Spiritism respects all religions and doctrines; values all efforts towards the practice of goodness; works towards peace and fellowship between all nations and all peoples, regardless of race, color, nationality, creed, cultural or social standing. It also recognizes that the truly good person is one who complies with the laws of justice, love, and charity in their highest degree of purity.test
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Reincarnation is the only logical explanation to the things that happen in the World everyday. All the suffering is made easier when you know this life is just a step in your evolution. If you learn your lesson, you won't have to come again in your current situation. If you discriminate against someone, in you next life you might be in a similar situation as your current "victims".
LyricsIn the Bible, reincarnation is mentioned as something natural. For instance, when people ask Jesus "how come according to prophecies, the prophet Elias was supposed to come before him to prepare his way"; Jesus answers that John the Baptist, IS that Elias who was supposed to come before him. But John was younger than Jesus, how else could John be Elias (who had died 400 years before) unless John was the reincarnation of Elias? How could Jesus give this explanation so "as-a-matter-off-fact"ly if reincarnation was not a natural concept then? [Mat. 17:10-13]
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Medium- a TV program about a medium woman who helps police solve crime cases.
Allan Kardec:Book of Spirits,Gospels according to Spiritism,Genesis,Book of Mediums