teresa Murray, Roast, Brian Haberstroh, Josh "Dude" Voog, William Henry Koziatek, Mikey Pittbull, Pauly Walnuts, Michelle Moore, PRD,(in no particular order)

My Blog

The First Dream of the Rest of my Life.

The strange thing is that I have never spoken to her before. Have no idea that she even has my phone number much less any interest in hanging out with me. Come to think of it just the fact that she kn...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 02:08:00 PST

Growing Up and Growing Down

I found it next to impossible to prevent myself from divulging the details of my self destruction while sitting next to her on the porch upon which she had sat her entire childhood. She spun yarns, to...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 04:32:00 PST

The Tortoise Always Smiles (an apologue in three parts)

The Tortoise Always SmilesI had a friend once who said that age dictates progress. He wasn't very good at appropriate explanations though, instead he said, "Glad to see you aren't in jail, I thought y...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 11:52:00 PST

You Won't Get It. (a touching tale on the origins of division)

The streets here are not paved with gold. Rather they are pot holed by lopsided defeats and empty victories. Abandonment and decay shrouds the horizon. Broken picture frames scattered on front lawns w...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 03:07:00 PST

Fuzzy Logic and Shower Drips

I was in the shower yesterday. It was different than the last seven hundred or so I have taken. For one, there was enough water pressure so I didn't have to wash each body part separately; I spent an ...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Thu, 31 May 2007 02:21:00 PST

A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

By: #2007011234Part One: The Bait, The Trap, The BullpenI had always romanticized jail the same way I romanticized the old west and crab fishing. They all seem to carry with them respect in an excitin...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Thu, 10 May 2007 01:44:00 PST

Wreckage (A Sewer with a View)

wreck"age [rékij]n 1. remains after destruction: the broken pieces left after something has been extremely badly damaged or destroyed 2. process of wrecking: the ruin or destruction of something (f...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Thu, 10 May 2007 01:06:00 PST

Carleton Has More Muscles Than Me...

There is nothing like drinking when you shouldnt, eating when you're buttons are screaming and watching the fresh prince of bel aire when you should have been sleeping hours ago.Its really a moment in...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 02:13:00 PST

Soothsayers Unite!

I saw it all in a dream...Guilliani "08" He Will catch Osama. My bet is that Bin Laden has been on retainer for the past couple years. All part of the master plan. (They still have control)The world w...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 04:02:00 PST

A Letter To Bob Marley

"Time alone, time will tell,Think you're in heaven but yourLiving in hell" -B.M.I have never met you. You do not know me; this is not one of those fan letters where I describe my undying love and admi...
Posted by I Hate MySpace (and yours) on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 11:01:00 PST