Beth Shalom Messianic Congregation, Adonai Holydays, Gardening,Religion,Spirituality,Family,Dining,Cooking, Travel,Health/Fitness,Listening to Music,Movies
Hi,What I am really looking for: 1st Choice: I am looking for a self-absorbed damaged female. Must be immature and irresponsible. Extremely low sex drive a bonus! No skills background or success required. If you are looking for someone to make empty promises to and like to blame others for your failures write me now! Are you unable to make a commitment? Then I'm the man for you! I'm looking for an unavailable woman for a long painful and frustrating relationship. No time or energy required. I'll do all the work!!! Call or nightI'll be life is unimportant compared to your needs! If you don t quite fit that profile then my 2nd Choice is:I would like to meet an intelligent classy witty successful and attractive woman who is not interested in playing games. One who believes that kissing is an art. Oh she should also like to laugh - even at me.
Currently raising my 2 sons ages 14 & 12. Looking for someone who loves God,Family & children. I enjoy laughter & think of myself as easy going. Plants, gardening is a hobby that I have fun with.My match would hopefully have similar hobbies. As well a different ideas. I'm not looking for a clone but a helpmate...
Get your own Dreidel at ChaiSpace !
As good as it gets...This supports our overseas mission some of which are suppling over 40 churches in Mexico. We also work on solar projects with clinics, schools and churches.We provide crank flashlights for third world countries with no batteries. Water treatment and well water as well as recycle wastewater. Bibles as well as vacation Bible school material is greatly needed. Can you help?
Jewish Jewels, Zola Levitt,House, Law & Order, Football Go Saints
Beth Shalom
Beth Shalom established in 1998 as a Foundation designed to be a blessing to others. In keeping with our goals we currently work with The Bear Necessities. Together we bring supplies, food, clothes to over 40 churches for distribution in Mexico.
Another work that we are involved in brings solar lighting to third world places in church, schools, and clinics. We give away shake powered flashlights that require no battery. And help build and repair hand crank water wells where no power is present.
Here in the USA Beth Shalom supplies panchos, raingear to homeless shelters. This helps the homeless in the wind and rain helping them to stay healthy.
We will be going to Mexico in March 2 1-30, 2008 as well as August 1-10, 2008 for distribution. Will you help in any way that you can in the gathering or distribution of these projects. Any help will be greatly appreciated. May you be a blessing to others?
Shalom to your home,
William Stegall
Beth Shalom
1133 East Houston River Road
Sulphur, La. 70663337 377 6386
[email protected]
Bible,Complete Jewish Bible, Hot Rod Road, Ok Fine I like cars too....
Beth Shalom Foundation©
Last week of Messiah on earth Beth Shalom Foundation©
NISAN 9 Friday
Yeshua/ Jesus enters Bethany John 12: 1
NISAN 10/Friday Saturday
Yeshua/Jesus enters Jerusalem on donkey as Messiah King, John 12: 12-15 Zechariah 9:9
The Passover lamb, without blemish, is chosen. Exodus 12: 1-11
Yeshua/Jesus heals the blind and the lame. Matthew 21: 14
NISAN 11/Saturday Sunday
Yeshua/Jesus as High Priest clears the temple. Mark 11: 15-17
Yeshua/Jesus curses the fig tree. Mark 11: 12-14
YHVH ansewed Yeshua/Jesus from heaven about glorifying His name. John 12:28
Nisan 12/Sunday Monday
Yeshua/Jesus authority challenged by the scribes, elders, and chief priest Luke 30: 1-8
Was the baptism of John from heaven or from men ? Luke 20: 4
Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah prophet teaches in parables. Matthew 21: 55-44 Luke 13: 31=33
Yeshua/Jesus is without blemish before the Pharisees and Herodians. Matthew 22: 15-22 Luke 20: 26
Yeshua/Jesus is without blemish before the Sadducees. Luke 20: 27-40
Yeshua/Jesus is without blemish before the Scribes. Mark 12: 28-34
Yeshua/Jesus is without blemish before the Pharisees. Matthew 22:41-46
Yeshua/Jesus is without blemish before Herod’s wife. Matthew 27: 19
Yeshua/Jesus is without blemish before Pilate. John 19: 6
Yeshua/esus is without blemish before the coeturion. Luke 23: 47
Yeshua/Jesus is without blemish before Judas. Matthew 27: 3-4
Beth Shalom Foundation©
The widow’s mite. Mark12:41-44
The sign of His coming and the end of the age. Matthew 24: 1-25; 46
NISSAN 13/Monday Tuesday
Disciples prepare upper room for Passover Seder. Mark 14: 12-19
Passover is coming in two days. Mark 14: 1
Satan enters Judas Iscariot. Luke 22: 3
Haman issues orders to kill all Jews in the twelfth Hebrew month. Esther 3: 12
NISAN 14/Tuesday Wednesday
Passover Seder before preparation day. John 13: 1 John 19: 14-33
Yeshua/Jesus tried by Caiaphas Matthew 25: 57-66
Yeshua/Jesus is tried by Pilate. Luke 23: 1-5
Yeshua/Jesus is tried by Herod. Luke 23: 6-12
Yeshua/Jesus is crucified. Matthew 27: 35
Yeshua/Jesus gives up His sprit. Luke 23: 46
Yeshua/Jesus is buried on Passover preparation day. John 19: 14 John 19: 31-42
NISAN 15/Wednesday Thursday
Passover. Leviticus 23: 6
Yeshua/Jesus tomb is sealed. Matthew 27: 62
Food preparation only. Exodus 12: 16
Jacob and 11 sons go to live in Egypt. Exodus 12: 40-41
Feast of Unleavened bread Leviticus 23: 6
The Jews leave Egypt. Exodus 33: 3 Exodus 12: 17
Leaven removed from home. Exodus 12:15
Beth Shalom Foundation©
John the Baptist is born. Luke 1: 26
Elijah is expected. Matthew 11: 7-14
The women rested. Mark 16: 1
Special Sabbath Shabbaton. John 19: 31
Jews do Passover in Israel Joshua 5: 10
NISAN 16/Thursday Friday
Second day of Unleavened Bread. Embalming spices brought Mark 16: 1
Embalming spices and perfumes prepared. Luke 23: 56
Jews eat the produce of the promised land. Joshua 5:11
NISAN 17/Friday Saturday
Third day of Unleavened Bread Resurrection Sabbath Matthew 28: 1-6
The women rested. Luke 23: 56
No more Bread from Heaven Manna Joshua 5: 10-12
NISAN 18/Saturday Sunday
Fourth day of Unleavened Bread Embalming spices brought to an empty tomb Luke 24: 1-8
Relatives, friends, and disciples discover the empty tomb. John 20: 1
Yeshua/Jesus teaches disciples on Emmaus Road. Luke 24: 13
NISAN 19/Sunday Monday
Fifth day of Unleavened Bread
Yeshua/Jesus appears to the ten apostles. John 20: 19 Luke 24: 21-36
NISAN 20/Monday Tuesday
Sixth day of Unleavened Bread Deuteronomy 16: 8
NISAN 21/Tuesday Wednesday
Seventh day of Unleavened Bread Sabbath. Deuteronomy 16: 8
Beth Shalom Foundation©
Yeshua/Jesus For as Yonah was three days and three nights in the stomach of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth Matthew 12: 40 It is important to note for understanding that Hebrew days begin at sundown. It is also important to remember that Yeshua/Jesus is the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb, and a true fulfillment had to follow the days of Passover.
1. Yeshua/Jesus came and offered Himself as the Sacrificial Passover Lamb on Nisan 10 a Sabbath Saturday when He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. It was a Sabbath day’s journey from Bethany. He taught three days: Sunday. Monday and Tuesday, in the Temple.
2. He celebrated the Passover Seder on 14 Nisan Tuesday night with His12 disciples. It was here that He explained the meaning of His person in the Passover elements. Afterwards they all went out to Gethsemene, where they spent part of the night.
3. Yeshua/Jesus was arrested during the night and His trial continued until about 9 am the 3rd hour after 6:00 am. When He was put on the stake. At 3:00 pm the 9th hour on Wednesday He died Baruch HaShem Adonai
4. He was taken down from the execution stake before the beginning of the Great Sabbath that evening, which is 15 Nisan, the first day of Unleavened Bread.
5. He was in the grave the nighttime of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He was in the grave the daytime of Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Three full days and nights.
6. Therefore, He rose from the dead toward the arrival of the first day of the week, 18 Nisan, a Saturday evening Baruch HaShem Adonai. The women came on Sunday morning to find that Yeshua/Jesus had already risen.
7. The day of Yeshua/Jesus resurrection was also the celebration called Yom HaBikkurim or First Fruits Leviticus 23, which is always the first day of the week after the Passover.
Beth Shalom Foundation©
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