Sleeping in my bed, licking my bits, chasing cats, eating,shiting, bringing arms house to trees in the park(check my videos) destroying carpets, mauling teddy bears, chasing my own tail. I really like getting down and fuck up my house or for that anyone elses house. From eating carpets to shitting on your bed to breaking doors, fridge raiding or rubbish trashing i'm on it. I mean i'm top dog, there's no argument when i shit people pick it up, you cant get no more respect than that can you?????? SO When i get down i get down. grrrrr
Obviously i would love to meet the big dog himself TIM WESTWOOD if not Snoop Dogg will do or Scoobie doo, pluto, mutley and any other big dogs. Also i would love to fuck up that top cat or any of those thundercat pussies. I got the lock jaw ready.I would also like to meet other bitches that are on a level, you know, self satisfying arse sniffers. I also wouldnt mind running into the bastard that left me in the park which meant i ended up in battersea dogs home where i served 6 months, so dont talk to me about doing no time yeah?!!! luckily someone picked me up and here i am on myspace. grrrrrrrrrr arggggghhhhh
Anything from real gutter shit to some classical chill out. Theres a mood for everything in a dogs life.
A dog's day.
Jeremy kyle and that pet rescue shit but really anything daytime that shit sure passes the time. In the evenings i dont get to choose what i watch but i do like a bit of when animals go crazy..
Erotic novels, i was spayed and so aint never had the experience so i have to draw them from the books.
Lassie, benjie and that german sheperd in k9.