Poetry,Song Writing,Martial Arts,Dancing,Concerts,Movies,Swimming,Snowboarding,Mountain Biking,Surfing......http://groups.yahoo.com/group/santacruzc lub/..........http://groups.yahoo.com/group/surfridersantacr uz/
A down to earth open minded lady to join me in all the exciting things life has to offer. She may enjoy dancing,snowboarding,mountain biking,surfing or just be down to try them out or be open to other outdoor adventures no couch potatoes,drama queens or pretenders yeah you know who you are you don't have to lie to kick it just be real
Three Doors Down,Sublime,Bob Marley,Eagles,Steve Miller,Red Hot Chilli Peppers,Eminem, and many other various artist.
Comedy,Sci-Fi,Action,Bruce Lee,Jet Li
Extreme Tv,Documentries,Sports,Comedy Central
Anyone who helps those in danger or takes the the time to help those who have little or nothing.