photography. being kinda irish. getting tattoos. piercings. good books. eating food. jumping in puddles! wearing clothes that don't match. ripped jeans. the stars. green tea. chai tea. any kinda hot tea. warm socks. fuzzy blankets! pink eyeliner.
your mom.
bah i like all kinds of musique.
boondock saints. chasing amy. american history x. blow. pirates of the carribean. lord of the rings trilogy. sixteen candles. breakfast at tiffanys. charade. my fair lady. roman holiday. momento. how to catch a jewel thief. to wong foo, thanks for everything. the breakfast club. snatch. rocky horror picture show. natural born killers. requeium for a dream. chocolat. love, honor, obey. layer cake. party animal. rosemary's baby. frida.
not much of it thank you.
1984. dracula. the chronicles of narnia. hounds of the morrigan (sp?). lord of the rings trilogy. the pearl. artemis fowl series. no cheesy love stories. the tempest. anything by truman capote. she's come undone. the bell jar. fahrenheit 451. the borgia bride. a great and terrible beauty. wicked. confessions of an ugly stepsister. mirror, mirror. bangcock 8. bangcock tattoo.
audrey hepburn. my aunt mel. frida kahlo. my momma. my sister.