Plays, Opera, Music, Museums, Books, Food, Outdoors Activities (hello, i would like to go hiking again. will someone please make the weather accomidate my request? thank you), wit, and basically a whole host of things.
this is really hard to say. i'm trying to expand my horizons beyond the cell that i've been locked in for the past several years. is it too cliche' to request to meet smart, fun people with a wide range of interests?
amazingly this has been successful so far. I've met a number of really neat people since i requested this.
blah, blah, blah, blah. I love all kinds of music. Any attempt to list bands or even genres would result in madness on my part. Rest assured it's long and awesome.
My netflix queue is 500 movies long. Constantly full. I love movies.
For the longest time I had a long rambling psychotic list of things here, but that joke isn't funny anymore.
My heroes are those who have figured out how to work to live and not live to work. Those who wake up each morning happy, and go to bed much the same way.