Paranormal, Hauntings, Entities, Paranormal Investigation, Psychic, Medium, Meditation, Ouija Board, The Psychic Circle, The Path Finder, Seances, Wicca, Tarot Card Reading, Witchcraft, Spells and Candle Rituals. * AND PLEASE CHECK OUT THE AWESOME WEBSITES OF OUR FRIENDS & AFFLIATIONS:
You and all of your spirit friends.
Jason, Grant, Steve, Donna, Brian and Tango of TAPS ("Ghost Hunters").
And, last but not least, Christopher Walken.
The Paranormals, Pantera, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Mazzy Star, Down, Sting, The Police, Metallica, Ministry, Black Sabbath, Tool, Soundgarden, Audioslave, David Bowie, Velvet Revolver, Stone Temple Pilots, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Deftones, Primus, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran.
The Sixth Sense, The Shining, The Ring, The Exorcist, The Craft, The Others, Young Frankenstein, Nightmare Before Christmas, Sleep Hollow, Signs, The Village, Child's Play, Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, Poltergeist, Alien, The Thing, Ghost.
Ghost Hunters, Haunting Evidence, A Haunting, America's Most Haunted Places, Most Haunted, Haunted Town.
Haunted Places (The National Directory) by Dennis William Hauck, Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling.
Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, better known as the "Ghost Hunters" (Sci-Fi Channel - check your local listings).
And all the heroes who helped on 9.11.01. Most especially the FDNY and the NYPD. Never forget.