You may think you have seen everything, heard everything and yet... One visit to the off festival was enough to realize that outer worlds still exist. You had to see the smirking face of the fat american cats to realize the magnitude of the event. Coming from nowhere, a giant has blown all the candles. Between envy and admiration, the jazzmen on their last leg have all but collapsed. I bet you a thousand bucks that they are entering the hall of fame. I can see in advance the papers headlines trying to understand this new magic force: Where does it come from? What channels does it use for its giants steps? This will be left to the crony chronyists, History is on her way...Good-looking, wild beast charm, magnetic eyes, hellish feeling, improvisation from an outer world, tonight we had it all, Bruno Chaza is for us the biggest surprise of the show. Where does he come from? Where does he go? Who can play with such a musician without burning his wings? The jazz needed a rock star, it will be a french one. It swings!
A accompagné, travaillé ou enregistré avec entre autres : Nina Simone, Elton John, Brian Nova, Eurythmics, Diane Dufresne, Stu Goldberg, Les étoiles, ...etc..
Premier prix de conservatoire, meilleur soliste Jazz au tremplin d'Antibes
Auteur de méthodes aux éditions Welty, distribution Fnac
".... Si il y a un musicien qui fait l'unanimité c'est bien celui là ! Bruno Chaza c'est de la vitamine à l'inspiration, de la musicalité à tour de notes, c'est vraiment l'honneur de la profession, incontestablement à classer dans le peloton de têtes des faiseurs d'émotion, incontournable..... " Jazz Hot
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