Rebecca, the chaste profile picture

Rebecca, the chaste

Do you like movies about gladiators?

About Me

Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts Myspace BackgroundsReserved at times, other times brutally honest. Open-minded. I think that Disneyland and swing dancing on a saturday night defines pure bliss!Yes,I am a dork, and yes, I eat glue. Refuse to grow up yet pay my bills in a timely fashion.General tomfoolery pretty much sums me up :) Still pretty sad that my favorite song since I was 8 no one knows, Quiche Lorraine. Have you seen her?

My Interests

Disneyland, music (going to shows), clubs (not as much as I used to do), dancing, tattoos, 1920-1958 (especially wartime era!), creating trouble, driving Power Wheels at 3 in the morning to the local 7-11 for nachos (you should see the reaction when you park that baby), boozing with friends, refining ways of annoying people I don't like. I normally succeed.

I'd like to meet:

Heffalumps and Woozles. A swing dance partner would be nice as well.


Oh dear. I like lots of music. Sisters of Mercy, Cocteau Twins, Nick Cave, John Lee Hooker, Tom Waits, Covenant, Creatures,Siouxsie, Cramps, Avenue D, Dead Kennedys, Xymox, Southern culture on the skids, Sheep on Drugs, Social Distortion, Patsy Cline, Joe Turner, Andrews sisters, Benny Goodman ( whAt???), Ruth Brown, Beck, Bjork, Depeche Mode, The Cure, B-52's (like the Planet Clair shit), Tori Amos, Revolting Cocks, friggin' Joy Divison, Toy Dolls, Bowie, Bauhaus, Tones on Tail, Tear Garden, Lady Tron, Misfits, Savoy jazz, Wanda Jackson, Assemblage 23, Cat Power, Aphex Twin, Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, John Coltrane, Blur, The Damned, The The, Project Pitchfork, Coil, Radiohead, Death in Vegas, Contagion, Bigod 20, Xmal Deutchland, Wolfsheim, Das Ich, new wave.blah, blah, blah.....


On Borrowed Time,Saved, Mullholland Drive, Amelie, Star Wars , Bram Stoker's Dracula, Holy Grail, Donnie Darko, Dangerous Liasons, Beetlejuice, Kill Bill, Nightmare Before Christmas (Tim Burton in general), I love old musicals (especially Fred and Ginger), Audrey Hepburn, Ghost World, Sleepy Hollow, Drunken Master, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Blade Runner, Sixteen Candles, So I married an Axe Murderer, Blazing Saddles, Punch Drunk Love, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Adaptation, Phantom of the Opera, Arsenic and old Lace, Harvey, Better off Dead, Chicago, Christmas Story, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan. PURPLE RAIN!!!!!!


Buffy, Brak, Space Ghost, Xena, Ab Fab, Kids in the Hall . I don't watch much T.V. Used to be in love with Twin Peaks. Maybe a little Star Trek too, ahem. Now, due to my little friend Cheryl, am now quite fond of Nip/Tuck. The L word!!!


Jane Austin, Kurt Vonnegut, Erica Jong, Clive Barker, Hunter S. Thompson, occasional Shakespeare, Ray Bradbury, Invisible Monsters. Steven King bores me; however, I am entertained by a couple of the movies that came out of his novels. Harry Potter books. Still obsessed with my roommate's Death scene books. I despise Danielle Steel novels, and I am pretty sure any of the publications coming out the Oprah's book of the month club. Someone lent me "The da Vinci Code" like two years ago, and have yet to read it. I seem to find other things to read like, "The 120 Days of Sodom" from the Marquis De Sade. Call me crazy. Whatever. Vulgarities amuse me.


Mr. Magoo. David Hasslehoof. Tootie. Jack Stephanovich. Peewee.

My Blog

Um, 10k?

OK, I signed up for the 10k, and ordered a new running skirt and top. Please wish me luck! This is my push to quit smoking! 
Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 04:05:00 PST

5k results.

34 minutes. I just loved how it was supposed to be a race and all these kids were there with the family, and sometimes holding hands blocking even the passing side. Very frustrating, but fun at the sa...
Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 10:11:00 PST

Running in Oregon

...was kinda fun! I am up to 4 miles. Or at least according to my pedometer, which I think wasn't registering the total distance. Hmmm, now to work on my pace. So far it is 45 minutes for 4 miles.&nbs...
Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 04:08:00 PST

I know this is shallow...

...but I need to cut my hair. The question is, how short? If anyone has some input, please place here. I need ideas also what my next cut will be. I have already (and painstakingly) grown out my bangs...
Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:38:00 PST

Disneyland 5k run!

Yes, me!! So far it will be me, Renee, Vee and Ronald, mostly beginners. Except Ronald, who threatens to ditch us for the iron man. I don't believe him. Anyhow, we are beginners like I said, and are n...
Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:34:00 PST

More Party pictures!!!! Part 2!

Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 11:35:00 PST

Halloween party: Part 1

So Renee, Natalia, and I decided to throw a Halloween party. There was much rejoicing: I knew some fabulous celebrities would come, so I waited patiently: And there were! This thrilled Mari...
Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 11:59:00 PST

Now boarding nonstop flight to hell!

Oh wow. I usually fly nonstop, and now I know why. On the way home from Pittsburgh to Phoenix, went through a nasty storm over Kansas. Ok, a couple minutes late, no big deal. I had an hour and a coupl...
Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 08:17:00 PST


This seems like a fun trend. Let's try, shall we? I think I will keep adding to it as well. My dislikes: 1. ABBA!!! They drive me nuts!! 2. Paste. It's crusty. Glue is far more superior. 3. a small pe...
Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 04:01:00 PST


Not to be overly dramatic or sissy, but my parents moving to Oregon I think is finally starting to hit me. They are moving tentatively on the 8th. Even though I do not ask them for money, go over to t...
Posted by Rebecca, the chaste on Wed, 03 May 2006 01:08:00 PST