Carlee Ranger profile picture

Carlee Ranger

Business Inquiries; shoot me an email at [email protected] (Serious inquiries only pleas

About Me


Do not send me messages that say, Hi, Your Hot, What's up, Let's Chat! Be creative! Write me something that matters! If it's just a "Hi" kind of message, I'm sorry, but do not expect a response! :(

I can't believe it, but...

I Won!!!!

Click on the link below and check out the top 100 Digital Darlings! Thank you to everyone who helped with Voting!!!

Because of all YOUR Help, Not only did I make the top 10, But I made First Place!!! :)

Hi, My name is
Carlee Ranger



(Ok, I feel super cheesy having an "FAQ's Section", however...I do get a lot of the same questions and I like to try to get back to everyone who takes the time to genuinely write me...So the ONLY reason I have this section is to try and answer short quick frequent questions...Ya, ya,'s cheesy I know!)
1) WHAT SCHOOL DO YOU GO TO AND WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR?I was attending Arizona State University! Was majoring in Nursing. But I just moved...I am now looking into the best medical programs out in CA.
2) What do you want to be when you grow up!? ;)I still want to eventually become a P.A. And more recently I have taken a strong liking to the reconstructive world!!!
3) ARE YOU GOING INTO THE COSMETIC FIELD TO HAVE ALTERATIONS ON YOURSELF? OR HAVE YOU ALREADY?Nope, what you see it what you get! I am 100% all natural! I am going into this field because I am just very intrigued with the cosmetic world, and even more with the reconstructive world! So for now and at least a l-o-n-g while I will stay 100% Natural!
4) WHERE ARE YOU FROM?I was Born in Scottsdale, AZ...During my kid years, I went back and forth a lot from here & MI (Montrose-right next to flint!)...I currently am residing in beautiful Beverly Hills, CA. Although I spend 1/2 my time in AZ and the other 1/2 in CA!...(To many reasons to come home every other weekend!)... ;)
5) DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?Sighhh... Gotta love the boyfriend question!!! Let's just say With all that is going on in my life, it wouldn't be fair! I just couldn't give them my all...And we'll leave it at that!?!? ;)
6) ARE YOU A MODEL?Well, Yes I do some modeling. I do it as a hobby, it is something I genuinely enjoy doing and Of course I would love for it to take me somewhere someday. But While I play with modeling, I will continue school and my other job!...
7) HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MODELING?I have always done a little modeling here and there, ever since I was a baby! I really started taking it more seriously the past two years or so!
8) HOW DID YOU GET INTO MODELING?I started out as a promotional model doing just different promotions and eventually started doing print work which opened other doors to different events and so on and so on. I guess you could say, A chain reaction...
9) WHO CUTS AND COLORS YOUR HAIR?My hair lady Mary!!! She is phenomenal!!! I highly recommend her!!! I have been going to her since I was 5? Her name is Mary O.
The place she works at is called,
Among Friends
1731 W. Baseline Rd.
Mesa, AZ 85202
The phone number is
10) FITNESS: HOW DO YOU STAY IN SUCH GREAT SHAPE? WHAT DOES YOUR DIET AND WORKOUT CONSIST OF?-So lately I have buckled down and have gotten serious about working out!!! (Well, I guess you could say...Someone buckled down on me and is on my ass about working out! Whatever gets the job done right!?! :) Good Motivation!!!) Anyways, I would consider myself a very active person now. I go to the gym about 4-5 days a week, typically I do about 10-20 minutes of cardio to get my heart rate up, doing a full body workout each day just alternating excerises that focus in each area...I generally do abs every day, whether it be at the gym or when I am home in front of the T.V. crunching away on my workout ball! And on days I do not workout at the gym, I still try and do 20-30 mins of cardio, whether that consists of jogging down the road, jump roping, hiking or even doing some stairs!!!
-As for Diet, that is KEY! I won't lie, that is probably my biggest flaw! I LOVE FOOD! Yummm... I have gotten a lot better lately. I steer clear of fast food, eat lots of protein, watch my carb. Intake, and my calories for each day. I will not lie, I tend to slip up a little...(I'm only human!!!) Understand though your diet is the foremost issue when it comes to getting and staying in shape!


1) HOW CAN I CONTACT YOU ABOUT AN BUSINESS INQUIRY?-Please write me at [email protected]. For bookings, please provide details of the event/show along with the date(s) and time(s).
-You can also write me at on Myspace, but PLEASE in the subject line title it as "Business Inquiry" or it maybe over looked.
2) WHY DON'T YOU EVER RESPOND TO MY MESSAGES?I genuinely do my best to write everyone back. But I do get an overwhelming amount of e-mails per day.E-MAILS I TYPICALLY DO NOT REPLY TO:(Note: these are not all the e-mails I will not reply to or they are not word for word either.)-I will not reply to e-mails that ask the same questions I have answered in my FAQ's area.
-I typically do not reply to any lewd or vulgar messages
-I also don't reply to messages that really have no purpose, Such as: -Hey
-How are you?
-Thx for the add
-Your Hot
-What are you doing?***Please understand it is nothing personal, but I just get way to many emails a day to answer those little ones! Soooorrrry! =(
3) CAN I HAVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER OR CAN I GIVE YOU MINE?No, I do not give my phone number out over the internet. Yes, you can give me yours but know that it will not be put to use. ;)
4) CAN WE MEET SOME TIME?I DO NOT meet up with people off the internet. I strictly use Myspace for networking and to keep in contact with old friends. I love meeting people over the internet, but that is through computer screens only! If you are determined enough to meet me in person, I work at a night club as a cocktail waitress...Scottsdale is not that big, so I am sure you can locate me!
Once again, Nothing personal. A girl has gotta take her precautions now a days, to many creepers out there!
5) SEND ME SOME PICS OF YOURSELF, NUDE IF YOU HAVE THEM?First, I DO NOT POSE NUDE, consequently I have no nude pictures!!! As for just sending additional pictures…look at my Myspace, I already have a bazillion posted! I am always posting new pictures on my page, so if you follow it, I am sure you may come across one you like…if not, than we'll find one for you! (That's appropriate!)
6) DO YOU HAVE AOL/AIM SCREEN NAME, YAHOO OR MSN?I do have aim, but I haven't logged onto it since 8th grade! I have so much incoming e-mail between Myspace and yahoo and other stuff I have to do online that I don't have time to chat. Sorry!
7) WILL YOU PLEASE ADD ME AS YOUR FRIEND? AND DO YOU ADD EVERYONE AS A FRIEND?Send me a friend request, and I promise you will be approved! Meaning yes, I do approve everyone! But that does not make you any less Special! ;)
8) DO YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE PROFILE?No, I have this profile and a personal profile! and Any other profile are FAKE! If you come across one please send me a message title "Fake profile" and in the message send me their link or url code! I than will have it deleted! Thank You Very Much!!!

Any other Questions you feel I have left out! Write me! I will answer them for you!!!!

I am 21, & Yes I am really 5'11!!! I was born in Scottsdale, AZ...During my kid years, I was back and forth from here & MI (Montrose-right next to flint!)...Currently am living in Beverly Hills, CA. However I am back in AZ almost every weekend. (My family and friends all are here :( And I am very close with them all...So lots of traveling!!!) Anyways I am pretty easy going...I can be the sweetest girl you have ever met, but just like everyone, you don't want to get on my bad side! ;) (It's not pretty!) I like to tell it how it is... I am EXTREMELY competitive!!! It's almost a curse! Not to mention, I HATE to lose! I'm to stubborn. Quote to live by, You Get What You Give! All in all I just like to have a good time! I just try to live every second to its fullest. Live life with no regrets! Things I love: - The Color Pink - Working Out - Text Messaging - Food - Goofing around - Puppies - Snowboarding - Socializing - Orange+Tropical Fruit Gatorade - Girl Nites - Chocolate covered strawberries - Cuddling - My Job - Cali - Beach - Toys (i.e. boats, bikes, cars) - Raspberries - Movies - Poems - MUSIC - Singing like no one is Listening - Dancing like no one is Watching - Shopping!!! - Fresh fruit smoothies - Wrestling, Love beating boys up! - Chocolate cover gummy bears - Massages - Playing in the rain - Traveling - Bacon - Pictures - Creativity - Tennis Shoes (I have more tennis shoes than high heels!) - Peanut Butter - Tahiti - Snow - Pigs - Playing Pranks - Most of all, I LOVE a Challenge ;) Any Other Questions? See my FAQ's Under my blogs!!! You still have more Questions?.................ASK!!!!!

My Interests

I'm the Pink Ranger, Case you were wondering!!!

I always Get asked about me being a party girl...Despite what you might think, I really am NOT AT ALL!!! I work at a night club as a cocktail waitress. That meaning, I get paid to babysit all the drunken disasters! Therefore I have no desire to be one! But that's why it always appears that I am always in a club, it's 99.9% likely that I'm working. Don't get me wrong I love to have a good time, but I make the best of it, Especially since it's my job too!!! So Get it Straight! ;)

P.S. My drink choice in my pics is...RED BULL! On the Rocks! Wild one, I know! Rawr!!!

Paparazzi Shot!!!
Funny that even when we fight...We are still smiling...

I'd like to meet:



Ummm....I love Everything, My absolute favorite types of music are R&B and acoustic! I really like Slow Jams! GOD who am I kiddin? I LOVE IT!!! Such as, Musiq soul child, Heather Headly, Tank, BabyFace, Keith Sweat, Anthony Hamilton, Avant, Rome, Frankie J, Aaliyah, Brian McKnight, Jaheim, Hope, with slow jams the list just goes on and on and on....I also like hip-hop/rap...I also Love alternative/rock/acoustic, a lot of stuff like Jack Johnson, Damien Rice, James Blunt, Ben Harper, Dave Matthews, Goo Goo Dolls, Gary Jules, yadda-yadda...but still like some stuff like underOATH, Hawthorne Heights, killswitch engage, glassjaw, The Used, deftones, From Autumn to Ashes, Incubus, Story of the Year, Papa Roach, 3 Doors Down, Thrid Eye Blind, Linkin Park, etc...SOOOO If you haven't gotten the point, I Like A Lil bit of Everything! I just love Music...I live for it!!!

Pictures with out words, say a thousand things...


Sin City - Crash - Green Mile (although I'm not a fan of Tom Hanks!)- Remember the Titans - The Notebook (I love all those chick-flick/Sappy/Tear jerkers!)
Gotta love the funnies too! Old School - Borat - Napoleon Dynamite - Wedding Crashers - All the Jackass Movies! (Slap stick in general!)
Than the classics: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! - Edward Scissorhands (Johnny Deep...Pure sexiness!) - Pretty Woman - Lion King - Bambi
Than I love ALL scary movies! (Good excuse to cuddle up next to someone! ;) hehe...)& One Of The Best MOVIES: Boondocksaints!!...


I hate to admit it but yes, I am amused by all of those reality TV shows: Fear Factor - The Amazing Race - Survivor - Last one Standing - True Life (Most of them) - That UFC Show - Stuff like Juvies - I seriously love Documentary's, I am a geek! -Anything on the Discovery Channel, I love learning new things! - Nip-Tuck - LOST - OZ!



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My Blog

Time to Sell My Baby...My Denali...

Okay people, I got some good news for you...yet its bad news for me... It's time to say Goodbye... :( Goodbye to my baby, the love of my life... My Murdered out Denali! Alright here is the deal, I hav...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 04:39:00 PST

Fast little update...

Ahhh.... I feel like I never have any free time anymore! I am so far behind with my myspace! I am so sorry about that!What to expect: (hopefully really soon!)-My profile is being completely redone!!! ...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 07:38:00 PST

Sooo---->o far behind I know!!!

Hey Everyone,I just want to apologize for getting so far behind with my Myspace! I just have been so busy! Between traveling, work, and having a personal life...Myspace has become a chore! :( It shoul...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 01:07:00 PST

Bring on the FAKE!

Grrrrrrr...Never ending. These were the new site that have been sent my way... I just don't get it.  I have your page deleted so you start another? People BE YOURSELF! You'll get further in life,...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 02:17:00 PST

Valentines Day!...Hmm...

Valentines day! ...Hmm... I think V-day is a little overrated! A holiday for card shop and flower shops to make some mula!$!$! But I won't lie...I enjoy a little pampering here and there! Who doesn't?...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 12:36:00 PST

Fake Profiles...

Note: These are the fake profiles I have recieved in the past month & a half! Some are using all my pictures and some of them are only using a couple of mine...(So just because their default isn't me ...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 05:04:00 PST

Halloweener!!!! (A lil late I know...)

A lil behind on posting my pictures, I know...sorry!!! But better late than never! Here are the Halloween Pics!!! Enjoy.....Every year I laugh at Halloween, it's every girls excuse to dress Naked! I'm...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 01:34:00 PST

Pics, Pics & More Pics! (From the opening night of JR to just hanging out with some friends!)

The opening of a Brand New club in Old Town Scottsdale... Jackrabbit   Check it much fun! I'm sure you'll see me hangin around there! ;)A lil to ...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 06:01:00 PST

FAQ'S ****PLEASE READ!!!****

FAQ'S:   QUESTIONS ABOUT ME   1) WHAT SCHOOL DO YOU GO TO AND WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR? I currently am attending Arizona State University! I am majoring in Nursing. I want to eventually be a P...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 04:59:00 PST

Dunies B-Day!!! Plus that weekend!

My SOULMATE had her B-Day Party a Last weekend! Here are The HOT Pics from that night! Hope you enjoy! Cuz I sure did!!! The Lovely Ladies of the night! (Note: The B-Day girl is the one who can't...
Posted by Carlee Ranger on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 04:41:00 PST